Chapter 527
She did have a master named Xu.

But that was the master who taught her Kung Fu when she was very young.

If she remembered correctly, it should have been when she was around ten years old.

One year, her grandfather took her back to the countryside as usual, where she met a strange old man who looked fierce.

Grandpa said that this is her new master, surnamed Xu, and he will teach her kung fu here this summer vacation.

Yun Qinian didn't think much about it at the time, except that he had a strange temper and a fierce appearance, he had no other feelings at all.

Later, she was caught and beaten by Master Xu because she was lazy and refused to practice.

That's really cruel, the cowhide is wrapped with steel wire, and when the whip goes down, the skin is ripped apart.

With two whips down, her life was almost gone.

That night, she cried and told her grandfather that she didn't want Master Xu to teach her anymore, she hated Master Xu.

Grandpa was also very distressed, but he just gave her the medicine silently, without saying a word.

But the next day, sure enough, she never saw Master Xu again.

She thought she had solved the great hatred in her heart, so she was very happy.

Since then, the master my grandfather found for her has become much gentler.

In Yun Qinian's memory, there was no other deep impression on this incident except for the beating that went deep into the bone.

Therefore, hearing them talk about Master Xu again now seems like a century has passed.

For a long time, she almost felt that her memory was a little fuzzy, and she was not sure if this person really existed.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the old man wisely stopped talking about it.

The two walked in together.

After entering, I saw a hall inside.

At this time, there were already many people in the hall, and one of them was wearing a silver mask and was sitting on the far left.

Yun Qinian knew that she was the Elder Fa she met when she first went to trouble Suzaku and the two old men.

So, this is really the Hunter's Association, right?

It seemed that her guess was correct. When she saw those people with the same tattoos as the flying dragons, she guessed that they might be members of the Hunter Association.

It now appears that her judgment was correct.

I really didn't expect that Master Xu was also a member of the Hunter Association.

But, why did Grandpa find someone from the Hunter Association to be her master?
Isn't it weird?

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian followed the old man to the center of the hall.

When they came in, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked straight at her.

Seeing her walking to the main seat and sitting there under the gesture of the old man, murmurs of discussion immediately erupted from the crowd.

"My God, why is she sitting in that position?"

"That's the seat that only the president can sit in. What does the Great Elder mean?"

"Earlier, the Great Elder said that he would bring the young master back. Could it be that she is the young master in the legend?"

"No way, she looks like a spoiled little girl, how could she take on the position of president?"

"Forget it, let's not make random guesses, it must be based on the orders of the Great Elder."

In addition to these miscellaneous discussions, at this time, there was another fiery gaze on Yun Qinian.

Feilong was sitting in a corner on the far right.

Looking at Yun Qinian sitting there, he knew that the day he had been waiting for for a long time had finally arrived.

Yun Qinian is finally back, there is hope for his promotion and salary increase!
(End of this chapter)

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