After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 543 2 piece of jade pendant

Chapter 543 Two Jade Pendants
Mr. Ye also saw the piece of jade in her hand.

Suddenly a little surprised.

"You... how can you have..."

Yun Qinian turned her head and glanced at him.

That means, it goes without saying.

Yes, she also has a jade pendant in her hand, which is exactly the same as the one bought by Mr. Ye from the antique market, except for the two words on it.

Moreover, this piece of hers was entrusted to her by the Hunter Association like a family heirloom.

Said that it was the old president, who specially left it for her.

Such things can be easily found in the market?

Yun Qinian is a little suspicious of life now.

The old man was no less surprised than she was.

He held two jade pendants, compared them, and asked, "Where did you get this one?"

Of course Yun Qinian would not tell him that he is now the president of the Hunter Association.

She was worried that the old man would be frightened.

So I can only say a reason casually.

"I also found it in the antique market."

Mr. Ye looked at her with a green light in his eyes, and then he said with a smile: "Well, that means that these two jade pendants are related."

Before Yun Qinian could say anything, he continued to talk to himself: "Since these two jade pendants are the same, and we just bought them together, maybe they are a pair."

"Since that's the case, let's not let them separate, Nian Nian, you should hold this pair of jade pendants carefully, they are spiritual."

Yun Qinian took the jade pendant from him.

After thinking about it, this matter is indeed a bit strange.

It is obviously something belonging to the old president of the Hunter Association, how could it be left outside?
Among them, there may be some ulterior reasons.

That being the case, it is not too late for her to go back and ask the people over there with this jade pendant.

Therefore, she did not refuse.

After taking the jade pendant, she stayed at Mr. Ye's place for lunch.

She didn't leave until the afternoon, after Mr. Ye had taken a nap.

After such a period of rest in the middle, chatting with the old man, at this moment, her mood has eased.

The previous anxiety and insanity were swept away, in exchange for peace and tranquility.

After thinking about it, she finally called Gu Jingchen.

Since this matter, only Gu Jingchen knows the truth.

Then let's face reality.

The phone was quickly connected.

The man's deep and magnetic voice came through the phone.

"Hey, read it."

"Where are you?"

Yun Qinian didn't talk nonsense, she just got straight to the point.

There was a moment of silence on the other side.

He didn't ask anything, but replied directly: "In the company."

"I'll come over now."

After she finished speaking, she slapped and hung up the phone.

Then, he drove straight to Gu Jingchen's company.

At this time, in the president's office of Gu's Group.

Gu Jingchen looked at the hung up phone, his eyes dimmed slightly.

Yu Chuan knocked on the door and came in. Seeing him sitting there, looking like he was wandering, he couldn't help coughing.

"President, it's time for the meeting, are you going now?"

Only then did Gu Jingchen come back to his senses.

This afternoon, it was the general meeting of shareholders, and everyone came here.

But at this time, he obviously couldn't leave.

So, he said in a deep voice, "Let them disband. The meeting will be postponed until next week."


Yu Chuan was very surprised and couldn't help asking: "Why? Many shareholders..."

"No why."

(End of this chapter)

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