Chapter 107

When Chu Yan and Lin Ximu led troops to find Xiliuyue and Lianyu under the cliff, Xiliuyue was covered in bruises and was unconscious.

Lianyu made many scars on his body, as if he was scratched by rocks when he fell off a cliff, and he also had a few serious injuries on his body, trying to make them all look embarrassed.

Seeing Lianyu's arms stained with blood, Chu Yan felt distressed and diverted part of his attention.Seeing that Xi Liuyue was unconscious, Lin Ximu was shocked, and immediately ordered his subordinates to send Xi Liuyue back to Donglin Garden for treatment.

Lian Yu held Chu Yan back, and when Lin Ximu and others sent Xi Liuyue away, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Yan reprimanded him with a sullen face, "Are you crazy? What if you fell from such a high place?" manage?"

He is mad!
It is undeniable that there is also a kind of sour pain.

For the sake of Xi Liuyue, the heartless Qin Lianyu jumped off the cliff with him without any hesitation.

Life and death go hand in hand, never leave.

Have their feelings reached the point where no one else can intervene?
Chu Yan grabbed Lian Yu's hand, which was so heavy that it could almost crush her wrist, a ball of flames shot in his eyes, and that Mou Guangru's real knife pierced her skin.

Lian Yu's arm was scratched by himself, and he couldn't use his strength, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape his restraint, Lian Yu glared at him fiercely.

"Tell me, is he really that important?" Chu Yan popped out the words word by word, with deep anger and hopeless despair.

Lian Yu was expressionless. She had always liked Chu Yan, just like she liked Qin Chuxue.

If someone is cruel to her, she will be cruel to others.

When others treat her well, she treats others well.

This is Lian Yu's character, she will never show mercy when she should be ruthless, but she will not hurt the one who loves her.

She didn't blame Chu Yan for the pain that Emperor Nan Chu inflicted on her.She only remembered that she was rescued by Chu Yan when she was on the verge of death, and that someone played a song for her when she was lonely on New Year's Eve, knowing that her flute was broken, and then spent all her time trying to give herself the unparalleled purple jade flute. In [-], he was sincerely kind to her.

However, just as she subconsciously did not dare to get too close to Qin Chuxue, fearing that she would love and hate him deeply if she turned against him, she was also subconsciously alienated from Chu Yan, because she knew that Xi Liuyue would turn against Nanchu one day.

They will definitely turn against each other in the future.

So Lian Yu has been treating Chu Yan with a kind of compensation. She knows that Chu Yan likes her. Since she rejected him, there is still a thin film between the two of them. If Chu Yan doesn't pierce it, Lian Yu will naturally And she doesn't make fun of herself, it's similar to avoiding this kind of entanglement that she is not very good at.

She didn't want to hurt Chu Yan!
But the premise is that no one should pierce this layer of paper.

"Yeah, he is very important to me!" Lian Yu said to Chu Yan, her tone was light but extremely firm.

Xi Liuyue has always been special in Lian Yu's heart. For so many years, apart from her family, Xi Liuyue is the only one who can make Lian Yu fall asleep in his arms without any scruples.

This kind of trust is already indestructible and unbreakable!
The veins on the back of Chu Yan's hands were throbbing violently, and the strength of his hand pulling Lianyu's wrist became stronger. Seeing this, the guards on the side did not dare to approach, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Chu Yan, you scratched me." Lian Yu reminded lightly, her tone calm.

Chu Yan looked at her for a while, then slowly let go, his rigid facial features were covered with a sinister smile, Lian Yu was startled, this was not the Chu Yan she was familiar with.

The Chu Yan she was familiar with couldn't be beaten or overwhelmed, even when she smiled, she always carried a kind of domineering arrogance.

"Little Yu'er, don't you find the assassination strange?" Chu Yan suddenly changed the subject, and Lian Yu's back felt a chill, but the expression on her face was watertight.

"If you don't remind me, I'll forget it, and I'll investigate this matter thoroughly!" Lian Yu's lips drew a sinister mark, anyone who dared to hurt her would be asking for death.

Chu Yan snorted heavily, "If I told you that this was a scene directed and acted by Xi Liuyue, would you believe it?"

Lian Yu's heart trembled, Chu Yan looked straight at her, trying to see a broken expression on her face, but Lian Yu was invulnerable from beginning to end, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, you don't need to remind me!" Lian Yu said lightly, Chu Yan was really suspicious, so he followed Xi Liuyue all the time today.

Miscalculate the strength of the opponent, and the power that has been cultivated with great difficulty will collapse, and there is no wrong step.

Lian Yu felt like she was walking a tightrope, trying to find a balance between Xi Liuyue and Chu Yan.

Both of them are too smart, and they have calculated each other's next plan exactly.

If Chu Yan dared to tell her this, he would not be afraid that Xi Liuyue would know that he had become suspicious. On the contrary, Xi Liuyue would act more frequently after knowing that Chu Yan was suspicious. It would be easier for Chu Yan to seize his handle and establish his Southern Chu The power of the people is wiped out.

He is King Xuan of Southern Chu, so it is understandable to do so.

No right or wrong, just different positions.

Lian Yu didn't say anything anymore, and she didn't say anything speculative. She and Chu Yan were destined to stand on opposite sides from the beginning.

Breaking up is only a matter of time!
Turning on the horse, Lian Yu raised her hand and looked at the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, the sun was shining brightly, she smiled and said to Chu Yan: "I know you have been in charge of monitoring Xi Liuyue, since my sister told me not to go too far with Xiliuyue. From the very beginning, I knew everything. Although this idea is naive, I still hope that our time in Donglin Garden is more or less true."

With a wave of the whip, he will leave in the dust!

Chu Yan stood at the foot of the cliff for a long, long time, motionless, letting the mountain wind blow his robe and make a sound.

Lian Yu suffered minor injuries, and when Qin Chuxue bandaged her, she couldn't help scolding her, "You... for Xi Liuyue, I really don't want my life!"

Lian Yu smiled faintly, "I'm also surprised that I jumped like that at that moment!"

She didn't even think that there would be no accident with Xi Liuyue's ability, let alone that Xi Liuyue borrowed Zhuiyun the night before, she just couldn't bear Xi Liuyue getting hurt in front of her.

Of course, the fact that she was injured is another matter!
"Don't be so impulsive in the future. If you like him, you don't have to be so obvious." Qin Chuxue joked.

Lian Yu just laughed it off, do you like it?
Hehe, she also likes Chu Yan and Qin Chuxue, but Xi Liuyue is different, and she doesn't know what is different.

"Xiao Yu'er, don't go to Donglin Garden in the next few days!" Qin Chuxue said in a calm tone in order to straighten her clothes, but revealed a thrilling danger.

Lian Yu looked at her quietly, and Qin Chuxue said calmly, "Three of the sons of the Six Kingdoms died and three were seriously injured. This matter cannot be judged simply by assassination. My father has not returned to the mansion until now. He probably discussed countermeasures with the emperor. If I'm not mistaken, he wants to destroy the princes of the Six Kingdoms."

Lian Yu was startled, and Qin Chuxue smiled, "So, Xiao Yu'er can rest at home to heal her wounds, don't disturb her, the affairs of the state cannot be reversed by one's own power, if you can trust my sister, then tell Xi Liuyue, don't act rashly, freeze three feet It's not just a day of cold, Nanchu is not yet at the point of being besieged on all sides."

"I don't know what my sister is talking about!" Lian Yu smiled.

Qin Chuxue glanced at her, and the corners of her lips curled up, "If you don't know, then you don't know!"

(End of this chapter)

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