Chapter 521
Everyone was stunned.

She didn't seem to expect that she would be so straightforward.

Because it is summer now, everyone's clothes are very thin.

Yun Qinian even wore tight suspenders and shorts, with a thin sun protection jacket outside.

So once you take it off, you basically can't hide anything.

Hei Snake looked at her coldly, and his impression of this delicate female star changed a lot.

Yun Qinian asked, "Is it okay now?"

Black Snake didn't say anything, but waved his confidant to retreat.

Then he smiled sinisterly and said: "I didn't expect you to be so courageous, you actually dare to come alone, aren't you afraid that we will attack you?"

Yun Qinian curled the corner of her lower lip.

"You've already given me the gauntlet, can I not come? Even for Murong Chi, I have to take this risk, right?"

Black Snake laughed out loud.

"Happy! Now that you've said that, I'm not going to be polite, brothers, tie her up for me!"


As he said that, the people around him were about to step forward.

Yun Qinian took a step back and took out a lighter.

"Don't move! If you don't want to die, just stand where you are."

Everyone was stunned.

He looked at her puzzled.

Black Snake's eyebrows and eyes were gloomy, "Why, it's already at this time, you still want to resist? Don't you understand the reason why sheep go into the mouth of tigers?"

Yun Qinian coldly pulled the corner of her lower lip.

"Who is the sheep and who is the tiger is still a certainty. It may not be too early for you to assert."

"Hmph!" Black Snake disdainfully said, "You think you can threaten us with a lighter?"

Yun Qinian said: "Didn't you smell something strange in the air?"

After her reminder, everyone reacted.

Indeed, there was something odd in the air.

It seems that there is...

Black Snake's expression suddenly changed.

"It's gasoline! You poured gasoline outside!"

Yun Qinian raised the corners of her lips.

"That's right, I've poured gasoline around this warehouse in advance. As long as I light the fire now, it will burn up here immediately. By then, we will die together, and no one will be able to reap the benefits."

Black Snake laughed loudly.

"Where is the ghost? The gasoline you poured outside the house is here to threaten me? Can you stretch your hand that long?"

However, Yun Qinian was not flustered.

It's still that calm and composed look.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"


"Of course I know that the lighter in my hand can't ignite gasoline, so I have already made an automatic device outside in advance. The lighter in my hand is just a detonator."

"As long as I press this switch, the small bomb outside will explode, and sparks will spread to the gasoline at that time. I don't need to think about it, you should be able to think about the consequences, right?"

After she said this, Black Snake realized the seriousness of the matter.

His face immediately sank.

He winked at the younger brother next to him.

The younger brother immediately wanted to go out to check, but was stopped by Yun Qinian.

"From now on, if any of you dare to walk out of this room, I will press the switch. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Black Snake said angrily: "You don't want to die?"

Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

"I have already appeared here, do you think I would come today if I was afraid of death?"


Yun Qinian said again: "Anyway, if I fall into your hands, I probably won't be able to escape a death sentence. Why don't you help me to cushion my back, and then I won't be lonely on the road to Huangquan, don't you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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