Chapter 542 Returning to the Ye Family
Yun Qinian was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she quickly lowered the car window.

"Uh, no, I'm just passing by..."

Because of the upset in her heart, she was a little at a loss for a while.

It's like a child who did something wrong and was caught by his parents.

Who is Ober?

That is a person who has been with the old man for decades, has done many things for him, and has cultivated into a fine person.

As soon as he saw Yun Qinian's appearance, he realized that something was wrong with her situation compared to before.

After all, the former Yun Qinian was sunny, when did he not smile when he saw him as Ober?
But today was unexpectedly abnormal.

Even though she tried her best to hide the depression in her eyes, she still couldn't hide it.

Ober couldn't help but asked with concern: "Miss, what happened to you?"

Yun Qinian froze for a moment.

She pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Naturally, he couldn't tell Ober about his unknown things.

However, in the face of Auber's concern, she was a little moved.

Yun Qinian was silent for a while, but finally smiled lightly.

She looked up at Auber, and said softly, "I'm fine, Auber, is grandpa at home now?"

Auber nodded repeatedly.

"I'm here, I'm just waiting for you to come back, I've been seeing you not coming back, and I've been thinking about you these days."

As he spoke, he stepped forward very naturally and opened the car door for her.

Yun Qinian didn't refuse either.

She got out of the car naturally, and after the door closed, she walked in with Auber.

Auber walked in front, and while walking inside, he said with a smile: "Miss, you don't know, some time ago, the old man got a good thing, and I'm waiting for you to come over, and give it to you."

"So even if you don't come today, the old man plans to call you and ask you to come over."

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised.

"What good stuff? It's worthy of grandpa's fanfare."

Auber glanced at her mysteriously and shook his head.

"I can't say it now. You will know it when you see the old man later."

While talking, the two walked into the villa area.

This is a large manor, and the two walked along the road for several minutes before reaching the real residence.

When the door opened, Yun Qinian was the first to shout, "Grandpa, I'm back."

It was the old man's laughing voice that greeted her.

"Did Niannian come back? Come here quickly and let Grandpa take a good look."

Yun Qinian walked over and sat down beside the old man.

"Grandpa, what are you looking at?"

I saw a box on the tea table in front of me.

Inside the box lay a piece of jade pendant.

When Yun Qinian saw the jade pendant, she couldn't help being stunned.

this is not……

When Mr. Ye saw her asking about this, he smiled and said, "I bought this from the antique market a few days ago. It's a good thing. I heard it has the effect of protecting the body. I'm not thinking about it. You've been outside If you are running around, I will put it on for you, no matter what, it would be nice to have some psychological comfort."

Yun Qinian was even more stunned.

From the antique market?

She couldn't help but took out the one in her pocket and compared it with this one.

No better than not knowing, one is scared.

These two pieces are exactly the same.

In addition to the above two words.

I saw that the piece in her own hand was engraved with the words "treasure", but at this time, the piece in Mr. Ye's hand was engraved with solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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