Chapter 547
As soon as the phone was connected, Ran Yue's voice came from the other party.

"Nian Nian, where are you now? Is it convenient to watch a variety show invitation?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What variety show?"

"It's a travel variety show. Didn't you tell me that you were too tired from filming during this period and wanted to take some time to travel abroad? Hehehe, I see that they happen to have a variety show of this kind recently, so just pass it on." I picked it up for you, but I haven't given them permission yet, you can take a look first, if you don't like it, you can push it."

Yun Qi thought froze for a moment, and was suddenly speechless.

She rolled her eyes, and complained angrily: "You are really looking for money now, and you even take advantage of this kind of advantage, isn't it too stupid?"

Ran Yue chuckled.

Not ashamed at all, but proud.

"Didn't I just think that you've been on the set for more than half a year recently, and it hasn't been exposed for a long time. This variety show is broadcast in real time. It is recorded today, and it can be edited and broadcast next week. This way, there will be exposure." Now, you have also rested, the best of both worlds, why not do it?"

Yun Qinian: "..."

She found that she really had nothing to do with Ran Yue now.

When this person was not an agent before, he was easy to say anything.

Now that she is an agent, she always thinks of ways to send her out to make money for the company, even when she is on vacation to travel, it's absolutely amazing.

She stroked her forehead with a headache.

Just about to refuse, Ran Yue spoke again.

"Actually, Nian Nian, this variety show is a new type of variety show developed by us. It has never been done before, and I don't know how the final results will be, but I have arranged everything properly. The ratings are hard to say, and it is comfortable. It must be very comfortable."

"But anyway, don't care about the ratings, aren't we open for business?"

"So many sponsors have invested so much money in, but it's all for your name. If you say that if you don't go, people will withdraw their funds, then how sad our younger brothers and sisters who are planning in the later stage will be." what."

Yun Qinian: "???"

I dare to love your old routine here.

She had already promised the investor that she would participate, so why come here to ask her opinion now?
Isn't it faster to sign the contract directly?
Yun Qinian was almost speechless.

She couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said in a deep voice, "So you just came to inform me this time, didn't you?"

Ran Yue laughed dryly twice.

"Nian Nian, don't be angry, I'm doing this for the good of the company."

Who made her popular now, with a lot of traffic.

Asking her to lead the company's newcomers and new variety shows, isn't this also thinking about collecting local materials, which is convenient and easy to use?

Of course Yun Qinian understood her painstaking efforts.

So after being speechless for a while, he agreed.

"Okay, I see, I will read it later, you can send it over."

"Eh, good."

Ran Yue said, happily hung up the phone, and then sent all the information about the variety show.

Yun Qinian took a few glances.

In fact, she had an impression of this variety show in her previous life.

Because at that time, this was also the first tourism variety show launched in China. The host watched some of the performances of major stars in their travel life, plus some foreign natural scenery spots, which was very interesting.

Therefore, it was considered a fire at that time.

But what caught Yun Qinian's attention wasn't just its popularity.

(End of this chapter)

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