Chapter 119

Chu Yan and Lin Ximu only came back from the palace at night, and they seemed to have something to talk about, so they went back to the palace together.

Qin Chuxue had been waiting for him outside the palace.

Lin Ximu also advanced into the palace tactfully, the long lavender dress swaying in the evening wind, noble and heavy, Miss Qin has an aura of power without anger.

"Chu Yan, what did you do to Lian Yu?" Qin Chuxue cut straight to the point, very displeased, "Don't tell me she just lost her memory, and Lian Yu actually said that she likes you, don't you find it ridiculous?"

Chu Yan's face darkened, "Chuxue, you have crossed the line!"

Qin Chuxue sneered, with a hint of sternness on the brows that had always been stable, "Oh, crossing the line? Huh, why not you? Chu Yan, you have changed too much. The Chu Yan who made me admire and be loyal back then is no longer exists!"

Chu Yan's eyes hurt, "Chuxue, I know I'm sorry for you..."

"Don't be sentimental. You have known me for so many years. Have you ever seen me stick to one thing for three years? You didn't feel sorry for me, but Lian Yu." Qin Chuxue flicked his sleeves and sneered, "Four Now the prince has Wen, Lin Ximu, Wu has Dongfangao, he can be called full-fledged, it doesn't matter if he has Qin Chuxue, right? Don't use your tactics against the enemy on me!"

"Chuxue, for Lianyu, how many times have you opposed me in the past few years?" Chu Yan asked, "The love we have been together since childhood is not worth the sisterhood between you and Lianyu? Or..."

"You're dirty, don't insult me." Qin Chuxue scolded, like a cold wind sweeping across the night, the girl's demeanor became domineering, "Chu Yan, in terms of demeanor, you have already lost to Xi Liuyue San Minute!"

As soon as the words hit, Chu Yan's complexion suddenly darkened, and he swept away the guilt just now, and looked at Qin Chuxue with sharp eyes. Qin Chuxue violated his taboo, and what Chu Yan hated the most was that someone would marry him with Xiliu. Yue compares.

But no matter how angry he was with Qin Chuxue, he still had three parts of jealousy and three parts of love, and he didn't speak ill of each other, "Chu Xue, don't mess with Lian Yu and me!"

"Lian Yu likes Xi Liuyue, don't forget this, no matter how much you tell her, she likes you, can you really change a person's will and soul?"

"Do you think it's better for Xiao Yu'er to follow me, or Xi Liuyue?"

Qin Chuxue fell silent suddenly, neither of them was a good man, she didn't know if Xi Liuyue was sincere, but Chu Yan...

"You want to mislead me? This is not enough." Qin Chuxue said, "I only know that Lian Yu may not know what she is doing now. If she recovers her memory in the future, Chu Yan, how can you be so embarrassing, how can you let Lian Yu be so embarrassing ?”

"Anyway, there is no cure for you now. Whatever you want, I will wait to see if Xiao Yu'er will really love you as you wish!"

Qin Chuxue stopped talking and walked away!

Lin Ximu walked out of the palace, and said: "It's getting late, Wangfu, let's talk about things tomorrow, I'll send Chuxue home."

Chu Yan nodded, Lin Ximu saluted gracefully, and chased Qin Chuxue away.

"Chuxue, don't go in such a hurry, Miss Qin's steps are never in a hurry!" Lin Ximu's voice carried a gentle smile.

Qin Chuxue didn't give him a good face, "The prince's loyal dog, do you know that people call you that?"

Lin Ximu smiled, "Miss, have you ever seen such an elegant and noble dog?"

Qin Chuxue pursed her lips and smiled, Lin Ximu gently pulled her over, hugged her into his arms, and rubbed her head with a smile, "Chuxue, cry out when you feel uncomfortable, and lend you my arms."

"You are really fraternal." Qin Chuxue smiled and patted his shoulder, but her hands hugged his waist tightly.

"Don't, mere hugs are very expensive, the eldest lady has to pay the bill!"

