Chapter 558 She Will Do It
Looking at the text message sent by the man, Yun Qinian couldn't help but curl her lips.

She raised her finger and replied seriously.

【Okay, I get it, I will do it. 】

After replying to the message, she turned off her phone, sat up straight and waited to get out of the car.

Murong Chi naturally saw what she had just done.

Because the distance between the two of them was too close, and his eyesight was too good, he could clearly see the text on Yun Qinian's phone just now.

How did you feel at that moment?

can not say it clearly.

Some things, he has long been used to bear.

As a result, I have endured so much that I can't seem to tell whether it is sad or happy.

Probably just numbness.

Murong Chi squinted his eyes, and gave another self-deprecating smile.

Fortunately, not long after, the car finally stopped.

Yun Qinian looked outside at the boarding building, got up and got off the car.

Their boarding passes and passports were naturally prepared by someone early in the morning.

Although the program team took all-round protection measures, because Yun Qinian and Murong Chi were too famous and popular, many fans came to the airport to see them off.

There were security personnel there maintaining order, Yun Qinian saw them, smiled and waved to them.

Immediately, there was a burst of screaming from the fans.

A fan's light board dropped, Murong Chi bent down to pick it up and handed it back to her.

The fans were so excited that they almost cried.

"Brother Chi, I like you so much, can I ask you for an autograph?"

Immediately, a staff member came forward from behind and shouted loudly, "No, why don't you see that you are rushing to board the plane? Hurry up and hurry up."

After speaking, he urged Murong Chi to move forward.

However, he didn't move.

He just looked at the girl gently and asked, "Have you brought a photo?"

The girl nodded excitedly.

"give me."

As he spoke softly, the girl frantically flipped through the photos from her bag.

Probably because I was too excited, my hands were shaking, and it took me a long time to find it out.

Murong Chi took the photo and the pen, and neatly signed his name on it.

Seeing that she had an autograph, a lot of fans rushed over immediately, clamoring for autographs.

These are old fans who have liked him for many years, know that others are good, and will protect fans, so they are often more courageous than other fans.

Murong Chi also earnestly fulfilled his mission of being a perfect idol and signed them one by one.

It wasn't until the staff urged them repeatedly that it would be too late if they didn't board the plane, so they returned the pens and smiled apologetically.

"I don't have time today, if there is not enough time, I will sign next time."

The fans are also understanding, this is not a public itinerary, he can listen to the staff and not sign any of them, they are very happy to be able to sign so many, how dare they ask for more?

Therefore, everyone nodded excitedly.

Murong Chi then walked towards the boarding gate.

After getting on the plane, Yun Qinian didn't care about anything, took out his little pillow and quilt and planned to sleep.

Because it is recording a program, this time they can be said to be filming 24 hours a day, so even if they are sleeping, they still have a camera.

Both He Xiaoxue and Lu Shiqi couldn't hide their faces. After all, they still carried the burden of being a female star. They were afraid that if they slept badly, drooled, or snored or ground their teeth, it would affect their image too much if they were photographed.

Therefore, the two of them just stood there and refused to sleep, chatting in low voices.

After Murong Chi came in, he saw that all the seats around were full, and there was only one seat left in the front.

(End of this chapter)

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