Chapter 526
Before she could come up with an answer, the car stopped in front of a building.

Yun Qinian raised her head and looked at the iron gray building in front of her.

I saw that it was a building with obvious military style, and the whole gave people a cold feeling, and it looked very majestic.

The old man got out of the car first, so someone came to open the door for her.

Yun Qinian turned her head to look at him, and saw him smile and said, "Young Master, get out of the car."

She lowered her eyes slightly.

After thinking about it, I didn't refuse.

After getting out of the car, they walked in with them.

Along the way, she never asked a word.

To be honest, everyone was a little surprised.

After all, with such a sudden incident, everyone thought that she would be very surprised and shocked.

This should be in line with the normal reaction of an ordinary person.

But she didn't respond at all, she was as calm as returning to her own home, eating and drinking tea.

The old man couldn't bear it any longer. While leading her inside, he asked in a low voice, "Is there nothing you want to ask, Young Master?"

Yun Qinian slightly curved her lips.

Of course she was curious.

Also shocked.

But she knew that at this time, she couldn't panic.

You can't easily express your inner thoughts.

Otherwise, it is easy to be calculated by others.

Therefore, she just said quietly: "What do you think I should ask?"

She thought to herself, since these people call her young master, it means that they should still compliment her.

As long as you don't tear your face easily, everything will be fine.

As expected, the old man choked, and then smiled awkwardly.

"The young master is really courageous. Just this characterization alone makes the old man feel ashamed."

Yun Qinian did not speak.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced to the side calmly.

It is very easy to remember the structure of the building and the various exits here.

The old man continued to say: "To be honest, the reason why we invited you back in this way is that we have nowhere to go. Now the organization is in a state of turmoil, and we are just waiting for you to come back to preside over the overall situation."

"Before the old president passed away, he told us to find you as soon as possible and let you come back to inherit the position of president."

"It was our incompetence. It took us so long to find you. Fortunately, you are finally back now, and the spirit of the elders can rest in peace."

Yun Qinian frowned lightly and stopped.

She turned to look at the old man and asked, "Who is the old president?"

The old man was taken aback, obviously surprised that she didn't even know this.

Immediately, the expression became a little complicated.

Who would have thought that the position of president that the eldest young master had been longing for all this time fell to someone else. Not only did they not know about it, they even didn't remember who the old president was.

He stroked his forehead and sighed.

"Young master, the old president is said to be your master. He taught you kung fu before. Have you forgotten?"

Yun Qinian was stunned again.

In her memory, there were no less than [-] masters who taught her since childhood.

Anyway, there are all kinds of things. In the words of my grandfather, if you listen to it, you will understand. It is always right to learn everything.

So, when the old man said this, she really didn't realize who he was talking about.

Seeing her bewildered look, the old man knew she hadn't remembered.

In desperation, I had to continue to remind.

"His surname is Xu."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Well, she remembered!

(End of this chapter)

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