Chapter 607
Yun Qinian said in a deep voice, "It's me."

Not long after, the door was opened from the inside.

An old man with gray hair poked his head out from the crack of the door, glanced at her, and frowned.

"How did you come?"

As he spoke, he opened the door wider.

Yun Qinian said, "Let's go in and talk about it."

After finishing speaking, he went straight in.

The old man didn't say anything, and after she entered, he looked around vigilantly.

After making sure there was no one else around, he turned around and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

It was very dark in the room.

Compared to the neatly organized yard, the house is a bit messy. On the table are the cups, plates and bowls that were only used in the morning. On the flower stand next to it, a bunch of flowers have already withered, but they have not been thrown away by the owner. .

Yun Qinian turned around, and saw the old man walking in, scratching his head in wonder.

She smiled slightly, "Master Qi, long time no see."

The old man froze for a moment and looked up at her.

After two seconds, I subconsciously said, "It's been a long time, I..."

"I came here rashly, didn't I disturb you?"

The old man hesitated for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "It's not considered a disturbance, it's just a bit of an accident. I thought you didn't remember me for a long time. I didn't expect you to come to me again after so many years. By the way, how did you know that I live here?" of?"

Yun Qinian didn't see him either, and sat down on a chair directly.

He said carelessly: "The reason why I know you live here is naturally my reason. I came here today not to catch up with you, but to ask you something."

The old man was taken aback again.

Looking at Yun Qinian's gaze, he couldn't help being a little wary.

"What do you want to ask?"

Yun Qinian smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, it's not a big deal, I just want to ask you something about Master Xu."

The old man was a little surprised.

"Old Freak Xu? What are you asking him for?"

Yun Qinian stared into his eyes and said, "You don't know?"

"I do not know."

The old man looked at her and noticed that there was something deep in her eyes, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Is there something I should know?"

Yun Qinian stared at him for a few seconds.

Then, he said with a smile: "No, it's just that some time ago, someone suddenly found me and said that Master Xu had left me some things. Now I have got these things, but I still have some doubts in my heart, so I think about your relationship in the past. Very good, so I stopped by to ask, if you don’t know, it’s okay, just pretend that I haven’t been here today.”

She was actually defrauding Old Man Qi.

Although she had accepted the position of president of the Hunter Association for some reason before.

But it was impossible to say that she had no doubts about the matter in her mind.

After all, she really doesn't have any relationship with Master Xu. If it wasn't for this incident, she would hardly remember that she had such a master.

But he insisted on passing on the president position to her even though he had a son himself.

Isn't it weird?

Yun Qinian didn't say anything, but she had already made up her mind to find out about this matter.

Old man Qi struggled a little when he saw her say that.

Of course he knew something.

But he didn't know whether he should tell Yun Qinian these words.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have said it, but now Old Xu is dead...

(End of this chapter)

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