Chapter 127

Fengdu has been fighting for seven days. This is the most important place for military defense in Southern Chu. Throughout the ages, most of the soldiers from various countries who attacked Southern Chu were stopped in Fengdu, and many heroes and martyrs sacrificed their blood in Fengdu. military battlefield.

The Western Qin Army, which was invincible all the way, suffered a defeat for the first time in Fengdu, and its morale plummeted. In the following battles, the Western Qin Army was forced to retreat for [-] miles and regroup.

In the past few years, Chu Yan has long been aware that the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion is about to start again. Unlike the last time when a group of heroes competed for supremacy in the world, this time, Southern Chu is bound to be the target of the Six Kingdoms crusade.

Chu Yan has long been aware of the situation. In the past few years, he has concentrated his military defenses and forces in the Fengdu area, trying to rely on Fengdu to keep the soldiers of the six countries out of the country.

Xi Liuyue has always been flamboyant and arrogant, and he dare not underestimate Fengdu. In his precise calculations, Xi Liuyue only dared to plan to Yunzhou.When the army marched towards Fengdu, he returned to West Qin and presided over the overall situation.

Lianyu stood quietly on the battlefield of Fengdu facing the wind and sand. She has been in Fengdu for the third day!
Xi Liuyue, where have you been?
Chu Yan has led the Southern Chu army to attack the Western Qin. Yesterday, the first battle lured the enemy to go deep. The two wings ambushed and dispersed the main force of the Western Qin. The Western Qin army was defeated.

Victory in the first battle!

Lian Yu's face was gloomy, her eyes were fixed on the battlefield, there was a fierce battle yesterday, and the smell of blood still lingered on the battlefield, Lian Yu seemed to have seen the scene of gunpowder smoke, knives and arrows, gongs and drums, and galloping horses yesterday.

It was an extremely brutal war.

Lian Yu thought that Xi Liuyue appeared in Chu Yan's attack, but unexpectedly, she didn't at all.

After parting in the capital that day, Xi Liuyue seemed to have disappeared. She was supposed to be the person who arrived in Fengdu on the third day of Fengdu's opening, and there has been no news for a few days.

This person has become a confidant of Southern Chu, and Chu Yan's generals are guessing every day when Xi Liuyue will appear on the battlefield.

How will the war change?

Lian Yu sighed slightly, staring at the tumbling yellow sand, still thinking about the dispute between the two of them that day.

Lian Yu didn't know that his words to stay in Nanchu completely angered him. For Xi Liuyue, asking her to go back to Xiqin with him was equivalent to affirming her for the rest of her life, but she flatly refused. Leave room.

Xi Liuyue, who was furious that day, was unfamiliar to Lian Yu, and also feared by Lian Yu.

He was so angry that he lost control and almost violated her.

"Xi Liuyue, you beast!"

"Yes, I'm not a beast, I'm worse than a beast, I'll make you mine, let's see if Chu Yan wants you!"


Every time Lian Yu thinks of this sentence, she feels heartbroken, that fool!

Where did he go?

If it is said that Xi Liuyue will lose her mind because of this matter, even disregarding the life and death of the 10,000+ soldiers and horses of the Western Qin Dynasty, Lian Yu absolutely does not believe it.

The Xi Liuyue she knew would never miss the overall situation because of feelings.

It's like he was so cruel that he almost starved her to death, and he didn't want to let Chu Yan out sooner.

"Xiao Yu'er..." The sound of a horse came from a distance, and a cold smile flickered across Lian Yu's lips. The flash of cold light seemed to be an illusion under the light, so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

"It's getting dark, why don't you go back to the city?"

"I just wanted to go back!"

"Xiao Yu'er, do you really not know where Xi Liuyue has gone?"

"I don't know. If he wants people to know, who can know where he is going?"

"Today's surprise attack on Bei Zhou did not see him, so he won't retreat without a fight in Feng, right?" Chu Yan sneered.

Lian Yu was always expressionless and didn't answer the conversation. There was a sense of resentment hidden in Chu Yan's words.

These two seem to be unable to stand side by side, Xi Liuyue trapped Chu Yan in the imperial mausoleum for more than half a month, reversed the overall situation of the world, and the Western Qin army attacked Fengdu.

For Chu Yan, this was the most humiliating thing in his life.

As long as he is given a chance, Chu Yan will definitely be ashamed.

The decisive battle in Fengdu was the best time for him to repay his revenge. Chu Yan had made full preparations when he led the army out, and he also guessed that Xi Liuyue would definitely be waiting for him on the battlefield.

For this battle, Chu Yan stayed up for two whole days. This was a real decisive battle between him and Xi Liuyue on the battlefield.

Who knew that Xi Liuyue hadn't appeared in the West Qin army yet.

It's like a two-person competition, one person has made complete preparations, but finds that his opponent is not there.

Chu Yan even hoped that Xi Liuyue would appear on the battlefield more than the West Qin Army.

"Chu Yan, arrange for me to lead the army!" Lian Yu said suddenly.

Chu Yan was stunned, Lian Yu turned her back to the light, her face was covered with a faint golden light, and her shining eyes became deep, making it difficult to see her expression clearly.

"Xiao Yuer..." Chu Yan smiled, "Actually, if you want to come to the battlefield, I will object. I have never led an army, and I don't know the terrain of Fengdu, so how can I trust you to take risks."

The corners of Lian Yu's lips raised, "Back then when my master played "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", Southern Chu defeated Western Qin and won the final victory. Now that Xi Liuyue is not on the battlefield, it happens to be a great opportunity to exterminate the remnants of Western Qin. Qin was destroyed ten years ago, and now the offensive is victorious, all because Xiliuyue Yanbing is powerful in the holy capital, if Chu Yan, you can defeat the Western Qin army on the battlefield of Fengdu, force them to retreat to Western Qin, regain Yunzhou, etc. Land, the Western Qin army must be in disarray, why do you worry that the remaining thieves will not be eliminated?"

"You have never advocated war, why are you so active this time?"

"I hate fighting. If it's over soon, I can go back to Beijing to see Duo'er."

Chu Yan was silent for a long while, and Lian Yu said: "You can trust me, otherwise, when Yan Bing conquers South Korea, and the Western Qin will be at odds with each other, it will be difficult for you to force the Western Qin back. The only solution is now. It can only destroy the war alliance line of Western Qin and Yan Kingdom before Yan Bing has captured South Korea."

Chu Yan frowned, "How do you know this?"

In fact, Chu Yan wanted to send Lin Ximu to lead a team of elite soldiers to attack the army of Yan State from the southeast. The army of Yan State was weaker than that of Western Qin. In the Western Qin Dynasty, Chu Yan's tactic was to destroy Yan State first.

"Occasionally, I heard from the soldiers that if Yan Guo conquered South Korea, Southern Chu would be in trouble."

"If you insist on leading troops to fight, I won't hold you back. Allow me to discuss this matter with all the soldiers before making a decision!"

"Okay!" Lian Yu nodded.

"Xiao Yu'er, do you have something on your mind recently, why are you frowning?"

Lian Yu smiled, looked up at the sky, the sky was full of red clouds, "I miss Duo Er!"

Xi Liuyue, if you don't come back, Chu Yan will really destroy the Yan Kingdom, and you will fall short!

I moved yesterday, and there is no network cable in the new place, so I didn’t update it, sorry!

Also, I have opened a new article. If you are interested in children's shoes, you can go and have a look...

(End of this chapter)

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