Chapter 559
He didn't say anything, just walked over and sat down.

Coincidentally, she was sitting opposite Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian looked up at him, said nothing, turned over and continued to sleep.

Murong Chi naturally didn't say anything, the two just sat opposite each other in silence.

The two people who were supposed to be the most familiar, for some reason, seemed to suddenly become strange, alienated and distant.

After all, Wen Wenjun has been in the entertainment industry for many years, he is experienced and good at judging people.

Immediately there was something wrong between the two of them.

Taking advantage of Yun Qinian's deep sleep, he raised his arm and bumped into Murong Chi's arm.

He leaned over and lowered his voice, "What's wrong with you two? Did you quarrel?"

Murong Chi smiled wryly and shook his head.

If it's a fight, that's fine.

After all, a quarrel is at most a difference of opinion, which means that there is still something to say between the two, and there is still a chance to run in.

They even have a chance to get along.

But now, looking at it like this, he really has no chance at all.

When he realized this, Murong Chi couldn't describe his mood.

He didn't even know when he fell in love with Yun Qinian, and when he had such a strong desire to possess her.

And this relationship, from the beginning to the end, seemed to be his business alone.

That little seed was planted a long time ago, and after years, it germinated and grew up, but she didn't know it.

When they know each other again, it is the time for the two to say goodbye.

Murong Chi suddenly didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.

He turned his head and looked out the window.

At this time, it was still dark, and there was nothing but darkness outside the window.

Even the lights of Wanjia on the ground were covered by clouds, just like his mood at the moment.

Seeing this, Wen Wenjun sighed secretly in his heart, and did not speak again.

As time passed, the cabin gradually became quieter.

Everyone is still tired.

After all, I rushed from home to Haishi to gather yesterday, and when I returned from dinner at night, it was not too early.

This group of people are all night owls, and it is impossible to sleep until after twelve o'clock at night.

At three o'clock, I was forcibly woken up again, so counting back and forth, I only slept for less than three hours.

After the excitement of facing the new and unknown at the beginning, now facing the flight that lasts more than ten hours, naturally I don’t have the energy and have been excited all the time.

Soon there was a sound of light or heavy breathing in the air.

Yun Qinian didn't sleep soundly.

In fact, she didn't really fall asleep at all, she just covered her face with her clothes and took a nap.

She is very alert to her surroundings, and it is difficult for her to achieve true deep sleep without a familiar and reassuring environment.

This flight lasted more than ten hours.

When I got off the plane, it happened to be six o'clock in the evening in Country Y.

A group of people dragged their tired bodies off the plane, and when they were picking up their luggage, they all felt that their bodies were about to fall apart before the performance started.

But this time they came out, they didn't bring assistants, not because they didn't want to bring them, but because of the regulations of the program group, they were not allowed to bring them.

There was no one else except the photographer.

He Xiaoxue looked at the mountain of luggage in front of him, and his face collapsed all of a sudden.

"There's a lot of luggage in this line, how do I move it?"

She alone has seven suitcases, plus other people's, a total of more than 30 large and small.

(End of this chapter)

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