Chapter 117

Xi Liuyue suddenly wanted to laugh, Yan Bing's face turned frosty, "Lianyu, even if you don't remember anything, you should remember that the most important person in this world is Yueyue, not the person standing beside you!"

Lian Yu's eyes were cold, with a trace of sharpness like a blade, and he clenched his fists tightly, "I want to lose my memory? If your mind is blank, you don't want to know what kind of person you are, what kind of person you are. past?"

Yan Bing sneered, "A blank? A blank. How do you know that you like Chu Yan? Do you have any memory about him in your mind? Or do you remember Chu Yan when you forget everyone? Lian Yu, liking is a very sacred person." Word, don't tarnish it."

"Yan Bing, that's enough, what are you doing?" Chu Yan yelled, pulling Lian Yu to protect her.

Yan Bing's words woke him up, Lianyu's mind is indeed blank now, no one has any memory, and it's probably because of the medicine that he likes him.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan was in a very bad mood, and just wanted to leave here with Lian Yu.

As long as she is no longer entangled with Xi Liuyue, he is confident that Lian Yu will fall in love with him in the end.

"Yan Bing, let's go back!" Xi Liuyue's eyes had returned to calm, the amber eyes were deep and strange in the night, without the confusion and sadness just now.

"Yueyue..." Seeing that his face was normal, Yan Bing was even more worried.

Others don't know how important Lian Yu is to Xi Liuyue, so why doesn't he know that their ten years of companionship and protection may not be as deep as the bond between Lian Yu and Xi Liuyue.

Xiliuyue raised a wicked smile, "How can the people of Xiliu's family not be able to bear such a blow!"

"Wait, speak clearly." Seeing him turn around, Lian Yu panicked and stopped subconsciously.

Chu Yan's heart tightened, and he turned his mind around, and said, "Lianyu, you and your sister are the ones who monitor the princes of the Six Kingdoms, and they approached Xi Liuyue and Yan Bing just to obtain information, even if you and What relationship did he have before, it was just you acting in order to obtain information, you don’t need to take it seriously. You also have an older sister and younger sister, if you don’t believe my words, then you must believe what your sisters say!”

Xi Liuyue's eyes were suddenly sharp, and his anger was soaring. If his eyes could kill people, his eyes at this moment were enough to pierce the hardest diamond, and there was violence in the sharpness.

"Little Four, you are so despicable!"

Chu Yan's stern eyes were unmoved, yes, he admitted that he was despicable, but Lian Yu finally got together with him, and finally he had a chance, so why should he give up in vain.

Chu Yan has been in the middle of Chu Jing and Qin Hua for so many years, always standing on the cusp of the storm, and has never used any means.

In the cruel real world, there are not so many rules at all.

"Qin Shizi, why are you so sure that Xiao Yu'er wasn't acting before?" Chu Yan asked blankly, "If it wasn't for Lian Yu, how would I know so many details about you? On the day of Qiu Wei, she deliberately reminded you that I have The plan, this is my instigation. My goal is only in Qinhua, and how you have provoked the six countries to fight in the past few years, and what kind of outlet Lianyu has arranged for you in Hua, which one I am not clear about? Even when you arranged to leave Southern Chu and how the soldiers and horses are distributed, I know very clearly, if it wasn't for Lian Yu, how would I have gotten such information?"

"What did you say?" Yan Bing's eyes widened in disbelief.

Xi Liuyue narrowed her slender eyes, glanced at Lianyu, and sneered, "Fourth prince, you are so sure, why didn't you attack me? Come on, tell me what you know? I have no rights The proton of Shi Shi can still cultivate troops in Southern Chu, and even plans to return to the country, which is really a big joke in the world, is Southern Chu too weak, or is the fourth prince just daydreaming?"

Chu Yan looked straight at Xi Liuyue, with deep eyes, both of them were rare geniuses in the world, and they exerted their strength at the same time, their aura was so powerful that it changed the face of the situation.

"When I do things, I never do things that I'm not sure about. In other words, the evidence I have so far is not enough, but Xi Liuyue, this king will tell you the truth, you will never get out of Shengjing!"

"Is kidnapping a threat? It's interesting, Chu Yan, you are really...huh!" He continued, but glanced at Lianyu, "Little thing, what you lost is your memory, not your wisdom. No matter what decision I make, I will no longer treat you as my little thing to be tolerant and considerate, and I will not expect anything from you just because you lost your memory. So, think twice before you recover your memory. If you have done something, this son will settle the score one by one!"

Xi Liuyue took another look at Lian Yu, turned around and left.

Lian Yu wanted to call him, but no sound came out of her throat.

The expression on Xi Liuyue's turn was burning her heart like fire, and it hurt a lot.

Is it disappointment?

"Little Yu'er, let's go back!" Chu Yan put his arms around her shoulders with a smile, and things went as he wished. Qi Zhiyuan said that Lian Yu's memory would never be restored.

He doesn't have to worry about Xi Liuyue.

When the situation is clearly in his favor, he is sure to get Lian Yu's wholehearted love.

"Chu Yan, you said that I have a sister and a sister, and I want to see them."

"Okay, let's go back to the palace first, and I'll let you see them tomorrow."

Lian Yu nodded and clenched her fists, she needed more facts to be sure.

"Xiao Yu'er, do you believe me?"

Lian Yu glanced at him, nodded, "I believe!"

There seems to be no doubt about it, everything Chu Yan said, she believed, thinking so, why did she have the idea of ​​looking for someone else to find the answer?

Lian Yu shook her head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Yueyue, are you really alright?" Yan Bing saw that his face was getting paler, and he felt a sigh of relief in his heart. His slender and slender body stood so straight, as if nothing could be bent, which made people feel distressed.

How could the members of Xiliu's family not be able to bear even this little blow!

Yueyue, in fact, you are trying to hold on!
"It's okay, what can I do!"

"Why are you all right, look at your hands!" Yan Bing pulled his wrist quickly, the palm was covered with scars from his fingernails, and there was blood on his hand.

He is not as calm as he appears.

"Why did Lianyu forget me?" In fact, what he really cared about was this matter from the beginning to the end. He didn't believe a word of it, and he didn't care about it.

The one you love deeply forgets yourself, and it hurts deeply.

Apart from the year she left Xiqin, this was the second time that Xi Liuyue lost control of her emotions and wanted to kill someone!
"Yueyue, you fool, Lian Yu is so important to you, why did you say those things? Why did you insist?"

"I said before, how could the people of Xiliu's family not be able to bear such a blow!" Xiliuyue looked at the vast night sky with deep eyes, "Xiliuyue without Lianyu is still Xiliuyue!"

I will try my best to make up the second update, and make up for the previous two days, (*^__^*) hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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