Chapter 533

Moreover, it is rumored that his skills are very superb.

Even the world's number one killer has nothing to do with him.

But this is just a rumor. The last time Elder Fa took action was six years ago.

And he didn't make a move for so long, but today he made a move for a little girl named Yun Qinian, which shows the importance of this matter in his mind.

Everyone held their breath and watched quietly as the two fought.

No one dared to speak, and no one dared to step forward to help.

Until the end, Elder Fa grabbed Yun Qinian's wrist and locked him backward.

With a smile in his tone, he asked, "How about it, are you convinced?"

Yun Qinian said angrily, "Not convinced."

"Okay, then come again."

Said, really let her go, the two fought again.

Just going back and forth like this, the two fought for nearly half an hour.

This physical strength, for an ordinary person, would have already passed out from exhaustion.

But the two of them were just panting heavily, and Elder Fa didn't even pant heavily, but there was a little sweat on his forehead.

This time, he still had the upper hand.

He looked at Yun Qinian with a smile, and asked, "How about it, are you still coming?"

Yun Qinian is not stupid.

She could clearly see that she was no match for this man, but she just found it strange.

When she saw him in the Raging Flame Hall before, it seemed that he was not so powerful. How could his skills have improved by leaps and bounds and become so powerful in just over a year.

Even she is no match for this man.

Yun Qinian has always been a person who can afford to let things go, and she doesn't have any great integrity.

Therefore, if you find that you can't fight, you simply don't fight.

Save time wasting.

She stopped, looked at the man seriously for the first time, and asked, "What do you mean by what you said before?"

Elder Fa looked at her, a complex look flashed in his deep eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "As long as you agree to stay, I will tell you."

However, at this time, Jason next to him was already very impatient.

Of course he knew what Elder Fa was going to say to her. In fact, he was also involved in that matter.

Therefore, he changed his face immediately.

"Elder Fa, you are an elder of the Hunter Association, you should think twice before doing things."

"Some words are not what you can say, and some things are not what you can do, are you right?"

While speaking, he looked at him faintly, full of warning.

However, Elder Fa did not respond.

She didn't even give him a look.

He just looked at Yun Qinian fixedly, motionless, as if waiting for her answer.

Yun Qinian is also a little clever ghost.

She glanced at Elder Fa and then at Jason, and she probably understood something in her heart.

After thinking about it, there was no rush to refuse.

Instead, he should ask first: "How about this, I heard that you have also arrested my friend Murong Chi, why don't you release him first, as long as you release him, I will agree to your conditions, how about it?"

In her opinion, she doesn't pay much attention to a mere hunter association.

So what if he became the president?
Could it be that this mere false title can trap her?

The first thing she should do now is to ensure Murong Chi's safety first.

However, I don't know if it was her illusion.

Just when she said these words, she seemed to see the man in front of her, and suddenly there was a wave in those calm eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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