Chapter 106

The moment Lian Yu jumped off the cliff, the gossamer in Xi Liuyue's sleeve flew out, wrapped around her waist and pulled, Lian Yu's body fell rapidly, and fell into Xi Liuyue's arms.

"Little thing, who told you to jump down?" Xi Liuyue was furious, her eyes were red, if the two were not still falling, Lian Yu had no doubt that he would strangle her to death.

The sound of the wind was whistling on both sides, and it hurt so much, Lian Yu frowned, snorted coldly, suddenly thought of Zhui Yun, and in a flash of inspiration, Xi Liuyue whistled, and Zhui Yun, who had been waiting in the middle of the cliff for a long time, spread his wings and flew up , obliquely inserted under Xiliuyue and Lianyu's body, letting them land on it.

Lian Yu's tightly hanging heart finally fell, and a wave of anger rose in vain.

Damn Xi Liuyue, it turned out that he directed and acted the scene himself, but she was so worried that she followed him off the cliff like an idiot, how dare he get angry with her?
With a whistling sound, Zhuiyun followed the force of their fall to reduce the buffer force, and flew obliquely along the cliff.

Lian Yu turned back and grabbed Xi Liuyue's collar, flashed a cold light, and asked angrily, "You have planned it a long time ago?"

"Didn't you already know?" Xi Liuyue asked back with a sullen face, the mechanism was arranged by herself last night, but it's a pity that there was an episode of Qin Guifei and Qin Chuxue, so it couldn't be used.

"I'm not telling you this!" Lian Yu yelled, picked up the jade flute and hit him hard on the head, kicked him off to chase the cloud, "Go down and reflect!"

Xi Liuyue let out a scream, and Lian Yu's kick just happened to hit the wound on his abdomen. His martial arts skills are world-class, but he is not of iron and brass...

What a cruel woman!
Zhuiyun let out a groan, raised his neck, flapped his wings a few times, quite gloating!
Lian Yu was furious, with a cold face, thinking of the blood on his body, Lian Yu was even more angry.

Qi Zhiyuan and Yan Bing were seriously injured and unconscious, and he himself was covered in bruises. Is it worth it to blame Nan Chu for the crime?
Lian Yu understood his thoughts, but couldn't accept his actions, it was too decisive!
She was angry that he didn't know how to protect himself, there was a better way, why did he choose the stupidest one.

Didn't he know that when he fell off the cliff, she was almost scared out of her wits?

Damn Xi Liuyue!

When Xi Liuyue fell to chase the cloud, her first reaction was to use light kung fu to escape, but on second thought, Lian Yu seemed really angry, if he fell unscathed, would she be even more angry?
Xi Liuyue is confused!

Zhuiyun was about to send them off the cliff, but when Lian Yu kicked him off he was almost at the bottom of the cliff, so Xi Liuyue couldn't be entangled for too long.

Qin Shizi closed his eyes resolutely, tears streaming down his face, in order to calm down Lian Yu, this bitter trick must be used!

Thinking about this just now, his body has already fallen and smashed into the boulder firmly. In order to have a realistic effect, Qin Shizi slapped the boulder with his palm, and immediately the broken stones and dust flew up.

Seen from above, this effect is extraordinary and tragic!

It hurts...

Zhuiyun then fell to the ground, Lianyu slid down expressionlessly, and kicked him mercilessly, "Get out, don't pretend to be dead there!"

How could such a trick be hidden from her?

Xi Liuyue simply stopped pretending, turned over and lay on the ground on her back, she had been stabbed in the abdomen, blood flowed out, staining the brocade clothes red, and her arms were also stained with blood.

The silver hair set off the pale face, and it looked like the injury was more serious than it actually was. Lian Yu was startled, it was a genuine wound.

"Lian Yu, this wound is not a fake." Qin Shizi saw anger and pity flashing in her eyes, and hurriedly saw the opportunity to beg for mercy.

