Chapter 128

In Fengdu City, Shuai's Mansion.

Chu Yan held a military meeting overnight, Lin Ximu, Dongfang Ao, Chu Hao and other generals attended together. Originally, Dongfang Ao Lin Ximu led 30 soldiers and horses to set off from Fengdu to bypass South Korea and raid the Yan army.

Yan Bing only has more than [-] horses under his command, and there is no formal army in South Korea, which is completely vulnerable. Nowadays, people with lofty ideals from the six countries either go to Xiqin, or go to Yan Country. There are many under Xiliuyue Yanbing Eyes, these are more powerful than a team of soldiers and horses.

Xiliuyue has captured the twelve counties of Yunzhou. If Yan Bing conquers South Korea again and encircles Fengdu, Fengdu will definitely be lost. Therefore, when the battle on the main battlefield slows down, Chu Yan can't wait to destroy Yanguo and prevent them from forming a coalition. front.

Chu Hao was the first to disagree with giving up the attack on Yan State and attacking West Qin. Compared with West Qin, Yan State's soldiers and horses were much weaker, and the general level of Yan Bing's generals was not as good as that of West Qin.These years, the army is in chaos, as long as there is food, there will be soldiers. The country of Yan is poor, and all the money for his recruitment of soldiers and horses comes from Xi Qin, and Xi Liuying desperately collects money to support the soldiers of the two countries.If Southern Chu attacks the Yan Kingdom, food, military equipment, and re-allocation of equipment will cost a lot of money. If it succeeds, it may be able to drag down Xi Liuying. If the finances can only support an army, Western Qin will definitely Abandon the Yan Kingdom, and when the time comes, it will be fine to fight back the West Qin with all our strength.

Dongfang Ao and several generals under his command basically supported Chu Hao's point of view. This was originally Chu Yan's military thinking, but now it will suddenly change, and the difficulty of attacking West Qin is obviously greater than that of Yan State, so everyone will inevitably not accept it.

Lin Ximu maintains a neutral attitude. Xiqin has experienced several major defeats, and its generals have all lost battles. It is not appropriate to lead troops into battle again. The morale of the army is weak, and it is also a good time for the main attack.

Chu Yan didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, quietly listening to the dispute of several people, tapping the table with his slender index finger, as if thinking about something, finally when they got tired of arguing, Chu Yan decided to attack Xiqin first, by Lin Ximu leads the army, Lian Yu joins the battle!

After the military meeting, Chu Hao frowned and asked him, "Fourth brother, why did you suddenly change your mind? You clearly know that it is unwise to attack West Qin now, and the soft ones should be pinched first. No matter which side Yan Guo comes from, Said, it is far from Xiqin, tell me, what do you think?"

Chu Yan leaned back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes slightly, showing a tired expression, "Sooner or later, I have to fight, Xi Liuyue has not yet appeared, I am always uneasy, the battlefield is unpredictable, and I can't say anything , The enemy is in the dark and we are clear, our side must have many scruples when we make a move, and it can't bring out the overall level of the army, it is better to let Xi Liuyue show up automatically, both sides have nothing to hide, and no one can take advantage of it."

"Xi Liuyue is using the strategy of being suspicious now, who knows if he is in the barracks or not."

"So I want to force him out, as long as Lian Yu goes to the battlefield, he will definitely come out!"

"Chu Yan, you let Lian Yu lure the enemy?"

"Of course not!" Chu Yan quickly retorted, "This is Lian Yu's initiative to invite Ying, and I just follow her wishes. Besides, we only need to use Lian Yu's name, and we don't want to put Lian Yu in danger."

Chu Hao was silent, and looked at Chu Yan quietly for a while, with a face of disapproval, but he also knew that Chu Yan couldn't hear his advice now, and Chu Hao didn't bother to speak.

There is really an injustice between the three of them!
If Xiliuyue knew that Lian Yu pointed the butcher knife at his soldiers, it was an extremely cruel thing for him!
Chu Yan, is he really that eager to force Xi Liuyue out and compete?

On the third day after the strategy was set, Southern Chu once again launched a war against Western Qin.

Lin Ximu is the commander in chief, and Xi Liuyun leads the troops to fight!

This is a tough fight!
The crossbow arrows of the Southern Chu crossbow team rained down, and Xi Liuyun waved the three flags in his hand. The soldiers shielded the arrows and attacked with spears and swords. The more they fought, the more brave they became.

Spears ruthlessly criss-crossed, broadswords waved, broken limbs and arms flew across, and the sound of screams suddenly sounded, just like the mournful roar of an ancient beast before death, rumbling loudly.

Countless soldiers were fighting and struggling, one fell down, hundreds and thousands went up together, and the two armies pressed wildly.

The big knife slashed down fiercely, and some soldiers were split in half, and blood mist splashed.

The spear pierced through several people in a row, blood flowed like a river, and the bones piled up quickly.

Batches of soldiers fell down, and countless soldiers stood up quickly with red eyes.

The wind howled, rolled up countless sand and stones, hovered and roared in the air, and the earthy yellow color dyed the sky that should have been clear into hazy and sad.

The roaring sand and stones slapped the faces of all the soldiers continuously with the strong wind, arousing more sturdy blood, strong murderous aura and fighting spirit, the sky looked down coldly, black, white, red, three colors permeated, fusion, unexpected The coquettish, the entire battlefield has become a Shura field.

The drums of war resounded through the sky, and the sound of killing was loud.

The soldiers and horses of both sides are undoubtedly the top soldiers and horses in the world, and they fought a lot, and the blood was splashed on the yellow sand.

The corpses are everywhere, very tragic.

The drums of war thundered, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

The two sides supported the army, waved their flags and shouted, and the mountains and rivers were shaken.

"Rush me!"

The fierce killing sound resounded through the sky.

The air is boiling, and the blood is rushing.

"Son of Xiliu, kill me!" Xiliuyun's voice soared on the sand.

"Come on!" Lin Ximu's long sword pointed directly at the center of the Xiliu army.

Southern Chu soldiers, press on all fronts!
The dark army, like a tide, surged forward!

The horses were galloping, and the dust was rising. Xi Liuyun took the lead, swung his sword, bowed left and right, and beheaded more than a dozen Southern Chu soldiers at once.

He is the most famous prince and general in Xiliu, both wise and brave.Under his leadership, the West Qin soldiers became more and more brave!
Contrary to the vulnerability of the previous few days!
A smile appeared on Lian Yu's lips. This is the West Qin army in her impression, invincible, brave, and absolutely sturdy!
Chu Yan on the viewing platform also felt that something was wrong, the soldiers of the Western Qin Dynasty were too brave today, this battlefield is simply an Asura field!
"What's going on here?" Chu Hao was shocked, the Southern Chu army was obviously retreating steadily!

"Go and investigate!" Chu Yan said in a deep voice, his voice was fast and steady.

"The situation is wrong, fourth child, quickly withdraw the troops!"

At this moment, a war horse appeared on the slope, white horse, silver armor, red cloak, a head of silver hair fluttering enchantingly, enchanting and iron-blooded, he seemed to descend from the sky, like a god, descending on the battlefield like a god!
"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor..."

"Come on..."


As soon as Xi Liuyue appeared, the entire battlefield was boiling, setting off a roiling heat wave, and the West Qin army was in full swing, becoming more and more brave.

Even in the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, Xi Liuyue's eyes quickly found Lian Yu who was always in the army, neither fighting nor avoiding.

(End of this chapter)

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