After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 534 promise conditions

Chapter 534 promise conditions
Yun Qinian was slightly taken aback.

Then, the man in front of him suddenly smiled.

Because the mask only covered most of his face, his lips were still exposed.

Therefore, when she smiled, she could see the slight curve of her lips.

That familiar feeling suddenly became stronger and stronger.

Soon, the other party spoke.

The voice was low and deep, with a little hoarseness, and seemed to be smiling.

"You care so much about your friend?"

Yun Qinian looked at him suspiciously.

Don't understand why he asked that.

But she only hesitated for a moment, and then answered honestly, "Don't you all say that we are friends? Since we are friends, what do I care about him?"

Elder Fa froze slightly.

But soon, he returned to his calm and calm look.

He smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem. We can return your friend to you, but there are conditions."

Yun Qinian frowned.

Even this has to be conditional. Is this person mentally ill?
She was a little impatient and asked, "What conditions?"

Elder Fa smiled lightly and said, "Ditto."

Yun Qinian: "???"

Seeing her puzzled expression, Fei Long, who had been hiding in the crowd, couldn't bear it anymore, jumped out and said, "Okay, Master, why are you hesitating?"

"What he meant was the condition just proposed, let you be the president of our Hunter Association!"

"This position is stared at by many people. Everyone wants it. Now it is offered to you for free. Don't be foolish and refuse."

The moment Yun Qinian saw Feilong, her complexion was already not very good.

This brat didn't jump out sooner or later, but he jumped out at this time.

Did he want to be beaten?

Feilong hadn't realized Yun Qinian's displeasure.

Still trying to persuade.

"Master, I'm serious. You can really think about it. Our Hunter Association is pretty good. Not to mention anything else, at least the food is better than others, so you..."

"To shut up!"

Yun Qinian finally couldn't take it anymore and interrupted him.

She blushed slightly, and gave Feilong a hard look.

"You will die if you don't say a word? Besides, I'll pull out your tongue!"

Feilong: "..."

I had no choice but to poke my mouth aggrieved, and said, "Okay, I just don't say anything."

Yun Qinian looked up at Elder Fa.

I saw that the man still looked calm and relaxed, looking at her in the same way as before.

To be honest, she didn't know why Master Xu passed on this position to her.

She and Master Xu didn't get along very well in the two months of friendship.

She didn't think that the relationship between them was good enough for her to inherit such an important thing.


She turned to look at Jason.

Doesn't he have a son?
He had a son himself, and passed on the chairmanship to an outsider.

What the hell is he thinking?
But no matter what the reason is, since the other party dared to pass this position to her, she has the ability to accept it.

What's more, it's just a small hunter association, she doesn't pay attention to it.

The most important thing right now is to know where Murong Chi is.

Thinking of this, she said in a deep voice: "Okay, since you insist on me taking this seat, then I will do my part."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the seat on the high platform.

Jason's eyes tightened, and he wanted to rush up to say something, but was stopped by Elder Fa.

Elder Fa looked at him calmly, and said in a deep voice, "What does the young master want to do? Is this going against the old president's will?"

(End of this chapter)

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