Chapter 104

Chu Yan had no choice but to take the sword to slash and kill the small animals that were jumping over, and he was so angry that his seven orifices smoked.

"Little Yu'er, let them disperse if you've played tricks enough, it's not good to disturb the imperial guards." Qin Chuxue said, watching Chu Yan attack the small animals with a knife in his hand, this scene is really... very funny.

Xi Liuyue cleverly hid behind Chu Yan, laughed heartlessly, and applauded to cheer.

The shooters looked at each other, not knowing what to do!
Lian Yu frowned, took off the tune again, and played it for a while, all the animals fled in all directions, and the shooters were stunned for a moment and rushed towards their prey.

It was calm again below, as if nothing had happened.

Lian Yu smiled faintly, as if everything was none of her business, Xi Liuyue picked up the five-color deer and took it for herself in a fair and honest manner.

"I've won this round!" After saying that, he raised a thumb to praise Lian Yu, Chu Yan slashed at him with a sword, Xi Liuyue rode his horse to avoid, and the two started the second round of chasing.

Qin Shizi's shameless skill increases proportionally with age!
After the two rode their horses and galloped past, the world returned to calm.

Concubine Qin shook her head, and laughed at the pranks between the boys and girls.

In the blink of an eye, she saw Xi Liuyue hinting to her that she wouldn't do anything there today, and the traps she had set up would be useless!
Lian Yu clenched her fists tightly. Yesterday she stayed up all night and laid a net under the cliff. Even if Xi Liuyue did it, it would give the illusion of a natural death from falling from a horse. This is a rare and good opportunity, what a pity!
If it wasn't for Qiu Wei's fall, it would be easy for them to find a chance to kill them again. Unfortunately, now that the Xiqin rebel army is growing, once the two generals die, they will definitely suspect Xi Liuyue, which will be detrimental to their future actions.

never mind!

It's their fate, let's take a look at them this time, and it's not too late to look for opportunities.

She had just settled down to accompany Qin Guifei Qin Chuxue to talk about family affairs when she heard the sound of a siren from the south paddock.

"There are assassins..."

"Come here, there are assassins..."


Shrill shouts resounded through the south paddock. Those who participated in the autumn were all kings and grandchildren, including many civil servants. The holy capital is a prosperous place, and the chaos below is turned upside down, and the capital is also prosperous.

They have long been accustomed to a comfortable life, especially those second-generation nobles who have never seen the world.

After the warning sounded, they fled in all directions, and the south paddock was in chaos.

Lian Yu got up immediately when she heard the first alarm, and saw dozens of figures in dark green clothes jumping out of the jungle, and the figures passed by extremely fast, like lightning.

After a few ups and downs, he pounced towards the south paddock like a ghost.

The figures were too fast, and Lian Yu had no time to see their faces clearly, only seeing that they were all holding the same style of daggers.

Clearly a well-trained killer.

Lian Yu was secretly startled. This kind of clothes can be easily overlooked in the jungle, and the color similar to the grass makes it easier for them to hide.

Which party is this?
"It's really boring to make troubles every year in Qiu Wei!" Qin Guifei said, frowning slowly, "It's strange, why did you go to the south paddock this time? Aren't you going to assassinate the emperor?"

Qin Chuxue and Lianyu were silent, imperial concubine, please don't use such an excited tone to say whether such rebellious words are okay, it is easy to be misunderstood.

"Auntie, sister, go back to the original place, there are imperial guards there, so it's safer." Lian Yu said, under such circumstances, she absolutely cannot leave them, but now she really wants to fly to Xi Liuyue's side .

Xi Liuyue, if you dare to do something wrong, this lady will definitely kill you!

"The imperial guards are all idiots. If you really meet a master, you can't protect yourself. What do you expect them to protect?" Qin Chuxue said calmly, brushing the broken hair on his forehead, and there was a scream of collapse in his ears .

Concubine Qin got on her horse and smiled, "Chuxue, let's go, Xiao Yuer probably wants to protect Prince Qin."

Qin Chuxue and Lian Yu got on the horse, Lian Yu said, "With Yan Bing here, Xi Liuyue will be fine!"

The few of them quickly returned to the original place. When the emperor saw Concubine Qin, he quickly took her hand and wrapped it up awkwardly, fearing that his beloved woman would be hurt.

The imperial guards and shadow guards protected the emperor, prime minister, noble concubine and others so that even a fly could not fly past.

A small number of officials have returned to their original places, their faces turned pale with shock, and a few even vomited frequently in a gaffe, as if they saw something disgusting.

Several people passed out.

"Your Majesty, the heads of Shizi Han and Shizi Wei have been beheaded..."

"Elder Qi was hit by an arrow..."

"Master Yang, Master Li is dead..."

"Master Du Tong is also dead..."


The spies who went to inquire about the information frequently reported that four officials above the second rank had died, and many noble sons were injured and unconscious.

This is a massacre.

Chu Jing and the others also stumbled back, followed by Chu Hao, both of them looked very bad.

Chu Hao said, "Those lunatics chop up anyone they see, they are simply insane!"

Chu Jing roared angrily, "Father, my son begs to be ordered to destroy the rebel party!"

Anyone who dares to do something in Qiu Wei will be punished as a traitor to the party!

The emperor waved his hand to calm them down.

Qin Lang said: "His Royal Highness is a body of ten thousand gold. You must not take risks yourself. You have returned safely, and the rest will be left to the imperial guards and Lord Taiwei."

Hmph, if those rebels can kill Lin Ximu, then God will help me!

"Your Majesty, those killers are targeting the princes!" The spy reported back, "Three princes have died and one prince has been injured."

Everyone was shocked, Lian Yu's face turned pale, and Qi Zhiyuan was just sent back, covered in blood, with a golden arrow pierced into his heart, which was shocking.

"Lian Yu... Yan Bing, Yueyue..." Qi Zhiyuan's hand holding Lian Yu was trembling, unable to speak, and passed out before finishing speaking.

"Come here, tell the imperial doctor, hurry up, save Qi Shizi!" The emperor roared, his heart was not good, in the holy capital, three of the six princes died and one was injured, and the life and death of the two were unknown. This was a long-planned plan massacre.

Chu Jing, Chu Hao and others are even more aware that now that the Six Kingdoms are in rebellion, if the princes are dead, they will be even more unscrupulous if they have no hostages.

Secondly, the deaths of the princes will definitely be blamed on Nan Chu, which will intensify the conflict between Nan Chu and the six kingdoms, increase public grievances, and strengthen the fighting spirit.

Nan Chu was even more disappointed.

This move kills three birds with one stone, which can be described as a brilliant move, ruthless and absolute!
"Where's the fourth child!" the emperor roared.

Chu Hao was taken aback for a moment, then took a breath, "He has been with Prince Qin all the time!"

The young master who came back with him turned pale and his limbs trembled, "Your Majesty Qi is...protecting, protecting His Majesty Qin from being injured!"

The emperor was shocked and hurriedly ordered, "Hurry up, send someone to protect the Fourth Prince and Prince Qin!"

Lian Yutong's eyes widened suddenly, the beautiful red riding outfit couldn't conceal the girl's ferocious murderous aura, she quickly got on the horse without saying a word.

"Lianyu, don't go, it's dangerous!" Chu Hao was the closest to her and stretched out his hand to pull her.

Lian Yu slapped her palm backwards, with fierce rage sandwiched between her, her voice was cold and chilling, "Go away!"

With a whip, he rushed towards the south paddock.

damn it!
Xi Liuyue, wait for me!
(End of this chapter)

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