Chapter 579
Her body was tightly attached to the roof of the car, as if it was integrated with the car.

When the speed of the car slowed down a little, he immediately rolled over and landed on the front hood.

At this time, the person in the car just stretched out a hand and wanted to hit her with a gun.

But in the next second, someone grabbed his wrist.

The bullet came out of the chamber with a "bang", but it missed Yun Qinian, but hit a taxi hanging on the bridge not far away.

Both the driver and Lu Shiqi screamed in fright, covered their ears and lowered their heads.

Yun Qinian's brows turned cold, and she twisted back, only to hear a "click", and broke the opponent's wrist.

The man screamed in pain, another person saw this, stopped the car, opened the door and jumped out.

He pulled out the pistol strapped to his waist, but at this moment, Yun Qinian turned over and hid by the side of the car.

Therefore, the opponent's bullets fell through.

In the next second, she had already opened the car door and dragged the man whose wrist she had broken out of the car.

No one expected that she would do such a thing.

Therefore, everyone was dumbfounded at the moment.

The person she dragged out of the car didn't react until he was thrown to the ground.

Got up and was about to catch up, but the car door was closed with a "bang".

Immediately afterwards, the car swung its tail sharply, throwing the two of them away, and drove in front of the driver and Lu Shiqi with a roar.


Yun Qinian shouted loudly.

Lu Shiqi and the driver were shocked when they heard this.

After reacting, she quickly opened the car door, jumped out of the car, and ran towards her car.

Seeing this, the two killers who were left far behind quickly raised their pistols and were about to shoot at them.

Seeing this, Yun Qinian yelled, "Bend down!"

At the same time, the car swung its tail, blocking their bullets.

The bullets "bang bang" hit the car body. Fortunately, their car was specially modified and it was obviously bulletproof.

Otherwise, this car may really not be able to withstand a few hits.

Soon, Lu Shiqi and the driver got into the car.

Yun Qinian didn't want to get entangled here, after all, she was in a foreign country, and she didn't know if there were any accomplices behind these two.

If she was alone, she would not be afraid of anything.

The key is to bring Lu Shiqi and the driver, the two oil bottles. She doesn't want them to be injured because of herself, so she has to leave first.

The car flicked again on the road, and after turning around, it rushed forward.

Soon, the car disappeared into the boundless night.

The two killers got up from the ground and looked at the disappearing car, very angry.

It wasn't the first time they failed in a mission after their debut, but it was the first time they failed so ugly.

To put it simply, it is not very lethal, but extremely insulting.

After all, who came out to accept the mission to kill someone, not only did he not kill him, but he was also robbed of his car?

It's embarrassing to say it.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw deep unwillingness in each other's eyes.

One of the killers asked the other, "What should we do now? We can't just go back and deal with business."

The other gritted his teeth and let out a "pooh" on the ground.

"Of course not. If we go back like this, we won't have to mess around in Taoism anymore. This Yun Qinian really pissed me off. This time, she will die if she doesn't die."

"What are you going to do?" asked the companion.

The person being asked narrowed his eyes, revealing a fierce light.

(End of this chapter)

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