Lin Ximu has always been a gentle and refined gentleman, no matter how cruel he is, he always gives people the impression of a spring breeze, as if nothing will make him lose his signature smile.

"You are too cheap!"

Lin Ximu laughed softly, with a touch of pity in his voice, "Chuxue, have you forgotten that you are only 16 years old, you should not be able to bear too much at this age, it is very tiring! In fact, you can relax occasionally. People will blame you, I don't even remember the last time I saw you smile. Hey, you and Miss Qin San deserve to have an indistinct blood relationship!"

"Don't go too far, and don't rub my head, that's for children." Qin Chuxue protested dissatisfied.

It caused Lin Ximu to rub harder, and his hairpins were about to fall off, "I'm a child, why pretend to be old? Come on, cry, it's dark, no one will see."

"Are you kidding me? Qin Chuxue never cries."

"Oh, what a stubborn child!"

In the night, Lin Ximu's faint laughter was accompanied by the occasional suppressed cry, Qin Chuxue finally shed tears, "Lin Ximu, Chu Yan has become so strange."

"Silly girl, it's just because of love, he's still Chu Yan!"

"That's not it!" Qin Chuxue said, "The birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooking. Do you think I will end up like this in the end?"

"No!" Lin Ximu replied without hesitation, "Absolutely not!"

"You are not a god."

"Lin Ximu, the day after tomorrow is the Qianqiu Festival, tell me honestly, what exactly does Chu Yan want?" Qin Chuxue wiped away tears, got up from his arms, and took a step back.

Miss Qin's short-lived fragility is officially over!
Lin Ximu smiled, "You know I won't tell you this kind of thing, so why bother me? The Qianqiu Festival is just around the corner, and Lianyu suddenly changed, like cutting off Xi Liuyue's arm, it is the best way to get rid of him time."

"Hmph!" Qin Chuxue snorted coldly, "It's all an excuse. If Xi Liuyue could die, she would have died long ago. Which one of the people sent out to assassinate has come back? They were all solved by Yan Bing. I didn't see Chu Yan before, but now Don't worry, it's despicable!"

Lin Ximu rubbed his chin and smiled, "Shizi Qin hid so well, everything was blocked by Yan Bing, it was really difficult to deal with, and later he was protected by Lian Yu, and no one could touch him, now that he has gone to Lian Bing Yu, Yan Bing can't stand it, and he will definitely be able to force Qin Shizi's true face."

"Can you promise me to protect Xi Liuyue?" Qin Chuxue said, grabbing his sleeve, "Ximu, I beg you!"

"Why?" Lin Ximu frowned, "Didn't you want him to die earlier?"

"Who stipulates that life must take one path. Sometimes I go wrong, and I go back and choose again. I don't need to get entangled in any principles. I made a mistake in my judgment, and I can also change my judgment. Xi Liuyue can't die now, and Lianyu's memory is one. Blank, he died at this time, and when she recovers her memory later, with her temperament, anyone who is sorry for Xi Liuyue will be killed, no one will be able to escape, and even Yu's life will be ruined."

"The position is different, Chuxue, let's be honest, the Qianqiu Festival is a big change, and it is still unknown who will win." Lin Ximu narrowed his eyes, "Lianyu is the key, she has everything about Xi Liuyue in her mind Information, although memory is lost, the instinct is still there, maybe when the inspiration flashes, it will be bad. Xi Liuyue has been fighting with us for so many years and ten years without leaking, how can it be possible to overthrow him in a short time, Lian Yu What's in her head is the key, she is really a treasure, besides Xi Liuyue's information, Qin Hua's dark forces are also in her head, which is worth a lot of money."

"Lin Ximu, you don't answer the question, you don't want to speak directly!"

"Lin Ximu's life belongs to Qin Chuxue, and it will not change in this life!" Lin Ximu promised with a smile, "As long as it is your wish, I will help you!"

Qin Chuxue was startled, then smiled, "Well, someday I want to take it back, so you can't play tricks."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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