Chapter 91
It's okay if you don't go in, but it's bad if you go in!
In her previous life, Little Li'er lost one of her arms because she went to save Lin Yang.

In this life, since she was reborn, how could she allow such a thing to happen again?
Thinking of this, Yun Qinian couldn't help but look at the bearded beard with a bit of anger.

"I gave you a chance, since you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being merciless!"

As she spoke, she suddenly raised her hand and grabbed the bearded collar.

The bearded man was stunned.

"You, your hand..."

Obviously not tied?

Yun Qinian sneered.

This trick alone was not enough to tie her down.

The reason why she wanted to talk to the bearded man just now was to divert his attention so that he could untie the rope.

And now that the rope has been untied, what can stop her?

She dragged the collar of the bearded man, punched him in the face, and kicked him flying.


The beard slammed into the wall hard, and fell to the ground again, spitting out a stream of blood foam from his mouth.


Yun Qinian lowered her brows and approached him step by step, her whole body exuding an aura like Shura Yama who came from hell.

The bearded man was so frightened that he backed away with all his strength.

"Don't...don't come here..."

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the door.


I saw the two younger brothers who had gone out to move the machine just now ran in, and their faces changed when they saw the situation in the house.

"Damn it, this little girl dared to hit our boss and kill her!"

As they spoke, they each rushed over with a steel pipe.

Yun Qinian didn't move her eyes and brows, and when the two of them approached, she suddenly got low and staggered away from them, and then she tripped, and the two of them fell heavily on the bearded man behind her due to inertia.


There was a scream, and before the bearded mouth had finished spitting out the blood, he vomited again.

The two of them were startled and terrified, and just as they were about to get up, their backs were suddenly stepped on.

Yun Qinian picked up a steel pipe and smashed it on their heads, followed by the second, third...

He hit them until the three of them had no strength to resist, then retracted their feet and let them go.

Seeing the three punks lying there like dead pigs, she looked indifferent, threw the steel pipe away, and called Dahei.

"Come to No. 423, Huatian Road. I have a few people to hand over to you!"

Dahei quickly rushed over.

When she saw the scene in the room and the scar on Yun Qinian's forehead, she was shocked.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Why are you injured?"

Yun Qinian handed over the three gangsters on the ground to him, and said in a deep voice, "Don't ask so many questions, take them back and interrogate them when I come back."


Dahei took the person over in a daze, realized something, and asked again: "That little raccoon..."

"I'll go now."

After Yun Qinian finished speaking, he strode out without giving him any time to react.

After half an hour.

Yun Qinian came to the forest where the seventh game was located.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and through layers of leaves, she looked at the gate of the seventh game from a distance, her brows furrowed.

Just now, she searched half a circle in the woods, but she couldn't find Little Li'er, and she couldn't get through the phone. Obviously, she had already gone in!

Thinking of Little Li'er's impulsive character, Yun Qinian became more worried.

It seems that if it is impossible, she has to go in by herself!

Two 10 minutes later.

When Yun Qinian returned to the gate of the seventh game, she had already changed into a different outfit.

The hair that was originally loose was tied up high, his face became an ordinary passer-by, and even his clothes were changed into tight-fitting combat uniforms that were more convenient for movement.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, she deftly avoided the infrared rays and came to the bottom of the wall.

With a posture like a civet cat in the mountains, he climbed up the high wall with a few vertical steps and jumped in.


At this time, the General Command Room of the Seventh Bureau.

Gu Jingchen wore a black mask and sat on a large leather chair.

He raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yang opposite, with an unpredictable expression.

"Has he been captured?"

"Fortunately not humiliated."

"Has there been any results of the interrogation?"

"Not yet, but I have already searched her computer, and did not find the information we stole last time, so..."

Lin Yang hesitated for a moment.

Gu Jingchen smiled faintly, "So what?"

"I suspect that she is not the intelligence hunter who hacked into our internal system last time."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the room.

It was as if even the air had been frozen, making it suffocating.

After a while, he heard a sneer.

"Are you pleading for her?"

Lin Yang immediately lowered his head.

"My subordinates dare not."

"Lin Yang, remember your identity! The seventh round doesn't need emotional men!"


The sound of military boots stepping on the ground could be heard next to his ears, and when he looked up again, the man sitting on the main seat had already left.

Then he closed his eyes and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Based on her own memory, Yun Qinian quickly found the place where Little Li'er was being held.

I saw that it was an independent cell, not only the inside was heavily guarded, but even the corridors were full of guards.

She frowned slightly, and was thinking about how to get in when a soldier with a lunch box came in suddenly.

Yun Qinian was startled, and quickly hid her body in the shadows.

After the man walked over, he poked out half of his head and stared at the movement over there.


The soldiers were stopped.

"Meal delivery." He gestured to the lunch box in his hand.

Someone came over immediately, opened the lunch box, and checked it carefully.

Scan him again with a scanner to make sure there are no dangerous items before letting him go.

"go in!"

After the man went in, he came out in about half a minute.

"Excuse me, I'll come get the lunch box in 10 minutes."


The guarding soldier had no expression on his face, and after the man left, he snorted coldly with disdain.

"It's even in the seventh game and you still have a hard mouth. According to me, you shouldn't give food to such a person. Let her starve her for a few days and see if she says it or not!"

The person next to him smiled and said: "Don't worry, after all the officers are here, it's useless if she doesn't say anything, our officer's methods are very clever, when the time comes, she will say everything with just one or two tricks."

"Well, that's what you said."

The two chatted casually, but Yun Qinian was taken aback.

If she remembered correctly, the chief executive of the seventh bureau was a man code-named G.

In her previous life, she didn't have the opportunity to contact G, but she heard a lot about him.

It is rumored that this man is ruthless and murderous. He is in such a high position as the seventh game, but he is also good and evil. No one can guess what is going on in his heart. He is a super terrifying existence.

She originally thought about diving in and saving the little liu'er without anyone noticing.

(End of this chapter)

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