Chapter 531 Unexplainable
This Elder Fa is one of those who must not sin.

God knows where he came from, somehow he came to his father's side and became his most loyal confidant.

If he had known that there would be such a day in the future, he should have taken action to relieve this trouble.

It also saves him from messing around here now and spoiling his good deeds.

Thinking of this, Jason's eyes showed a murderous intent.

However, someone stopped him faster than him, and this person was the elder who brought Yun Qinian back.

The Great Elder came over and said to him, "Young Master, what do you want to do?"

That tone did not conceal his dissatisfaction and majesty.

It's like teaching a junior.

Jason froze, even though he was furious, but in front of so many people, he didn't dare to contradict them openly.

Therefore, in the end, it was suppressed.

Looking at this scene, Yun Qinian couldn't help shaking her head inwardly.

Before, she thought how powerful this prince of the Hunter Association was.

Now it seems that it is just a superficial appearance, but it is actually hollow.

The rights of the Hunter Association were not in his hands at all, which also led to the fact that when the old president passed away, he could only be manipulated like an outsider without any rights.

Yun Qinian secretly despised her in her heart.

He didn't speak in a hurry, but looked at the elder Fa with a questioning look.

I saw him stepping towards him.

The walking figure, I don't know if it is her illusion, I always feel that I have seen it somewhere before.

It seems to be very familiar.

But she rummaged through her memory and couldn't remember where she had seen him.

So she had to comfort herself, maybe it was the last time she met in the flame hall, she remembered the other person's walking posture.

Therefore, Yun Qinian didn't think much about it.

Elder Fa walked up to her, and he looked deeply at the woman in front of him, as if he wanted to see into her heart through her eyes.

For the first time, Yun Qinian felt an urge to back down.

It's not because of any coercion on the opponent, nor is it because the opponent is too powerful.

After all, it is more lethal than eyes. In this world, who else can be more powerful than Gu Jingchen?
She can even carry Gu Jingchen down, let alone others.

She just... suddenly felt familiar, and a little guilty.

As for why she felt guilty, she couldn't say.

It was as if I had looked into these affectionate eyes countless times before, and I was used to the emotion.

In order to conceal her inner thoughts, Yun Qinian coughed and took the initiative to break the silence.

"What do you want to say?"

Elder Fa looked at her.

Under the mask, a thin lip was slightly pursed, and after a few seconds, he said softly: "You don't want to be the president?"

Yun Qinian nodded.


In his opinion, although the president of the Hunter Association is not top-notch, he is considered a good one.

He hopes to dedicate all the good things in this world to her and let her have them.

But why didn't she?
Yun Qinian didn't know what he meant, so she could only twitch the corners of her mouth with a half-smile.

"As I said just now, it doesn't belong to me if you don't have any merit. It's not like Master Xu doesn't have a son. Why didn't he pass this position on to me? It can be seen that this is nothing in the first place. nice one."

Elder Fa hesitated.

It felt like being punched in the chest.

(End of this chapter)

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