After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 525 What do you want to do?

Chapter 525 What do you want to do?

Soon, she made a decision.

I saw that she did not choose to escape, but bent down and got into the car with the open door.

This time, the dog eyes of Hei Snake and his party were once again stunned.

My God, is this woman so courageous?

How dare you go with these people before you figured things out?
Does she know who these people are?
You know, they kill and set fire, rob houses and do all sorts of evil.

Compared with them, a person like myself is like a little witch, not enough to look at at all.

How dare she go with them?

However, thinking of the attitude of these people towards Yun Qinian just now.

Black Snake relaxed his heart again.

He was also worrying blindly, this woman was with them in the first place, why should he worry?
Therefore, Yun Qinian left with these people in such a grandiose manner.

The car drove away slowly, and Black Snake watched them take people away, feeling a complicated feeling in his heart.

However, there was another car that did not go, but stopped in place.

The car door opened, and two men in black suits stepped out.

They saw a laptop in their hands, walked up to Black Snake, turned on the computer, and entered a string of passwords on it.

Soon, Black Snake's cell phone rang.

He answered the phone, and when he heard what the person on the other side was saying, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What did you say? Has it arrived?"

"There are really one billion?"

When the younger brothers around him heard his words, they were immediately excited.

All surrounded them one by one.

After a long while, I saw Black Snake hang up the phone.

He looked at the two bodyguards in shock and admiration.

"You have received the money. If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

After the two bodyguards finished speaking, they put away the computer, turned and left.

Black Snake didn't stop them, and didn't say much.

The surprise of one billion has completely knocked him out.

Although this price was negotiated between him and the other party early on.

But imagining it is one thing, actually getting it is another.

He never thought that he could really have so much money.

So that he might never see in his life.

After a huge surprise, he woke up.

Turning to look at his little brothers, he said happily: "We have made a fortune!"

Yes, get rich!

In the future, I will never have to live the life of licking blood with a knife and being frightened.

They can finally do what they want too.

The younger brothers were also very happy, and one of the most courageous ones rushed forward and hugged him.

Soon, there will be a second one.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth...

In the end, everyone hugged together, and the joy was beyond words.

This side is happy, but at this time, the other side.

Yun Qinian was sitting in the car, looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the car window, her heart sank faintly.

In fact, she didn't know what happened.

It's just that when I saw those black-clothed bodyguards just now, I suddenly remembered something.

She noticed that all those people had a tattoo on their arms.

And this tattoo, she has seen it before.

That is on Feilong.

She quickly thought that these people should be members of the Hunter Association.

However, what did the Hunter Association want her for?
If you don't know that she is Seven, then you don't need to look for her. If you know that she is Seven, and force her to come out in this way, you don't hesitate to kidnap Murong Chi...

What are they trying to do?
(End of this chapter)

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