Chapter 121

Xiliuyue's troops have been concealed in Shengjing. A thousand royal guards have followed Xiliuyue since he arrived in Nanchu. They have been lurking for ten years, and they have become the most backbone of the army.

The scale of the destruction was beyond Chu Yan's imagination.

He had always expected that even if Xi Liuyue had troops, they would only be five thousand at most, most of them were Western Qin skirmishers, but he did not expect that he would have such a strength, and his combat effectiveness was impressive.

First, thousands of soldiers and horses caused commotion in the imperial palace to contain the imperial guards and patrolling troops in Beijing, and then Xi Liuyue led the main force to break through the encirclement outside the city, coordinating with the troops outside the city to cooperate with the inside.

Shengjing's Military Aircraft Battalion, Longhu Battalion, and several key military defenses were destroyed by Xi Liuyue's troops, almost breaking down Shengjing's long-standing solid city defense.

After all, Chu Yan is Chu Yan. He started to fight at the age of 13. He galloped on the battlefield and emerged as a new army. He has more actual combat experience than Xi Liuyue, and he can quickly judge the enemy's situation and minimize casualties.

He saw through Xi Liuyue's strategy of attacking east and west, gave up the guards in the palace, and focused on the defense at the city gate. Lin Ximu led the [-] iron troops who had been ambushing in the city for a long time to surround Xi Liuyue and others at the gate. , strong attack.

"Xi Liuyue, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!" Chu Yan was wearing a battle armor, and his facial features were even more rigid. The childish boy three years ago had long since disappeared without a trace. The cold air of the superior.

Xi Liuyue's silver helmet and red gauze shone like a star, holding a green and mysterious sword in her hand, like an invincible god, with a domineering arrogance looking down on the world.

This is very different from the usual evil and flirtatious Qin Shizi, as if these ten years were just a farce where he wore the wrong mask.

"Chu Yan, if you want me to die, let's see if you have the ability!" Xi Liuyue narrowed her eyes, a cold light flashed, jumped up from the horse, raised her sword, and slammed at Chu Yan fiercely. Chop off!

Domineering, ruthless, with a sense of domineering toughness.

Chu Yan raised his sword to meet him, he had exhausted his internal strength, only heard a loud bang, and the flames shot out, Xi Liuyue's lips curled up into an iron-blooded smile, and with a flick of his wrist, he flexibly moved straight up Chu Yan's sword, arousing There was a violent flame.

The icy sound of the blade rubbing against each other made people's expressions change.

Chu Yan slapped out with one palm, Xi Liuyue raised his palm to meet him, and almost at the same time, he kicked Chu Yan's horse suddenly with his feet.

a snap...

The internal force shattered the ground behind the two of them, and immediately dust and gravel flew up, a row of houses retreated, and there were bursts of screams.

The two teams around the coach were so shocked by this deep internal force that they couldn't open their eyes and fell to the ground one after another.

People screaming, horses neighing, chaos!
The two figures separated quickly, Xi Liuyue's amber eyes narrowed slightly, and Chu Yan's eyes were also very surprised.

They were all surprised by each other's martial arts.

Xi Liuyue suddenly understood that Chu Yan had hidden part of his strength early in the morning. Every time he fought Yan Bing, Yan Bing would win most of the time.

It turned out that this person was the one who guarded against him from the beginning.

what is this?
Heroes see the same thing?
Ah Da Ah Er came back to his senses, raised his sword, "Brothers, follow me out of the city!"

Lin Ximu smiled gracefully, and continued to give orders. The regular army surrounded them on both sides to prevent them from breaking through, and the fierce battle started again.

At this moment, the imperial palace ignited a huge fire, which burned the sky above the entire capital. The fire was getting bigger and more fierce. The northeasterly wind was blowing tonight. If the fire spread like this, it would definitely burn down half of the capital.

Chu Yan was facing the direction of the imperial palace, and Xi Liuyue, who was dressed in red gauze, danced with fire behind her, which was extraordinarily enchanting.

Chu Yan was shocked, "You set fire to the palace?"

Xi Liuyue smiled ironically and was extremely arrogant, "Why not?"

Back then when Southern Chu invaded Western Qin, why didn't they burn down half of the imperial palace?
When it was time to be ruthless, Xi Liuyue was more ruthless than anyone else.

The so-called political achievements are all piled up from the blood and bones of the enemy country.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with it. If someone is accidentally burned to death, it will save me a lot of effort." Chu Yan's voice was low and ruthless, and his sharp eyes raised, "Pray!"

"Haha..." Xi Liuyue laughed openly, "As expected of the cold-faced and heartless Fourth Prince!"

Xi Liuyue's nature is flamboyant and arrogant, with his unique ridicule, he can always drive people into anger.

Chu Yan was full of murderous intent, "This king will never let you take a step out of Nanchu, no... you won't back down even half a step!"

Whether it's Tianxia or Lianyu!

The sword came whistling, Xi Liuyue did not dodge or dodge, and the two fought fiercely again.

Both of them are peerless masters, and they have used a lot of strength in going back and forth. For them, no matter from which aspect, they are each other's stumbling blocks.

The love that grew up together was too fragile to withstand the breeze.

This battle was fought in the dark!
The gate of the city fell down, and the city gate of Shengjing, which has been peaceful for hundreds of years, was broken open!
Lin Ximu's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't know what he was thinking, and the lieutenants next to him called him twice anxiously before he came back to his senses.

"This team is too strong!" Lin Ximu's smile was always elegant, even in this dangerous situation.

"Enhance the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige, Xi Mu, put up a long formation, and never let them go out of the city!"

"Okay!" Lin Ximu responded, leading a group of soldiers and horses to spread out.

Ah Da and Ah Er were no ordinary people, they quickly gave orders to respond, and the shouts of killing shook the sky.

"Ah Da, Ah Er, go out first and lead the troops back to the country!"

"Yes!" The two took orders, and with Xi Liuyue's ability, it would not be a problem to escape alone.

Chu Yan sneered, "Then you have the consciousness to die in Nanchu!"

"Hmph!" Xi Liuyue was full of ferocious murderous aura, and the more he hit, the more violent he was, "You don't have that ability!"

"I don't have it, does Lianyu have it?" Chu Yan's cold lips evoked a smile.

Xi Liuyue paused, and Chu Yan waited for him to be distracted for a moment, and the sword energy swept away, and it hit Xi Liuyue's heart fiercely.

Xi Liuyue dodged in a hurry, with a cold expression on her face, the sleeve arrow flew out, straight for Chu Yan's throat...

Chu Yan was taken aback, he didn't expect him to move so fast, just as he was about to raise his sword to meet him, a sound blade scraped across, cutting off Xi Liuyue's sleeve arrow from the air.

"Don't hurt him!" Lian Yu was dressed in white and snowy, with cold brows, standing in the cold wind, like a white lotus blooming in the night.

Beautiful and beautiful!
With the piccolo in hand, the eyes are firm!
Xi Liuyue took a breath, narrowed her slender eyes, "What if I insist on killing him?"

Lian Yu remained expressionless, "Then I'll kill you first!"

Xi Liuyue stared at Lian Yu, with a look of sorrow and pain, she raised her head and laughed, in that laughter, it seemed that the soul was crying...

"Qin Lianyu...Okay, okay, okay!" Xi Liuyue laughed angrily, "I want to see today, how did you come to kill me!"

It seems that I am really a bit of a stepmother...

(End of this chapter)

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