After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 520 No body search allowed

Chapter 520 No body search allowed
What's more, the other party has already told him.

He only needs to be responsible for kidnapping people, and don't care about the rest, they will take care of it.

Listening to their tone, it seems like a little Gu Jingchen, they don't pay attention to it at all.

Black Snake could only comfort himself in his heart.

After walking on the road for so many years, he has long seen clearly that this world is like a bottomless sea.

The forces floating on the sea will always be the tip of the iceberg.

And what sinks under the sea is truly terrifying.

Perhaps in his opinion, the Gu family whose majesty can be violated is really insignificant in the eyes of those people.

As long as they can help him solve his future troubles, why doesn't he earn a full billion?
Thinking of this, Hei Snake's heart became a little more stable.

At this moment, the younger brother's voice suddenly sounded outside.

"Boss, she's here!"

Black Snake stood up from the chair immediately.

I saw that the little brother was holding a tablet computer in his hand. On the computer, it was the surveillance system installed at the door.

At this moment, a tall, slender, innocent-looking young woman was standing there on the monitor, raising her hand to knock on the door.

Black Snake's face immediately sank.

"Is there anyone else behind her?"

The younger brother replied: "I have checked, there is no one else, it is very clean, it should be a person."

Black Snake raised the corners of his lips coldly.

"You really dare to come to the door alone. It seems that this woman is quite courageous."

As he spoke, he threw the tablet to his confidant next to him.

"Open the door and let her in, and the rest of us will prepare the car. As soon as we get her, we will leave immediately."


The iron door slowly opened in front of Yun Qinian.

She looked at the two people who came out, and curled the corners of her lips coldly.

"I'm here, where's Murong Chi?"

The two of them glanced at her, and then at the back of her.

After making sure it was safe and no one was following her, he gave her a look.

"Stop talking nonsense! Come in with us!"

Yun Qinian did not resist.

Followed them into the warehouse, only to find that there were still many people inside.

One of them was sitting in the middle, obviously like their boss.

Seeing her coming in, the man gave her a dark look, and then winked with his confidant next to him.

The other party came over immediately, making a gesture to search Yun Qinian's body.

Yun Qinian narrowed her eyes and took a step back.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then smiled maliciously: "Why, are you still afraid that I will eat your tofu?"

The people next to him chimed in.

"Just you actresses, you hug this man or kiss that man every day. You already have a pair of jade arms and a thousand pillows. Are you still pretending to be arrogant with us here?"

"That's right, it's your luck that our Dadong brother will touch you, don't be shameless!"

Yun Qinian sneered.

Don't pester them with those foul language.

He only said in a low voice: "With so many of you, are you still afraid that something will be hidden in me, a woman?"

The opponent visibly choked.

But this time, the Shang family explained that we should take it seriously and not be sloppy.

So they dare not be careless.

So he said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense! Who knows if you have a locator or something on you? If you refuse to let us search, you will never get out of here alive today."

As he spoke, he touched his lower back with one hand, as if he was about to draw his gun.

The purpose of Yun Qinian's visit today was not to fight.

Therefore, she didn't bother to dwell on this topic anymore, and said directly: "No need to search, I will take it off myself."

Saying that, he took off his coat.

(End of this chapter)

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