Chapter 120

Thousand Autumn Festival, everyone celebrates!

The palace is decorated with lanterns and festoons, silk and bamboo orchestras, colorful clothes and red silk, making it a joyous occasion.

Since the empress entered the palace, this is the most lively Qianqiu Festival. The mother is more expensive than the child, which also implies that Chu Jing's status is outstanding.

The happiest people this night were Chu Jing and the Queen, who looked very happy and happy.

Chu Hao showed his face once because of Lian Duo's illness and left. Chu Yan sat on the side drinking from the beginning to the end, occasionally whispering with Lin Ximu and Dongfang Ao.The fourth prince's cold and hard manner made those officials who wanted to come up for a chat shy away.

When the banquet reached its climax, there was a shocking explosion in the palace, and the temple that had always represented the Lord of Southern Chu was blown up by gunpowder, and the flames shot into the sky.

The banquet was suddenly in chaos, the screams of the concubines, the scurrying of the maids and eunuchs, the smashing of cups and plates... the chaos was extreme!
A cruel smile curled up on the corner of Chu Yan's lips, and she slowly put down her wine glass, watching Chu Jing bewilderedly giving a series of orders with cold eyes.

Almost at the same time, without his order, Lin Ximu, Dongfang Ao and others quickly left the venue without knowing where they were going.

There was a sound of killing in the palace, and the imperial guards rushed into the venue to protect the empress, concubines, and young princes and princesses. The shadow guards of the ministers also rushed into the venue, causing even more commotion and confusion.

It is easier to get in this kind of defenseless chaos, Chu Yan thought indifferently.

"Brother, what happened?" After admiring Chu Jing's panic enough, Chu Yan got up and asked with concern.

"I don't know, maybe the rebels want to make trouble on the Qianqiu Festival!" Chu Jing said, his hands and feet were trembling, this is too bad, such an important occasion, but such a thing happened, it is his responsibility anyway, "Fourth, why don't you take someone to see Dongfang Ao? Let him go and wipe out the rebellious party!"

Chu Jing shouted anxiously, and the louder and louder shouts shook the entire court, even the imperial guards became frightened.

The city patrolling army was ordered to come quickly from the military aircraft battalion for reinforcements, crushing the bustling night scene of the holy capital.

"Brother, are you joking? The guards in the palace are your responsibility. You have tried your best to snatch the imperial army from Dongfang, so you must protect the entire palace. I told you a long time ago, but be careful about the Qianqiu Festival." , Who are you to blame?" There was a hint of a smile in Chu Yan's deep voice, a mocking smile.

"Chu Yan, did you do it on purpose?" Chu Jing was furious and punched him with a fist.

Chu Yan easily took his fist and sneered, "Brother, you are too impatient."

He had known for a long time that Xiliuyue would cause trouble on the Qianqiu Festival, and the safety of the imperial guards and city defenses in the palace had always been his job. He followed his tricks, and when something happened, it happened to be completely pushed away.

Eradicate Xiliuyue and Chujing, killing two birds with one stone.

Chu Jing was furious, General Zhao rushed over quickly, with a flustered expression, Chu Yan let go of Chu Jing, his eyebrows frowned, Xi Liuyue was most concerned about getting out of the city, the palace was just creating chaos, General Zhao, he...

"Prince, there are too many rebels, and they can't resist anymore. Hurry up and protect the emperor's wife and others to a safe place!" General Zhao's face was sweating.

"What?" Chu Jing was shocked.

"How many people are there?" Chu Yan asked coldly.

"There are three to forty thousand people, and..." General Zhao said angrily, "The equipment transported to the Western Qin battlefield last time was robbed. Well-trained, all of them are much more skillful than ordinary soldiers, even if we have three times as many people, we can't resist!"

Chu Yan's expression changed, and he left in a hurry.

Chu Jing also secretly knew it was not good, and ordered the imperial guards to quickly protect the empress and concubines and hide in a safe place.

While the palace was in turmoil, the military aircraft camp was completely occupied by everyone, Xi Liuyue used gunpowder to completely destroy the military aircraft camp, and even blew up the entire street near the military aircraft camp.

The flames soared into the sky, dyeing half of the holy capital red.

Xi Liuyue rode a white horse, silver armor, and wearing a fiery red veil, hunting in the night, with the red fire light reflecting the sky behind her, her whole body was like a peerless red lotus.

Devilish, dangerous.

"Kill!" The strong man's order was always short and powerful. The elite soldiers who had been trained for several years came out like tigers and rushed towards the patrolling army, starting a bloody battle.

The battle horn sounded.

The army that had been lurking outside the city for a long time began to enter the palace towards the city gate. The siege engines kept hitting the thick city gate, and the low and heavy voice knocked on everyone's heart.

This city gate, which has recorded the prosperity of the capital for hundreds of years, is undergoing the first fierce war attack since entering the city.

Chu Yan had already sent Lin Ximu to guard the city gate.

On the city wall, the fire crossbow team took their positions, and the crossbow arrows rained down like rain.

This is a team of elite soldiers, not many in number, it is the army that Xi Liuyue has personally trained since seven years ago, each of them has independent fighting power, one can defeat a hundred.

The offensive was very swift and violent.

The sound is like rushing thunder, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo!
In the palace, in the city, and outside the palace, war broke out in an all-round way.

"Yueyue, Qi Zhiyuan really..."

Yan Bing looked at Xi Liuyue in disbelief, Qi Zhiyuan was nowhere to be seen from the beginning of the war, but Xi Liuyue told him that Qi Zhiyuan was never his.

"how could be?"

"Are you so shocked? Qi Zhiyuan is different from you, and the relationship between Xiqin and Qi is different from that of Xiqin and Yan. If I really return to China, Qi will be the first to be included in the territory. Can Chu Yan know?" We have so many things, Qi Zhiyuan helped a lot!"

"Yue Yue……"

"Huh! Is this king a fool?" Xi Liuyue snorted heavily, clenched the Qingxuan sword tightly, her silver hair fluttered wildly, unexpectedly enchanting and cold, "If you don't kill him, he is too cunning. If you meet him in the future I will never forgive him!"

Xi Liuyue hated betrayal the most in her life!
"Then he didn't take our information..."

"Don't worry, if Chu Yan can use him, I can also do it!"

"Yan Bing, you go out of the city to command them to attack the city, Chu Yan's army will arrive soon, you must hurry!"

"Okay!" Yan Bing, dressed in military uniform, raised a smile, "Let's kill him vigorously, and vent the grievances of ten years!"

"Yueyue, be careful!" Raising his whip, he went straight to the city gate.

Ah Da and Ah Er followed Xi Liuyue, Ah Da asked, "Master, do you want to go down and take Miss Lianyu out of the city?"

"You are no match for her!"

"The two subordinates will fulfill the master's wish even if they die!"

"No need!" Xi Liuyue's eyes were firm, she looked straight ahead, "Follow me to kill the city!"

The [-] soldiers who followed him were all Xiqin Haoerlang who had secretly sneaked into Shengjing these past few years, accompanied him, and endured for several years. He could not put them in danger for Lianyu.

If he is at this level, he is not worthy of their following at all, and he is not qualified to be their master!

"Brothers, do you want to go home!"

"miss you!"

"Then kill me out of the city. Our family is waiting for us at Qinyang Lake. There are our beloved family members and the land we love. For the people we cherish, let's go! Let Nanchu see our West Qin Erlang's blood and loyalty!"

The passionate voice soared in the mid-air of Shengjing, stirring up layers of heat waves!

"Long live His Royal Highness the Prince!"

"Long live West Qin!"


"Come on..."

(End of this chapter)

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