Chapter 580 Take Something
"She dares to insult us like this, I will definitely not let her go!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and whispered a few words in his companion's ear.

The companion's eyes lit up.

"This is a good way. If we do this, she will never escape!"

The man sneered.

"Of course, this is country Y after all, and it's our territory. No matter how powerful she is, what kind of troubles can she cause in our territory?"

"That's right." The companion echoed: "This time, we must show her some color."

After the two discussed it, they left contentedly.

It never occurred to them how embarrassing they lost before this.

And here, Yun Qinian drove Lu Shiqi and the driver to the hotel safely.

Until the car stopped, the two hadn't escaped from the danger just now.

Both of them looked a little shocked.

The driver's face was even paler. As soon as the car stopped, he hurriedly yelled, "Have you arrived at the police station? Have you arrived?"

Yun Qinian reassured: "It's not the police station, it's the hotel we're staying in."

The driver's eyes widened in disbelief.

Looking at her, it was like looking at a monster.

"Miss, we have just been shot. They are likely to be terrorists. Instead of taking us to the police station, you took us to your hotel. What are you thinking? Why did you do this?"

Seeing the driver's breakdown, Yun Qinian smiled.

"Of course I'm going to the police station, but before that, I have to go up and get something."

As she spoke, she asked the two of them to wait downstairs, and went upstairs by herself.

Lu Shiqi was a little scared and refused to wait in place.

It seemed that they were afraid that those two people would catch up again.

Yun Qinian understood her thoughts, so she didn't force her, and let her go upstairs with him.

After going up, I saw that several people who came out to record the program this time were there.

Everyone has cooked instant noodles and is eating with a small bowl each.

Seeing the two of them coming back, He Xiaoxue immediately put down the bowl in his hand and said, "You guys are back, did you find your wallet?"

Yun Qinian said, "I found it."

As she spoke, she threw the cash in the wallet directly to Wen Wenjun who was sitting on the sofa.

"This is all the money we have left this time. You can count it and put it on yourself, so as not to let Shi Qi bear the burden and blame yourself."

Wen Wenjun glanced at her, and then at Lu Shiqi.

Without saying anything, he took the cash.

At the same time, he also comforted me with a gentle voice.

"Shi Qi, we didn't mean to blame you. We know that you lost it accidentally, and you have found it now. We really didn't take it to heart, so we hope you don't take it to heart."

Lu Shiqi nodded her head nah, but her face was still extremely pale.

Everyone thought that her face was so ugly because of the purse.

So don't say anything for a while.

I just secretly thought in my heart that this little girl's skin is too thin.

Just because of such a small thing, she was frightened like this. When she entered the entertainment industry in the future, she didn't know how many storms, big and small, she would go through. Wouldn't that scare her out of her wits?

But everyone thinks about it, and no one will tell this matter.

Only Murong Chi, from the moment Yun Qinian entered the room, his gaze has been on her.

It wasn't until she had finished speaking with Wen Wenjun that she suddenly asked, "What happened to you just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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