Lian Yu squatted down, the jade flute pierced the wound on his abdomen cruelly, and laughed angrily, "I said, Qin Shizi, who stabbed this wound? This position is really good, and you are still alive after bleeding so much? The strength and position are really accurate, did you stab it yourself?"

This person is really unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal, who in this world can hurt even a single hair of Xi Liuyue except him?
Xi Liuyue has black hair, Lianyu seems to be watertight, she doesn't eat hard and soft, she is doomed.

Will confessing now be taken lightly?
Lian Yu thought for a while, but felt something was wrong. Just now, the killer Xi Liuyue on the cliff mercilessly beheaded more than a dozen people, although with his temperament, he would definitely do such a cruel thing.


It is impossible for Xi Liuyue to sacrifice his strength for no reason. In the situation just now, it is fine for him not to kill those killers.

Did she guess wrong?

"Little thing, you finally found out. Hurry up and give me a kiss. This son is magnanimous and doesn't care about you." Xi Liuyue smiled so confoundingly that she didn't look like a seriously injured patient at all. She took Lianyu's hand and stood up smoothly, without any hesitation. Without hesitation, he rubbed the tofu against Lian Yu's arms.

As much tofu as you can eat, this has always been the creed of Qin Shizi.

Lian Yu really wanted to trample him to death!

This bastard!

"what happened?"

"What else could be going on? It was originally the same plan as last night. I killed those two fat guys. Who knew you would warn me, so I had no choice but to give up. Coincidentally, besides the killers I sent, there were two groups of killers in the hunting ground. I don't know. Whoever wants my life, hehe, it’s just right, I will use the plan, I will let people kill those two dead fat people in the chaos, and if I don’t do anything, I will just attack the princes." Xi Liuyue shrugged her shoulders and said bluntly Light clouds.

A ferocious and dangerous assassination was carried out by him in a few words, and only Lian Yu knew that Xi Liuyue's decision in such a short period of time was premeditated by him.

It just so happened that the sons of the six kingdoms gathered in the hunting ground, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


"Now is not the time, you killed them, the rebels are immature now, this time the heir of the Six Kingdoms was assassinated, and the rebels of the Six Kingdoms raised their troops again, I am afraid that Qin Hua will not stop doing nothing and kill the three of you Kill it!" Lian Yu said calmly.

"Little thing, what is your expression, are you worried about me?"

Lian Yu slapped him on the face, "Shut up!"

Qin Shizi stared, Lian Yu's face was cold, "Are Yan Bing and Qi Zhiyuan's injuries okay?"

"It's okay. Our injuries were all done by ourselves. We were careful not to hurt the vitals. If the three of them died and the three of us were unscathed, with Qin Hua's temperament, he would definitely be suspicious of us. Besides, Chu Yan may have doubted me, and almost followed me today."

"Qi Zhiyuan and Yan Bing don't know your plan?"

Xi Liuyue pondered for a moment, and a smug smile curled up on the corner of her lips, "A deal was reached yesterday!"

Lian Yu's expression froze, Xi Liuyue frowned, she quickly patted Zhui Yun's head, "Zui Yun, let's go, first hide in the woods, go home after dark."

Zhuiyun nodded, spread his wings and flew towards the forest.

Lian Yu stood up, took off the jade flute, and smiled half-smile, "Xi Liuyue, falling from such a high place, it's impossible to be injured like this?"

"Isn't it?" Xi Liuyue's head was full of black lines, and the corners of her eyes twitched. This bitter it a fake?

"Xi Liuyue, are you really planning to do something?" Lian Yu asked.

"Yeah, it's been ten years..." Xi Liuyue's eyes flashed coldness, he has endured it for ten years, it's long enough...

"I just want to tell you that no matter what you do, I will trust you, but... if you dare to get hurt next time, I will personally destroy you!" Lian Yu said coldly, blowing the jade flute, several wind blades facing west Lucy shoots out!

(End of this chapter)

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