Chapter 519

It can be seen that the fight was very honest, and there was no cheating or slipping.

Seeing this, the man known as the boss calmed down a bit.

He turned his head to look at the others, and said with a serious face: "I'm here to warn you again, this time the mission is different from before, it must be more dangerous and more cautious!"

"As long as it's done, we'll have delicious and spicy drinks in the future, and we can have whatever we want."

"If it can't be done, let alone you, even my life will be confessed here, understand?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Understood!"

Only then did the boss let the younger brother go, and went to another room inside to sit down and rest.

After someone came to help the beaten little brother down, the rest of the people immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

In fact, they didn't know the difference between today's mission and previous missions.

The only difference may be that it is too simple.

After all, they are professional kidnappers. What kind of things haven't they done before?

This time it's just a celebrity, as long as it can guarantee that the person will not die, the other party will not dare to say anything.

I don't know what happened to the boss today, so nervous?
Although everyone was puzzled, they didn't dare to say anything.

They had no choice but to go to their respective positions to guard according to his previous instructions.

And at this time, inside.

Black Snake looked through the window at the dark sky outside, and asked in a deep voice, "Is she still here?"

The confidant next to him said in a deep voice, "Not yet."

Black Snake frowned.

In fact, not to mention the group of younger brothers outside, even he was a little confused about this task.

It is true that the content of the task he received before was indeed to kidnap the popular traffic superstar Murong Chi.

The other party offered a price of one billion yuan, which was very generous even considering Murong Chi's net worth.

At first, he was worried that the other party would not be able to come up with so much money.

But the person who hired him said that even if Murong Chi couldn't afford that much money, they would make up the difference.

In short, they will not lose this business.

That's one billion!
With this money, why do they need to be kidnappers?

No matter what you do in the future, can't you do something else?
At that time, the gang of younger brothers under him will also have work to do, so why do they need to make money with their heads on their waistbands every day like now?

Because, Black Snake agreed without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, after they kidnapped Murong Chi, the other party raised another condition.

Ask them to call Yun Qinian and lead Yun Qinian over.

Of course Black Snake has heard of this name, she is a popular actress after all, and she heard that she had an affair with Murong Chi before.

He asked the other party why they called Yun Qinian over.

According to his experience, this is simply asking for death, and it is a very dangerous behavior!
After all, if a Murongchi is kidnapped, the other party may secretly give money to settle the matter.

But kidnapping two top stars one after another, there is no guarantee that the other party will not break the jar, fight to the death, and call the police.

At that time, they will really be short of people and money, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Most importantly, Black Snake still had a faint worry.

I heard that Yun Qinian's husband is a very powerful businessman.

The family is very rich and powerful, and they belong to people who would not dare to touch even if they are as vicious as they are.

If Yun Qinian was really kidnapped and that man took action against them, what would they do?
But all of this is not worth the temptation of one billion!
(End of this chapter)

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