Chapter 532 No Rights
She said... Isn't this a good thing?
God knows how many people want this position.

No one knew at all how much effort and effort he had put in to help her get this position.

But in the end, she didn't appreciate it?
Elder Fa sighed secretly in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, even if you don't want this position, what about your lost records? You don't want to get them back either?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

Elder Fa's voice was still flat and emotionless.

As if he was negotiating a business, he said in a calm tone: "You stay as the president, and I will naturally help you find those memories you lost."

This time, Yun Qinian was completely alert.

She took a step back, looked at the other party vigilantly, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

Elder Fa smiled slightly.

"Didn't you meet me before? I am the Elder Fa of the Hunter Association."

"No! You are not him!"

Yun Qinian didn't know what he was talking about anymore, and said incoherently: "You are not just him, what do you look like under your mask? Take off the mask."

Before, she had always thought that the reason why she felt familiar when she saw this Elder Fa was because at that time, the two met in the Flame Hall.

But just now he said that he could help her get her memory back.

She suddenly realized something was wrong.

Not to mention that it has been so long since what happened in Raging Flame Hall, that memory has long since faded in her mind.

It was absolutely impossible for her to remember him so deeply and clearly just because of the meeting at that time.

That's why she felt that there was something wrong with this person.

She really wanted to know what he looked like under the mask.

However, I heard the other party say: "Sorry, you don't have the right to unmask me yet."

Yun Qinian suddenly became angry.

No matter where it is, just get started.

"If I say uncover it, I will uncover it. There are no rights."

She thought that with such a quick move, she would be able to take off the mask.

Unexpectedly, the other party's reaction was faster than hers.

As early as when she just stretched out her hand and hadn't touched the other person's face.

Elder Fa had already bent down and hid her hand.

After standing still, he smiled slightly.

"I said, you don't have the right to take off the mask on my face yet."

Yun Qinian was even more angry.

"I don't have the right, who has the right? Stop talking nonsense, what kind of hero is hiding in hiding, uncover it!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to remove the mask on his face.

The other party naturally refused to do it, so the two actually fought back and forth like this.

Of course, during this process, Yun Qinian has been attacking and Elder Fa has been defending.

But even so, it still stunned the rest of the people.

How long has it been?
It's been a long time since Elder Fa made a move.

He should be considered relatively young in the organization, but he has always been very mysterious.

No one knew where he came from, no one knew what his purpose was here, and no one knew what he really looked like.

The only one who knows is the old president.

But the old president has passed away, and there is still a confession in his last words that he has full power to handle all matters.

Therefore, in addition to a certain degree of dependence on him, everyone still has a certain degree of admiration and fear for him.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the old president to pass away for so long, and the crown prince Jason would not dare to rebel.

(End of this chapter)

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