Chapter 105

The southern paddock was a slaughter field, and Lian Yu finally understood that some people would vomit.

The killing methods of these killers are too cruel, they are all chopped up at the waist, the body is separated, and the vain places flow out of the stomach, together with other internal organs, it looks extremely disgusting.

Everyone has been hacked like this, the scary thing is that they are still alive, their upper body is wriggling on the ground, crying for help, wailing everywhere!
Very perverted method of killing.

There were a few aristocrats standing in the pile of corpses, their feet being dragged tightly by half of the corpses, and they were crying their ass off, crying there.

Lian Yu frowned, ignored their pleas for help, and rode his horse towards the sound of killing, where most of Lin Ximu's army was wiped out.

Even a trained soldier cannot withstand a well-trained killer.

Sharp arrows pierced the sky, roaring towards...

Lian Yu identified the figure and turned sideways to avoid it. The sharp arrow pierced dangerously through her ears. The cold light cut her ears with numb pain, and the killing intent like a white blade struck her ears.

The sharp arrow shot straight down like a thick tree trunk, and penetrated half a meter, the white feathers on the tail were shaken slightly, even Yu Yu's eyes were as bright as a knife, and he turned his head quickly.

I saw five men in black jumping and running quickly like ghosts. They were all dressed in black clothes and wrapped in black scarves, only showing a pair of cold and empty eyes, like two dark black holes.

"Go away!" Lian Yu's voice was cold, Xi Liuyue was not far in front, because of Chu Yan's presence, he could not use martial arts at will, if Xi Liuyue suffered any loss, she would make them all pay the price!
The black-clothed killers were obviously taken aback. The girl in front of them was as beautiful as a fairy, but as cold as Yan Luo, with fiery red riding clothes, jet-black eyes, and a murderous look, as if she had a real weapon, lingering at them.

She's more of a killer than they are!
As if the god of death walked out of the hall of hell, controlling a party to kill!
"Kill!" As soon as the words fell, fifteen rain arrows shot at Lianyu, surrounding them in all directions without leaving any gaps.

If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just go, so no wonder she!

With the Lianyu Guqin in his hand, he moved his ten fingers, and the wind blades shot out. The rain arrows quickly changed direction, fast and fierce, and shot back at the man in black.

The girl let out a cold snort, and rode her horse out of the jungle. Behind her, five men in black were shot through their throats by rain arrows and fell to the ground dead.

Outside the jungle is a cliff, dozens of men in black surrounded Yan Bing, Chuyan and Xiliuyue. As soon as Lian Yu came out of the jungle, a murderous aura rushed towards him. murderous look.

Chu Yan was slashed in the left arm, blood was flowing, Yan Bing was stabbed in the chest, the blood stained the red silk, his face was pale, but he guarded Xi Liuyue tightly.

"Little Yuer..."

"small thing……"

Chu Yan Xiliuyue found Lian Yu in the melee, Chu Yan opened his eyes, and slashed at the two men in black with a backhand sword, forcing them to push them away. His eyes were blood red, and he roared at Lian Yu, "Get out!"

As soon as he was distracted, he was almost cut in half.

Xi Liuyue also shook her head at Lianyu, signaling her to leave.

Today, there are two groups of people who broke into the hunting ground. Compared with the group of people who killed innocent people indiscriminately just now, this group is more than ten times more skilled.

Yan Bing and Chu Yan are rare masters in this world, but they were beaten all over with injuries.

"Don't even think about it!" The girl's eyes were as bright as a knife, she flew up, flipped a few somersaults in the air, landed firmly in front of Xi Liuyue, turned over, and grabbed Xi Liuyue's collar roughly, "I just wanted to say something. what?"

Naked-naked threats!
Xi Liuyue's eyebrows drooped, her expression changed slightly, and she wrapped her arms around her waist to avoid the two scimitars.

Chu Yan roared, "Xi Liuyue, take her away!"

"I won't leave!" Xi Liuyue is here, she can't leave, with a flash of coldness, a murderous look, Lian Yu twisted her wrist, played the jade flute, and the wind blade whizzed, creating a hurricane.

The wind blades whirled fiercely, and dozens of killers backed away in horror.

so horrible!


There were several screams, and several people screamed and fell to the ground, convulsing and twisting.

All the killers were shocked, someone swung a scimitar, and immediately formed a new formation, turning from an encirclement to a semi-encirclement, resisting Lianyu's wind blade.

Protecting each other in all directions, unexpectedly forming a watertight defensive state.

Lian Yu caught a glimpse of the blood on Xi Liuyue's arm, the corners of her lips curled up coldly, I want to see who is stronger than whom!

If you dare to hurt him, she will kill them all!
The melody of the flute suddenly changed.

The wind was strong, the color of the wind and cloud changed, the dark sky rolled up the sky full of dust, and the greenery in the jungle swayed around, making a chilling sound of breaking.

Like their tense nerves, free on the verge of breaking.

"Boss, this woman is too scary, get out!" Someone in the killer group exclaimed, his voice trembling slightly.

"Shut up!" Someone shouted coldly.

The formation over there changed again.

Yan Bing had lost too much blood and could no longer resist, seeing Lian Yu coming, she was relieved.

Xi Liuyue had sharp eyes and quick hands, swept Yan Bing up, and said in a deep voice, "Yan Bing, thank you!"

Instead, she leaned into his ear and said, "I'll be fine!"

Yan Bing nodded and fell into a coma. You Lianyu confronted them temporarily, Xi Liuyue hurriedly handed Yan Bing to Chu Yan, "Take him away, immediately!"

"What about you?" Chu Yan was anxious. Lianyu's sound blade is not omnipotent. He can usually block her sound blade. Once he finds a breakthrough for them, they will never escape.

"First, Yan Bing, Chu Yan, three princes of the Six Kingdoms have died, Qi Zhiyuan was seriously injured, you don't want Yan Bing to have an accident, do you?" Xi Liuyue's face was sullen, her voice was as cold as a knife.

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, indeed, the princes cannot be allowed to have any more accidents, otherwise...

"Xiao Yu'er, you must bring him back safely!" Chu Yan said in a hurry, taking advantage of the killers' distraction, she hugged Yan Bing, got on her horse and left quickly!

"He's gone!" Lian Yu put away the flute.

Xi Liuyue twisted her wrists, giggled, and smiled alluringly. The corners of her lips curled up in iron-blooded arcs, cold and stern, and when she raised her charming eyes, murderous aura splattered all over her face.

With one foot on the ground, he raised a sword, "Everyone, have a good journey!"

As soon as the cold and joking voice fell, the sword energy swept across, and the heads of a dozen men in black flew out neatly, scaring them all back!

Xi Liuyue's eyes were fierce, and she coldly dropped a few words of evaluation, "Too weak!"

"Xi Liuyue, don't be complacent!" The leader of the assassins roared angrily, he swung two small stones from his sleeves, and hit the two boulders on the edge of the cliff respectively, he suddenly heard the muffled sound.

Lian Yu yelled, "Xi Liuyue, get out of the way!"

It was too late, Xi Liuyue's figure hadn't moved yet, the man in black sneered and threw a thunderbolt, the explosion sounded suddenly, and the boulder under Xi Liuyue's feet collapsed.

He fell off the cliff together with his sword.

Lian Yu rushed towards the edge of the cliff without even hesitation, and jumped off!

Chu Yan and Lin Ximu brought the imperial guards over, just in time to see the last scene, Qin Chuxue was shocked, "Xiao Yuer..."

(End of this chapter)

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