After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 560 She took it herself

Chapter 560 She took it herself
At this time, the man stood up automatically.

"Okay, you guys take the small ones to the car by yourself, and put the big ones here and let us come. At worst, it's just a few more trips."

As Wen Wenjun spoke, he called Murong Chi and another male celebrity named Li Fei to help them carry their luggage together.

Seeing this, He Xiaoxue was moved and a little embarrassed.

"This, how can this be done? There's a lot of luggage. It's too tiring for you to carry all of it?"

Wen Wenjun smiled and waved his hands.

"It's okay, just lift the iron, anyway, I haven't exercised today."

He Xiaoxue knew that it was really impossible to transport so much luggage by his own ability.

They are usually delicate and expensive, and the drivers or assistants hold the slightly heavier things. When did they do it by themselves?

If you insist on being brave, flashing your waist or hurting other places, delaying the performance for a while will not be worth the candle.

Therefore, she didn't force it, but tried her best to take what she could, and followed everyone to the direction of the car.

Murong Chi also came over, ready to take Yun Qinian's luggage.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian was one step ahead of him and picked up the luggage.

"No, I'll take it myself."

As she spoke, she pushed her luggage and walked out.

Murong Chi's hands froze in the air.

Yun Qinian is not a pampered girl, although she has the confidence to be pampered more than anyone else.

But she did practice martial arts since she was a child, and her strength is stronger than ordinary people.

So a small suitcase is not a problem at all.

There is a long walk from the airport to the parking lot outside and a flight of steps.

Yun Qinian was dragging the suitcase, and saw Li Fei holding two big boxes and struggling to carry them up the steps one by one.

She walked over and asked, "Can you help me?"

Li Fei looked up and saw that it was her, and smiled honestly.

"No, I can do it."

As he spoke, he looked at the large suitcase behind her again.

Yun Qinian was no better than He Xiaoxue, she brought so many, she only brought a big suitcase and a small backpack.

Although it is extremely concise, but after all, if you are going abroad for more than 20 days, you still need to bring enough things. Therefore, this suitcase is the largest size, and the things in it are so many and heavy that it is He Xiaoxue. The two boxes are so heavy.

Li Fei swallowed hard.

"Sister Niannian, this box of yours is too heavy, don't move it, leave it here and let me carry it, I will carry these two boxes of sister Xiaoxue up, and I will come down to carry your box."

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian smiled.

"No, I can do it myself."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the box in his hand.

"Is this He Xiaoxue's?"

"Yeah." Li Fei didn't know why she asked this, so he nodded.

In the next second, Yun Qinian was seen walking straight forward, picked up He Xiaoxue's suitcase, and strode up the steps.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Fei opened his mouth even more in shock.

I saw her with one left hand and one left hand, walking like a tiger, as if what she was carrying was not two big suitcases, but two pieces of sausage.

Others don't know how heavy that box is, but Li Fei and He Xiaoxue know it.

After all, the two of them moved it with their own hands.

That box weighed fifty catties at least, and Li Fei, a man like him, could only carry one up the steps at a time, yet she actually carried two at a time?
What kind of monster-like strength is this?

(End of this chapter)

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