Chapter 92
But if this G really comes, it will not be so easy!

Yun Qinian frowned.

About 10 minutes later, the soldier who delivered the food came back.

She lowered her eyes slightly, thought about it, and decided to act first.

Regardless of G's presence or absence, Little Li'er must be saved.

As for the back, let's talk about it after taking a step forward!

Thinking this way, when the soldier passed by her, she shot suddenly, covered his mouth with lightning speed, knocked him unconscious and dragged him into the shadows.

Three minutes later, Yun Qinian came out wearing a soldier's attire.

In just a few minutes, she transformed her plain face into that of a soldier again.

Although it is not 80.00% similar, but [-]% similar is there.

She walked over expressionlessly, lowered her voice and said to the two soldiers, "I'll get the lunch box."

The two soldiers didn't know her well, so they didn't notice her change and opened the door for her.

Yun Qinian stepped in.

I saw that the inside of the cell was clean and tidy. In order to prevent the prisoners from escaping, the surrounding walls were all made of steel.

The little raccoon was lying on an iron bed against the wall, eyes open in a daze, while the food was put aside without moving a single chopstick.

Yun Qinian walked over and covered her mouth before she could react.



Yun Qinian lowered her brows and said in a deep voice, "Don't talk, just do what I say later, and I'll take you out."

Little Li'er's eyes widened in disbelief.

After Yun Qinian let go of her mouth, she gasped and exclaimed, "Boss? Why are you here?"

Yun Qinian sneered, "If I don't come, am I watching you die here?"

The little raccoon fell silent for a moment.

Yun Qinian didn't bother to pursue her fault at this time, so after gesturing to her, she stood up and ran out in panic.

"It's not good, something happened to the prisoner!"

The two soldiers froze for a moment, and their expressions changed drastically.

Immediately rushed to the cell
Yun Qinian stood behind them, with a sneer on her lips, and directly stabbed her twice.

The soldiers fell limply.

Yun Qinian quickly caught them, and said to the little liu'er who was still in a daze not far away, "What are you still doing in a daze? Change clothes and come out with me."


It was only then that Xiao Li'er came to her senses, and hurriedly changed clothes with her before leaving.

Yun Qinian checked the alarm system inside the seventh bureau, and knew that as long as the two soldiers didn't come out for 3 minutes, the alarm system of the entire seventh bureau would automatically turn on, and it would be harder than going to heaven to escape.

She pulled Xiao Li'er and ran towards the door expressionlessly.

Fortunately, with the experience of two lifetimes, she is more familiar with the route of the seventh round, plus the two are dressed in military uniforms, Yun Qinian has an aura of calmness and prestige.

Along the way, many soldiers were frightened, and they were not strictly interrogated.

Finally, when they were about to reach the door, both of them were overjoyed.

But at this moment, a cold and stern voice suddenly came from behind.


The two of them froze.

Lin Yang walked forward with a blank face.

"What are you two doing? Why are you running around so late?"

The little raccoon obviously recognized Lin Yang's voice, and clenched her fingers tightly.

Yun Qinian signaled her not to act rashly, then turned around, lowered her head and said to Lin Yang, "Report sir, we are from the logistics department, some things were forgotten in the kitchen and we are going back to get them."

Lin Yang frowned.

"The logistics department? That's not the reason for you to wander outside in the middle of the night! Don't you know the rules of the seventh game? Without orders from superiors, you are not allowed to go out after nine o'clock!"

"Yes! Sir, we know we were wrong!"

"Go back to your superiors to receive the punishment."


Yun Qinian pulled Xiao Li'er and was about to leave.

But at this moment, another more indifferent and coercive voice sounded.


The two couldn't help but stagnate again.

But the officer ordered them to stop.

He had to stop again and turned around.

Yun Qinian bowed her head and said respectfully, "Sir, do you have any orders?"

Gu Jingchen stepped forward slowly, with a faint sharp voice.

"Raise your head!"

Yun Qinian's heart tightened.

It doesn't matter to her, after all, she looks so easy, even if she looks up, the other party doesn't recognize her.

But the little raccoon is different.

Because of time constraints, there is no extra time to change her face, so now she has the same face as Fox except for her clothes.

Yun Qinian secretly clenched her fingers.

At this time, Xu Shi was influenced by the other party, and Lin Yang also noticed something was wrong.

He subconsciously looked at the shoes of the two of them, but saw that they were wearing ordinary shoes, not soldiers' military boots at all.

Suddenly shocked!

"They are not from the seventh game!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and immediately after, his throat was choked by Yun Qinian.

At this time, she had already come behind Lin Yang, raised her ordinary face, and said with a smile: "You really have good eyesight, as expected of G, the highest official of the Seventh Bureau who is famous all over the world, but I don't know how to compare him Does the officer care more about the lives of your subordinates for my friend's life?"

Lin Yang was shocked and appalled.

Seeing that Gu Jingchen wasn't panicking at all, he just said calmly: "It's an honor to die for the country, Lin Yang, don't worry, I will take good care of your family after you die, and then I will send these two culprits to you." Go down and be buried with you."

Only then did Lin Yang settle down.

"Yes, thank you sir."

Yun Qinian's face was very ugly.

Rumor has it that this G's personality is unpredictable and the most difficult to guess.

Now it seems that it is true.

Even his own subordinates can sacrifice, what kind of officer is he worthy of?
She sneered and said: "G, since you dare to touch my person, you should know the fate of the person who touched me! How about it, why don't we make a break alone today?"

Gu Jingchen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You are Seven?"

Seven, the leader of all intelligence hunters in the legend, is a legendary figure who never sees the end of the dragon.

Once, he investigated her for a long time in order to catch this Seven.

But I couldn't find any useful information.

Unexpectedly, catching a Fox today could lead to this Buddha by accident.

Yun Qinian smiled casually.

"So what? I heard that you are not only good at strategy, but also very good at hand, how about this! Let's fight, if you win, she and I will be captured without a fight, if you lose, let us go, how?"

Gu Jingchen sneered.


After finishing speaking, the figure flashed and rushed towards her.

Yun Qinian yelled: "Hey! Are you a gentleman? Hit as soon as you say, without shouting at the beginning?"

Although he said so in his mouth, he had already used several killer moves in his hand!
(End of this chapter)

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