Chapter 548 Let It Go
But at that time, in this travel variety show, a car accident happened.

She couldn't remember the specific protagonist of the car accident very clearly.

After all, at that time, she just glanced at it casually because of the news push, and didn't pay much attention to it.

But in this life, since she has encountered this incident, if she can avoid it, she will try to avoid it as much as possible.

After all, in the car accident in the previous life, a female artist died.

At that time, CN Entertainment had nothing to do with her, so of course she didn't feel anything.

But in this life, since CN Entertainment is already hers, she will try her best to avoid such things from happening in the company's programs.

Thinking of this, she directly sent a message to Ran Yue, explaining that she agreed to participate in this program.

Next to her, Gu Jingchen just looked at her quietly.

Seeing that she had done all this, she asked, "Going to film a show again?"


Yun Qinian nodded.

She thought for a while and asked, "By the way, I'll ask you something."

Gu Jingchen also turned to look at her, "Say it."

"You already knew Zhou Ye's identity, didn't you?"

Gu Jingchen: "..."

He didn't rush to answer, but looked at her with a particularly delicate look.

Yun Qinian touched her face subconsciously, and asked, "What's wrong? Can't answer?"

Gu Jingchen shook his head.

He smiled and said, "Don't you know that I have investigated all the male animals you have come into contact with?"

Yun Qinian: "???"

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Gu Jingchen in disbelief.

But Gu Jingchen took it for granted, without the slightest sense of shame of being caught after doing something wrong.

She was immediately convinced.

Staring at him desperately, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't do this again in the future! If you dare to do this again, I..."

She raised her hand, but before she finished speaking, Gu Jingchen had already held her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it.

At the same time, he said with a gentle smile: "Okay, if you say no, I won't do it, and I will listen to you."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Her fair face immediately turned red, and she quickly withdrew her hand.

This man is really going too far now.

Dare to open a dyeing workshop if you give him some color, she hasn't calmed down yet, yet he dares to kiss her?

Gu Jingchen obviously also knows that some things cannot be rushed.

Therefore, he stopped pressing her step by step, and only said: "Now I have told you everything you want to know, and I have admitted my mistake. The previous thing was indeed my fault. There was a misunderstanding between us. I didn't have the first place." Time to find a way to clarify, and deliberately hide it from you, I am too serious about gains and losses, can you forgive me?"

He said, looking at Yun Qinian with a very sincere look.

Yun Qinian was originally a person who was soft but not tough, how could he bear him like this?

A heart has already softened.

It's just that in front of him, she hasn't completely pulled her face away.

She cleared her cough and said deliberately, "Let's see how you behave."

These words did not mean death, but actually meant to forgive him.

Gu Jingchen naturally understood this truth, the smile in his eyes deepened, and he took her hand.

"Now that we've finished talking, let's go back."

Yun Qinian frowned.

His eyes fell on the fingers he was holding her, and he struggled for a few seconds, but he couldn't break free.

Some things, since it has passed, let it pass.

(End of this chapter)

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