Chapter 112

Lian Yu went to see Qin Hua in prison.

The night in early autumn is very cold.

Especially in the depths of the dungeon, the dark wind is blowing.

The humidity is too heavy, and the wind seems to come out of the ground, cold to the bone.

Qin Hua was wearing a white prison uniform and was locked in the deepest part of the sky prison alone. Chu Yan was still afraid that someone would rob the prison and would come back from the ashes.

The iron shackles were extremely thick.

His head was drooping, his hair was disheveled, and he didn't see any scars on his body. He just sat quietly in the corner, not even aware of the rats running past him.

This place is the wettest and coldest place in the prison, and even a good-natured Lianyu has a cold back.

Sensitively watching someone watching, Qin Hua raised his head, saw that it was Lian Yu, and sneered, "Hmph, did you come to see my joke?"

Lian Yu's eyes were full of hatred, strong, but not out of control, "If you were dismounted and imprisoned three years ago, I would not only come to see your jokes, but also give you a ride to avenge your hatred personally! Now... hmph, don't you If I hadn't been looking for you for something, I would think it was unnecessary for this girl to see you!"

"Hahaha..." Qin Hua laughed out loud. This is a solitary cell where he is the only one locked up. This kind of laughter reverberated in vain. It sent chills down the spine, and Lian Yu was unmoved.

Even if Qin Hua fell off the horse, he was still Qin Hua. With his imposing manner and seniority, not just anyone could make a fuss about it. Lian Yu just watched calmly.

Like watching a stranger go crazy.

"As expected of my Qin Hua's daughter, a daughter gambles everything to pull me down, and a daughter sees the opportunity to coerce and lure me, haha, good, good, good!" He said three good things again and again, all ironic.

Lian Yu was expressionless, "Qin Hua, how about transferring your contacts to me?"

Qin Hua's face darkened, "Chu Yan and Chu Jing wantonly hunted and killed the prime minister's henchmen, those who died, those who were caught, what kind of connections do you want to have?"

The corner of Lian Yu's lips curled up into a bloody smile, "Why bother holding on, do you think I've been living in the Qin Mansion for a few years? The bright ones are dead, but the secret ones?"

Qin Hua looked at Lianyu, as if he was meeting her for the first time, and burst out laughing, like a smile that took his heart out, a little sad, but also a little relieved, "I underestimated you, Lianyu, these things Chuxue doesn't even know, but you actually found out, hmph, so what, how can you be sure that I will give it to you?"

Qin Hua's power is intertwined and complicated in the court. The power on the surface and the power in the dark have always been compatible and parallel. Chu Yan can kill his power on the surface, but he can't get a hold of his underground power.

After Qin Hua dismounted, Lian Yu searched for a few days, and all the spies from the Four Princes' Palace came out, just to find out who else Qin Hua was hiding in the court.

"The people you arranged are useless now. If you dismount, death is doomed. Do you still want to be reborn? Impossible. If that's the case, why bring the secret to hell?" Lian Yu said ruthlessly , the always cold voice was full of sarcasm and arrogance, "Now those people are wise and safe, and they will never come to save you. You have devoted yourself to the unification of Southern Chu, and you have made great contributions, but you have ended up like this. Don't you resent it?"

Qin Hua's slender eyes narrowed. These negotiating methods, coercion and temptation, and psychological warfare are all his usual tricks. He always makes people tremble from the bottom of his heart when dealing with nobles from the Six Kingdoms and his opponents. The daughter stood in front of him with such a posture.

the student surpasses the master!

He has been busy with affairs in the court and in the middle of the country. In recent years, Chu Yan and Chu Jing have weakened his power, and he has been very busy in order to consolidate his power.

He has never noticed that his two daughters have grown up to be strong on their own.

After all, they were sixteen and fourteen, and they were still young, so he had been ignoring them all the time.

Especially Lianyu, she is less scheming than Chuxue, but more sharp. She was originally the number one child prodigy in Southern Chu, extremely smart, and a descendant of the Yinsha family in Qinghai, with excellent martial arts skills.Standing there quietly, arrogant and cold, domineering and fierce.

"Lianyu, you are nothing like Bailian!" Qin Hua smiled suddenly. Bailian was kind and gentle, while Lianyu was domineering, fierce and scheming. This temperament followed him ten to ten.

He has always had complicated feelings for her, but looking carefully now, this child is the one with the personality most like him among all the children!
"You want to talk nonsense and tell the wall after I leave. I just want to ask, will you give or not give the power in your hand?" Lian Yu's voice was cold.

"Are you asking who wants the power in my hands, Chu Yan, or Xi Liuyue?"

"Is there a difference?"

Qin Hua was silent for a while, Lian Yu sneered, "You won't tell me such a ridiculous reason for being loyal, will you? You will die soon, and it has nothing to do with you whether the world belongs to Southern Chu or Western Qin !"

"So it's Xi Liuyue!" Qin Hua smiled, his shrewd eyes flashed in deep thought.

Qin Chuxue risked himself for Chu Yan, and Qin Lianyu risked everything for Xi Liuyue. One day in the future, the fate of his two daughters would definitely be different.

"You are so ruthless!" Chu Xue has truly cherished her for the past few years.

"It's ridiculous for you to say this sentence!" Lian Yu raised her eyebrows, "I don't need anyone to teach me how to do it? Don't worry, you give me the best power, and it doesn't matter if you don't. There are ways, it just takes time."

"Qin Hua, Southern Chu is about to die. You can't fail to see that the wars of the six kingdoms are raging everywhere, and the Emperor of Southern Chu is still constructing large-scale buildings, wine pools and meat forests. I am not a good person, and I have no ambitions to save the people from suffering. Do this It's just helping Xi Liuyue. And you, I think you are not willing to die like this, and you may not be very loyal to Nan Chu. I am afraid that what you want to do most now is to kill Nan Chu Emperor and chop off his A few princes, how about lending my hand?"

"The centipede is dead but not stiff, Lian Yu, don't look at Nan Chu being besieged on all sides, but the regular armies of the six countries have all been wiped out, or they will be organized into the Southern Chu army. It has been ten years, and everything has changed. Now on the battlefield The soldiers on board are all stragglers. They have no training and no actual combat experience. What can they do with their blood? Southern Chu is a huge country. Forming the most solid city defense, trying to overthrow Nanchu in a short period of time is simply a dream!" Qin Hua said solemnly, looking straight at Lian Yu, he didn't expect Lian Yu to listen to his words, but he didn't expect Lian Yu not A rebuttal.

She listened quietly with a sullen face, Qin Hua was quite surprised, he thought even Yu would scoff at what he said/
"Then how do we do it?" Unexpectedly, Lian Yu asked him, his tone was very sincere, although he didn't have the cowardice of begging for help, but he didn't have the kind of supercilious arrogance.

" really surprised me, you actually asked me?" Qin Hua smiled, "Didn't you just play psychological warfare? Didn't you look very sure?"

Lian Yu said, "Although I hate you and don't bother to listen to your suggestions, I have to admit that if you really want to help me, the suggestions you give me will be better than those of us who have been groping for several years. Can you Calling the wind and calling the rain, and being able to sow beans into soldiers on the battlefield, do I want to refuse your advice because of some personal grievances?"

"It seems that Qin Shizi is really important to you, and you actually made you bow your head to me!"

Lian Yu's face darkened, she didn't like to be seen through by others!
(End of this chapter)

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