After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 528 She Doesn't Accept

Chapter 528 She Doesn't Accept
Master should still remember him, right?
You haven't forgotten his apprentice named Feilong, have you?

Feilong really wanted to go up and say hello to Yun Qinian.

But meeting Murong Chi's cold and stern gaze, he still put this thought back tactfully.

He silently told himself that he could wait.

After waiting for so long, is it still a while away?
Big deal... Big deal, he will go to his master again when there is no one around.

Thinking of this, Feilong barely stabilized himself.

And here.

After Yun Qinian sat down, the old man raised his hand to make everyone quiet.

His prestige is still very high here, so when he raised his hand like this, everyone stopped talking.

In the huge hall, fell into silence.

Only then did the old man clear his throat, and said seriously: "Everyone, be quiet, now I want to announce something very important."

Everyone looked at him with curious eyes.

Then I heard the old man say: "Before the old president passed away, because we have not found a new suitable candidate, the position of president has always been vacant."

"But the old president has left a last word before his death, and the position of president will be inherited by his apprentice."

"Now, we have finally brought back his apprentice, who is Miss Yun Qi Nianyun who is sitting in this position at the moment. Next, please greet the president."

After finishing speaking, Dang Jian half-knelt down, put one hand on his chest, and said sincerely: "Meet the president."

Yun Qinian was stunned for a while.

It never occurred to me that the reason for calling myself back was to become the president.

However, the old man was the only one who knelt down, and the rest didn't move at all.

Feilong wanted to kneel, but no one else knelt. He knelt alone, which seemed awkward no matter how you looked at it.

Therefore, he nervously looked at Yun Qinian, hoping that she could come up with a countermeasure to subdue this group of people.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian frowned and gave the old man a displeased look.

Then he asked curiously: "What president? Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

The old man was taken aback.

Only then did I remember that I hadn't explained this to her.

So he quickly stood up and said with an embarrassed smile: "It's like this, the old president left a last word before he died, and the position of president will be inherited by you. This time we welcome you back to preside over the overall situation."

Yun Qinian finally understood what was going on.

She nodded, a little amused.

It's just that the smile only hangs on the corner of the mouth, and it doesn't enter the eyes at all.

She only heard her cold voice: "You let me be the president, so I have to be the president?"

The old man was taken aback.

Not sure what she meant.

Then she stood up suddenly, and announced loudly, "For the position of president, you should choose whoever you like, I'm not interested."

Everyone was stunned.

Can't believe it.

No one thought that she would choose to do this.

Does she even know what she's doing?
That was the chairman of the Hunter Association. She thought it was rotten cabbage from the vegetable market.

Moreover, does she know what the position of president represents?
That's countless money, rights and wealth, who wouldn't be tempted.

She doesn't want it?
Obviously, the old man was also confused.

He asked suspiciously: "Master, what do you mean? Are you dissatisfied with our behavior today? Or is there something you don't understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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