Chapter 546 Why Die
At that time, she was happy.

After all, as long as you don't go to the countryside, you don't need to be separated from Gu Jingchen.

That way, the two can continue to spend time together every day.

In this way, the two of them lived in this manor that year.

Later, as it should be, Yun Qinian became pregnant.

The Ye family took a tacit attitude towards this matter.

Because even if you object, things have already happened, and it's too late.

She gave birth to a child as she should and was ready to get married.

But at this moment, Gu Jingchen suddenly wanted to leave because of something urgent.

Yun Qinian didn't say anything, and let him go about his own business first.

It's not because of how generous she is, but because at that time, she also had her own affairs to attend to.

But she never thought that something would really happen after doing this.

After going abroad, everything developed according to the way she had dreamed before. She met Gu Jingchen and planned to visit him quietly to surprise him.

In the end, he was captured by hostile elements and used as a bargaining chip to threaten Gu Jingchen.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the following things, she knows it all.

There was a misunderstanding between the two and they broke up on the spot.

After listening to him, Yun Qinian frowned.

Very keenly felt that something was wrong.

"What about Miaomiao?" She asked anxiously: "At the beginning when Zhou Ye came to me, he said that there was a little girl named Miaomiao following me, and then she died, how did she die?"

Gu Jingchen looked at her quietly.

The calmness in those eyes made even Yun Qinian feel a little weird.

She couldn't help touching her face, and after making sure there was nothing strange on her face, she asked, "Why are you staring at me like this?"

Gu Jingchen said: "You really can't remember at all?"

Yun Qinian shook her head.

She just remembered the misunderstanding with Gu Jingchen, but didn't remember the rest.

And even that paragraph is actually intermittent and incomplete.

Gu Jingchen sighed lowly.

"Well, I don't know the details, but the girl did die that night. No one knows who the murderer is, and you are the last person she can find out that she saw before she was alive."

Yun Qinian opened her eyes wide in shock.



Gu Jingchen thought for a while, then pondered: "Actually, when you came to me, after that incident happened between us, I sent someone to investigate the reason why you went to country F, and at the same time, I also found out the girl named Miaomiao."

"She should be your opponent. After being defeated by you, she refused to accept and followed you. I don't know what happened between you at that time, but I checked the bullet marks on her body and the time of death. It should have nothing to do with you."

Yun Qinian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A memory that was inexplicably blank was enough to give her a headache.

If she takes another life on her back, she really doesn't have to live.

Therefore, she was certainly happy to learn that the other party's death had nothing to do with her.

Yun Qinian thought for a while, and said: "But Zhou Ye has been investigating this matter. It stands to reason that he is quite capable. After so many years of investigation, he should have achieved results. Why is there still no result?"

Gu Jingchen shook his head.

"I am not sure."

Yun Qinian was silent.

After a while, her cell phone rang.

Picking it up, it was Ran Yue who called her.

She glanced at Gu Jingchen, seeing that the other party had no intention of avoiding him, she had no choice but to connect.

(End of this chapter)

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