Chapter 606
Yun Qinian originally came here with a vacation mentality, and because not many people know her abroad, she let go of her fun.

Anyway, the post-editing of this variety show has to be approved by her before she dares to send it out, so she is not worried about the post-editing.

This variety show was recorded for 21 days.

At the end of the recording, the weather in China has changed from slightly cool to slightly hot.

This time, Yun Qinian did not return to China with the program group, but left halfway by herself and returned to China with a private itinerary.

Staying away from the fans who were waiting at the airport every time, she eased up a little and left the airport with ease.

Naturally, Ran Yue had already been waiting for her outside in the car.

Seeing Yun Qinian coming out of the airport from afar, she rolled down the car window and waved to her.

Soon, Yun Qinian came over, got into the car, and the car sped forward.

"The heat is killing me. I didn't expect it to be so hot in China."

As soon as Yun Qinian got into the car, she took off her suit jacket and asked Ran Yue to turn on the air conditioner in the car.

She is wearing a relatively neutral outfit today, a small beige Chanel suit and a pair of dark pencil pants, which set off her pair of well-proportioned and slender legs straight and slender.

Ran Yue was sitting in the front row, seeing her face flushed with heat, she reached out and handed her a bottle of mineral water.

At the same time, he smiled and said: "The temperature in China only started to heat up today. I forgot to tell you in advance, but you should also pay attention. The weather is hot and cold, and it is most likely to catch a cold. Be careful of catching a cold."

As he said that, he also adjusted the air outlet upwards to avoid blowing directly on Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian knew that she cared about herself, so she didn't say anything.

After unscrewing the bottle and taking a sip of water, he asked, "How is the company doing?"

"pretty good."

Ran Yue reported to her the company's recent operation, and Yun Qinian nodded while listening.

I have to say that Ran Yue has really helped her a lot since she came to her.

Yun Qinian is a person who doesn't like to take care of many small details, but to run a company, these things must be taken care of by someone.

Moreover, this person must be capable and she can trust.

Apart from Ran Yue, she has not found anyone else.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian had no choice but to feel lucky once again for having dug Ran Yue over.

After the two chatted a few words about the company, Ran Yue asked, "Where are you going now? Back to the company? Or go home?"

Yun Qinian shook her head.

"Not going back, take me to a place first."

She said and reported an address.

After hearing this, Ran Yue gave her a strange look.

But he didn't say much after all, and ordered the driver to drive her there.

When they arrived at the place, Yun Qinian got out of the car and asked Ran Yue and the others to leave first.

After the car left, he turned around and walked towards the building not far away.

I saw that building, which was a relatively old single-family villa.

This place is already a suburb, and it stands to reason that there should be no people living there, but although the exterior of this small villa looks very old, the yard is well maintained.

Many flowers, plants and trees are planted on both sides of the gravel road in an orderly manner, which just changes the surrounding decay into another scene full of vitality.

Yun Qinian walked to the door and knocked on it.

After a while, an old voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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