Chapter 113

Lian Yu, who came out of the prison, looked a little dazed.

The night wind was like a knife, making her cheeks hurt. Lian Yu sat alone on the stone bridge, looking down at the deep water.

The surface of the water was slightly choppy, and her reflection was blurred, making her look a bit desolate.

Qin Hua told her the weaknesses of all the city defense fortresses on the border of Southern Chu, where to enter the palace, where the terrain is suitable for what formation, and even taught her how to quickly gather the scattered soldiers scattered across the six countries, and put them back together. All the contacts that have been secretly managed for so many years have been transferred to her.

From city defense to economy, Qin Hua's power is very strong. If he had thought of becoming emperor in the past, I am afraid that Southern Chu would have changed his dynasty long ago.

The most fearful thing about being imprisoned this time is that someone will murder him secretly, otherwise with his power, once he can get out, there will definitely be a bloodbath.

She looked at the token in her hand. It was a small piece, like a jade pendant, tied around her neck all the time. It was unobtrusive, but it was the key to mobilizing all his horses.

Such a huge power is not given to Qin Chuxue, but to her. Does he really want to use her hand to take revenge on Nan Chu?
"You are Bailian's daughter and the daughter who is most like me. This is the first thing I can do for you and the last thing I can do for myself. Since you want to help Xi Liuyue, then replace me Witness the demise of Nanchu for yourself! You are right, I am dead, everything is none of my business, this world will be your battlefield in the future."

Lian Yu hung the token around her neck, she is now equivalent to the second Qin Hua.

Possessing the power to absolutely destroy Nan Chu, equivalent to thousands of troops, she will not be as stupid as him to be useless, she has never expected Nan Chu.

So I won't show mercy!
"Xiao Yuer..." The cold voice came with the autumn wind, and Lian Yu quickly turned her face away in deep thought.

"Chu Yan? Why are you here?"

Standing in the night, Chu Yan's huge cloak fluttered, and his whole body seemed to blend in with the black, which made people shudder.

I don't know when it started, but the aura of this cold young man has slowly changed.

Chilling, cold, unfathomable.

Such a person is destined to be successful, but also doomed to be elusive.

"You just went to the prison?"

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

"What did Qin Hua tell you?"

"What can I tell him, he ruined my family, so I naturally told him to make amends to my parents when he got out of hell!" Lian Yu sneered, looking at Chu Yan with cold eyes.

"Really?" Chu Yan put his hands behind his back and slowly approached her, reaching out to stroke her head, "Xiao Yu'er, you have always been wary of me."

The tone was a little lonely, and it was soft to hear in the night.

Are you wary?
She is wary of everyone, except Xi Liuyue and Dodo.

"When will Qin Hua's verdict come down?" Lian Yu changed the subject.

The night she wanted to give the purple jade flute to her, she was a little moved, but that was only a kind of heartbeat under a specific environment and a specific mood.

She was too rational, so she killed this heartbeat.

But he didn't have enough reason to kill his attachment to Xi Liuyue.

It can be seen from this that Xi Liuyue is different from him.

So Lian Yu didn't want Chu Yan to have any more thoughts, and she would leave Nanchu in a few days.

"Father has just issued an order to hang him, and it will be executed tomorrow." Chu Yan's voice was devoid of emotion.

"You guys really can't wait, that's fine, he's dead, many people have to feel at ease." Including herself.

"He really didn't say anything to you?"

"Hmph, I haven't spoken to him for three years. I don't think of him as a father, and he doesn't think of me as a daughter. What can I say?"

Chu Yan took a deep look at her and frowned.

Lian Yufeng raised her eyes and looked straight at him, "Xi Liuyue, where are Qi Zhiyuan and Yan Bing, when do you plan to strike?"

"In your eyes, am I such a ruthless person?"

"Aren't you? What is the truth about Qiu Wei? You can hide it from others but not from me. You wanted to kill Xi Liuyue that day, didn't you?"

"Why doesn't Xi Liuyue want to kill me?" Chu Yan asked coldly.

"So you can kill each other, it has nothing to do with me." Lian Yu's voice was even colder.

It was an unpleasant conversation. She had a hunch that if she continued, it would definitely not be what she wanted to hear, "It's getting late, I'm going back."

Passing him and trying to leave, Chu Yan called to her and grabbed her wrist, "Wait!"

Lian Yu stopped and fell away, "What else is there?"

"Little Yu' you know? I've reached the age to be a princess." Chu Yan uttered a sentence inexplicably, deep and sharp.

Lian Yu rubbed her bruised wrist, the blood on her arm dripped down her wrist, Lian Yu ignored it, smiled lightly, with a kind of cold ridicule in her heart, "So?"

"The Qin family has been defeated. The next thing is about you and Chu Jing. I have no right or background, so I can't help you. My sister is the favorite of the Langya Wang family. Do you want me to call you brother-in-law in advance?"

"Xiao Yu'er, what you say really hurts people." Chu Yan's stern brows were full of wry smiles and self-deprecation.

And loneliness and loneliness.

No matter how hard he tried, couldn't he walk into her heart?
"The emperor mentioned this matter tonight, but I refused!"

The corners of Lian Yu's lips raised, it was worthless for Qin Chuxue's years of painstaking efforts, "What does it have to do with me?"

"You men are really strange, especially those from the royal family. You always think that other people are pawns in your hands. You can do whatever you like, right?"

Chu Yan squinted at her dangerously, Lian Yu sneered, "Want to marry me?"

"I do not deserve?"

"That's not true." Lian Yu smiled lightly, but no one would mistake the coldness in her eyes, "I overestimated you, Fourth Prince!"

"If you want to marry, it depends on whether Miss Ben wants to marry or not!" Lian Yu flashed coldly, her haughty posture was like a queen patrolling the territory, arrogant and domineering, "If I don't want to, no one can force me!"

Chu Yan's face darkened, and he was furious!

Lian Yuhuan's chest was covered with moonlight, and she was as cold as snow, "I don't care about who is right and wrong between you and sister, and don't get involved with me. I told you three years ago, It’s impossible between me and you. Chu Yan, don’t say I didn’t warn you, wanting to grasp your dream with one hand and the throne with the other, how can there be such a cheap thing in this world?”

"Either you give up your so-called naive dreams, or you give up your ambitions and desires, grasping with both hands, be careful to end up empty-handed. You know your sister's ability and background better than anyone else, and you can't find one in the whole world. A princess who can help you so much, what else are you not satisfied with?"

"I've said all I need to say. Don't have any thoughts about me. I don't love you. The woman you should love is Qin Chuxue, not me. Miscalculate her, and one day you will regret it."

"Also, Miss Ben is very taboo about things like feelings. Do whatever you like, don't get involved with me. It has nothing to do with me at all. I don't remember giving you any ambiguous misunderstandings. I don't care about such crap. Interested in participating."

After Lian Yu finished speaking, she walked away regardless of Chu Yan's livid face.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yan didn't necessarily stop her. Lian Yu was so angry that she didn't notice the change in the environment for a while. When a scent hit her face, it was too late for her to dodge, and she fainted heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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