Chapter 118 Second Update

Lianyu was sleepless all night, and it was an uneasy night for everyone.

The next day, Qin Hua was hanged, and Qin Chuxue prepared a good meal to see him off early in the morning.Several children of the Qin family were secretly exchanged by Qin Chuxue, changed their names and surnames, and sent them to Yizhou.The Wang family has a courtyard there, and Yizhou is also a major state for the Wang family's jade business, which is enough for the few of them to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime.

She did not hide this news from Qin Hua. Their father and daughter had not been close since childhood. After Qin Hua killed her mother, Qin Chuxue even hated him.

It's just that when a person is about to die, it is a tragedy that a generation of heroes has no one to send him to the funeral, and all the grievances and grievances have disappeared.

Lian Yu met Qin Chuxue at noon, and Lian Duo had been playing with Lian Yu in the palace for a while, maybe because blood is thicker than water, Lian Yu was inexplicably close to Lian Duo, so she laughed naturally, I also believed Chu Yan's words.

After Qin Chuxue went to the palace, she met Chu Yan before going to the backyard to look for Lianyu.

When Chu Yan stepped out of the room, Lin Ximu saw an obvious palm print on his master's face.

"My lord, the emperor announces us to enter the palace!" Lin Ximu said in a gentle and authentic manner, his usual handsome and unrestrained figure always had a comforting smile, elegant and gentle.

"Yeah!" Chu Yan glanced at the backyard, turned and left resolutely.

Lin Ximu smiled, and followed lightly, "My lord, the emperor has also announced the prince, so there is only this stumbling block left."

"Ximu, how is the crown prince compared to Qin Hua?"

"The difference is too far, not on the same level."

"Who said no!"

"I heard that you refuted his face yesterday and cut off Mr. Chen, and Chu Jing made a big fuss at your house?"

"My lord is very well informed. It's just a trivial matter. I can handle it. My lord should really teach His Royal Highness how to raise the prince." Lin Ximu's slight laughter echoed over the palace.

The backyard of the palace.

Lian Yu accompanied Lian Duo to play in the maple forest. Xiao Lianduo was already 11 years old, and she looked like her elder sister. The eyebrows of the two sisters were five or six points similar. The white lotus stands gracefully.

She is not as cold and sharp as Lian Yu, she is covered in frost, Lian Duo has a lively and funny personality, and her smile is warm and sunny, like an angel, making people get close involuntarily.

Everyone in the Second Prince's Mansion liked her from top to bottom, as if she was half the master of the Palace.

Rao hadn't seen Lianyu for a long time, and she was very attached to her, and knowing that her sister had forgotten her, the little girl was very wronged, she hugged Lianyu and acted like a baby for a long time, and then told jokes to make Lianyu laugh.

When Qin Chuxue came, she happened to see the smile on Lian Yu's lips.

Pure, clean, relaxed...

She paused, feeling a little overwhelmed, with Chu Yan's begging gaze lingering in her mind, Qin Chuxue sighed lightly.

"Big sister..." Seeing Qin Chuxue coming, Lian Duo happily ran to her side with her arms raised, "My sister just laughed!"

"Yeah, big sister saw it!" Qin Chuxue patted her head, "Xiao Duo'er, why don't you go play somewhere else first? Big sister and big sister say a few words."

"Okay!" Lian Duo ran to Lian Yu again and kissed her on the cheek, "Sister, see you later."

"Okay!" Lian Yu smiled and watched her leave.

Qin Chuxue sat beside her and smiled softly, "Xiao Yu'er, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"elder sister?"

Qin Chuxue narrowed her eyes into crescent moons and nodded, "Chu Yan said you lost your memory, you don't remember anything."

Lian Yu nodded, "He said we have a very good relationship."

"Do you think we have a good relationship?"

Lian Yu hesitated for a moment, then nodded emphatically.

Qin Chuxue's smile became softer, and she stroked her cheek pitifully, feeling a little bitter in her heart.

Poor child, is it really necessary to be so misled?

Chu Yan said that Lianyu lost his memory, and he wanted to keep her and let her tell Lianyu that she loved him. This was the funniest thing he had heard in his life.

Chu Yan, when did you become so unconfident?
Is it because he loves Lianyu too much, or is he too jealous of Xi Liuyue?

"Sister, I have something to ask you, he said, you and I are in charge of monitoring the princes of the Six Kingdoms, I intentionally stayed by Xi Liuyue's side and pretended to be in love with Xi Liuyue for the purpose of obtaining information, is it like this? "Lian Yu looked at Qin Chuxue and asked.

Qin Chuxue's heart was shocked, Chu Yan actually lied to Lian Yu like this?
She found that she herself was being tricked by Chu Yan. He only told her that Lianyu had lost her memory and that she was going to deceive Lianyu, but he didn't tell her what he had done himself.

Qin Chuxue gritted her teeth secretly, and the little hope she had for Chu Yan in her heart disappeared without a trace.

Still not helping?

"Sister, why don't you speak?" Lian Yu frowned sensitively, and her eyes became sharper.

"Xiao Yuer, is the past important?"

"Yes, very important!"


Didn't Lian Yu always hate talking about the past?Her belief is only present and future.

"I don't know either, but it's important to know vaguely."

"I'm in charge of monitoring the princes of the Six Kingdoms, and you..." Qin Chuxue carefully chose her words, seeing Lian Yu's expression, she couldn't say a single word to lie to her.

"It is true that you are very close to Xiliuyue Yanbing, but only you know what you really think. After the three of Xiliuyue moved out of the Imperial College, spies have been secretly reporting the news to me. Only by analyzing and judging." Qin Chuxue chose a vague answer, and cleverly avoided the center, "Xiao Yuer, do you think you like Chu Yan?"

"I should like it, so what he said is true." Lian Yu murmured.

Qin Chuxue closed her eyes uncomfortably, "Xiao Yuer, actually losing your memory is not a bad thing, Xiao Yuer, you have had more painful things in the past than happy things, and there is nothing wrong with forgetting them. It is equivalent to starting over, and it is not too late , you are still young, life is still very long."

"I am not happy?"

"Yeah, I've never seen what Xiao Yu'er looks like when she is genuinely happy. You have carried too many burdens and lived too hard. Instead of doing this, you might as well forget to start over." Qin Chuxue said, "Actually, someone told you Yes, it’s not necessarily right, it may have other purposes, Xiao Yu’er, since you have lost your memory now, don’t believe anyone’s words, just believe in yourself, even if you lose your memory, Lian Yu is also a child prodigy in Nanchu , with all your skills, if you don’t want to do something, no one can force you. So you just believe in yourself and follow your heart. If you recover your memory in the future, maybe..."

"Don't believe anyone, including you and Duo'er?"

Qin Chuxue replied without hesitation, "Yes, including me and Duo'er, as well as Xi Liuyue...and Chu Yan!"

I'm going to rent a house tomorrow, it may take a day, the update may be delayed, everyone forgive me, I will pack up and leave school after graduation, I %>_<%!

(End of this chapter)

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