Chapter 126

On November 576, [-] in the Western Qin calendar, Xiliuyun captured Qi State, sent troops to Southern Chu, and took Yunzhou directly.

Ten years after Southern Chu unified the world, the regimes of the six countries were disintegrated by tyranny, and the lives of the people were miserable. Except for Western Qin, which has been preserving its strength, other countries are like a mess.

Coupled with the tyranny, the subjects of the six countries have accumulated deep grievances against Southern Chu, and have long wanted to overthrow the Southern Chu regime. The reputation of Xiliuyue and Yan Bing has been spreading far and wide since the breakout of the Southern Chu Shengjing, like a bright light in a dark room, bringing hope.

Many people with lofty ideals have turned to West Qin. There are countless cities in Qi that surrendered without a fight.

Where the army crossed the border, Xi Liuying used the name of the Western Qin imperial family to appease the people, abandoned the rule of power, and started a new political situation in a way of giving both grace and power.Qi State was the first country to be conquered by Western Qin, and its significance had a great impact on Western Qin. Xi Liuying wanted to use Qi State to convey a message to the six countries.

Western Qin and Southern Chu are different!

Several years of court life has trained a strange woman, Xi Liuyue is a military genius, he is good at conquering the world, Xi Liuying has more political vision and skills than Xi Liuyue, that's why she has the ability to intervene in politics infamy.This is the experience that Xi Liuying has experienced in the court life for several years, which is incomparable to Xi Liuying.

It was precisely because of this that Xi Liuyue took a fancy to her, so she let Xi Liuying go back to Xiqin earlier, and they cooperated seamlessly with each other.

I have to say that Xi Liuying was successful!

Today, the world is full of wars, Xiqin is like a big ship in a storm, with a stable speed and a solid foundation, attracting more outstanding sailors.

Make the boat run more stable.

The Phantom Villa was shaken for a while, starting from the trees, and disintegrated step by step. Xi Liuyue trapped Chu Yan for 21 days, and finally showed mercy and dismantled the mechanism.

Lian Yu had already passed out from hunger, and she had no strength in her body. When she woke up, she couldn't tell where she was for a while.

It was dark and it was raining heavily!
The smell of barbecue lured her gluttons out one after another.

This is a warm cave, Xi Liuyue was wearing a thin inner coat, and the outer coat was hanging on the rack to dry, Lian Yu found that she was only wearing a thin inner coat, unexpectedly not wet.

"Where is this?"

"Wake up, come and eat something!"

Xi Liuyue beckoned, Lian Yu stood up, her body was a little weak from being hungry for too long, her legs could hardly use any strength.Xi Liuyue couldn't see it, so she went to pick her up, put her next to the fire, tore a piece of meat for her, "Eat!"

Lian Yu was not polite, grabbed the meat, and without even having time to say thank you, stuffed it in her mouth desperately, eating more than three times faster than usual, which made Xi Liuyue feel a little guilty.

"I still want to eat!"

Xi Liuyue tore up half a pheasant and gave it to her, "Look at your food, you're still a lady!"

Lian Yubai glanced at him, not thinking about who did it.

Xi Liuyue served her a bowl of soup, although the taste was unpalatable, Lian Yu finished her in one sitting, ate half of a pheasant in a row, robbed Xi Liuyue of half, drank two bowls of soup, Lian Yu Only then did I feel a little more comfortable, my stomach became warmer, and my limbs became stronger.

"Where's Chu Yan?" Lian Yu ate and drank enough, and finally realized that Chu Yan was nowhere to be seen.

Xi Liuyue was neither hot nor cold, and smiled eccentrically, "I'm not supposed to be happy that you ranked Chu Yan in front of your belly?"

Lian Yu panicked, "You won't kill him, will you?"

Xi Liuyue's eyes sank, and she threw the chicken bone that she had eaten towards her face, "I'll let him die!"

Lian Yu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about it, he wanted to kill Chu Yan, there were many ways in the villa, so there was no need to waste so much trouble.

"He is now trapped in his ancestor's place. With Chu Yan's ability and Yan Bing's design, it is estimated that he will come out in two days. I am really kind. If I knew it, I would have trapped him for a month and starved him to death!"

"Are you still kind?" Lian Yu gave Xi Liuyue a disdainful look. This person is really thick-skinned, "Ancestor? Did you use the imperial tomb to set up that maze?"

"Smart!" Xi Liuyue gave her an amiable smile.

Lian Yu looked at the dark night outside, in just twenty days, the situation in the world has changed!

There is bound to be a fierce battle between Southern Chu and Western Qin!
"Has the Western Qin army attacked Fengdu?"

"According to my estimation, Yunzhou will be conquered today and the attack on Fengdu will begin!" Xi Liuyue said lightly, being trapped in the Southern Chu Imperial Mausoleum, she can still guess the situation in the world with such certainty. Lian Yu couldn't help secretly admiring Xi Liuyue's scheming.

If this is a meticulous plan, it can be calculated so carefully and accurately!

Lian Yu sighed, and Xi Liuyue also fell silent. He untied the jade crown that bound his hair, and his silver hair spread out. He shook his head, and water droplets shot everywhere. A few strands of hair fell on his cheeks, dripping with water droplets...

His facial features are deep and evil, he only wears an inner garment, the front is slightly spread, water droplets drip from the broken hair, slide on the slender neck, and flow all the way to the chest, looking extremely sexy...

Lian Yu was a little stunned for a while, and a picture flashed in her mind, which seemed familiar and magical, and attracted her attention.

"Look at what?"

Lian Yu came back to her senses and turned her head away to hide the burning hotness on her face. Lian Yu didn't like this feeling of being out of control very much.

Xi Liuyue's hair was loose, and the outside wind blew in, drying her wet long hair.

"You just went out in the rain?"

"If you don't go out in the rain to find food, I will starve you to death!"

Lian Yu, "..."

I know you are still hungry for 21 days!
"Lianyu, do you like rainy days?"

Lian Yu shook her head, "I hate rainy days!"

Xi Liuyue smiled, picked up the firewood, the fire was burning more vigorously, Xi Liuyue became quiet, with a complicated expression, she raised her head and asked after a while, "Lian Yu, come back to West Qin with me!"

Lian Yu was startled, Xi Liuyue was always ostentatious, even such a question-like tone sounded wanton, Xi Liuyue was always evil, but at this moment she felt uncertain and uneasy.

He himself doesn't know who Lian Yu likes now!
I heard that people's feelings are very pure when they are blank. When you like someone, you simply like someone, and you don't think about the background or position.

The reason why Xiliuyue was uneasy was because he knew that Lian Yu liked Chu Yan at first, if it wasn't for Nan Chu who ruined his family, if their meeting wasn't after hatred, maybe everything would be different, it would be nothing like Chu Yan at all. There is no room for him.

After Lianyu lost her memory, she lost her original memory, and instead had a subconscious mind that she wanted to help Chu Yan, so there was no hindrance, no hatred... During those days in the villa, Xi Liuyue thought more than once, if they There is no hatred between them, and there is not so much estrangement in the relationship between them. Could it be that the first person Lian Yu fell in love with was Chu Yan?
Otherwise, why did she bring the purple jade flute that Chu Yan gave her, or why didn't she kill Chu Yan in the past few years.

"I want to stay in Nanchu!"

(End of this chapter)

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