Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 130 Shocking 1 Arrow South Chu Scroll

Chapter 130 A Shocking Arrow to the Southern Chu Scroll (End)
Lian Yu's improved "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" has never been known how powerful it is, even he does not know, because Lian Yu has never used "Feng Qiuhuang" to kill people!
Unlike just now, the sound blade has a fixed direction, which is slightly stiff and easy to crack.

The wind blade in "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is extremely flexible, and its speed is three or four times faster than usual. Can't stop this quiet but murderous music.

Xi Liuyue's sword energy was transformed into a thousand, protecting her body, blocking Lian Yu's wind blade, and the dispelled wind blade seemed to shoot at the Xi Qin army, Xi Liuyun shouted, "Retreat!"

Nan Chu was defeated and retreated quickly, only Lian Yu and Xi Liuyue were left trembling in the whole area, the beacon smoke was billowing, murderous, and the yellow sand made the whole sky blurred.

The beautiful music, the beautiful girl, and the iron-blooded man are like a pair of absolute dragons and phoenixes in the huge battlefield, slapping the sky!

"My lord, what does Lian Yu mean? Doesn't she know that there is an ambush behind her? Why did she block Xi Liuyue's army?" Dongfang Ao asked anxiously, "You asked us to send a pair of vanguards to lure the enemy deep, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Miss San blocked them and prevented them from falling into the trap, which side is she on?"

Dongfang Ao was a little angry. How long did they prepare for this battle?Standing in line overnight, ready, waiting for Xi Liuyue to step in.

"Dongfang, I was the one who didn't let Chu Yan tell Lian Yu. I made a mistake this time!" Chu Hao said indifferently. Lian Yu would never attack Xi Liuyue.

Could it be that she knew in advance that there was an ambush behind her?

This is impossible, Chu Yan stayed with her all day yesterday, and the formation of the formation was the result of a busy night between him and Lin Ximu, Dongfang Ao, and it was impossible for Lian Yu to know about it.

"It's all good things you did!" Chu Yan glared at Chu Hao.

In the middle of the battlefield, the impact of the wind blade and sword energy was so intense that they couldn't get close, and could only watch the two figures intertwined from a distance.

Lian Yu wanted to say it, but found that the generals on both sides were watching. She couldn't make a mistake, otherwise the entire West Qin army would be implicated.

At present, we can only lure Xi Liuyue away and let Xiqin retreat!
Lian Yu thought about it, and gritted her teeth fiercely, Xi Liuyue, I'm sorry!

The girl in white clothes wins the snow, her eyes are cold, she recites the mantra silently, and moves her fingers to the limit. The murderous aura of "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" increases greatly, and the density of wind blades increases again, becoming more and more fierce and heavier.

Xi Liuyue was unprepared, several sharp cuts were drawn on her arms and chest, and the silver helmet shattered all over the place. Xi Liuyue let out a loud roar, spread her arms, and her internal force shook away the armor that was in the way. Lian Yu.

Lian Yu jumped up and backed up again and again, drawing a long mark under her feet, Xi Liuyue ignored her injuries and bullied her body, and at the same time she swung her sword, she slapped her palm.

Lianyu leaned back to the limit, her flexible body was almost attached to the ground, when Xi Liuyue's palm hit the stone behind her, the whole stone was instantly shattered.

With a bang, the earth shook...

"Oh my god, does Xiliuyue really want to kill Lianyu?" Chu Hao muttered to himself.

It was the first time in his life that he had seen such a compelling killing move and such a terrifying murderous aura.

Lin Ximu's face was a little pale, and he couldn't bear to watch this scene. Chu Yan exclaimed, and galloped past him. Suddenly, a burst of cold and sharp sword energy shot at him and hit his mount. Rolled a few times on the yellow sand, died!
Chu Yan fell to the ground, glaring at the front angrily, Xiliuyue's sword qi temporarily changed to let Lianyu go, her dark eyes were warning, this is the grievance between him and Lianyu, no one can intervene!

"Stop fighting, Xi Liuyue, retreat, if you continue to fight, you will lose too much blood and die!" Lian Yu said.

Xi Liuyue's chest and arms were dripping with blood, and she was wearing a red gauze cloak, which made this monster's iron-blooded face even more perfect.

"Stop me if you have the ability, don't talk nonsense if you don't! Isn't there a last move in "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", come on, Qin Lianyu, I, Xi Liuyue, don't believe I can't stop it!" Xi Liuyue has always been Zhang Yang Wanton, on the battlefield, covered in blood, yet still be so arrogant in the face of many murderous opportunities, with a touch of iron blood and arrogance, as if nothing in the world can stop him.

Lian Yu's eyes darkened, damn it, Xi Liuyue must have gone mad with anger, how could this end!

Both the Southern Chu army and the West Qin army were staring at each other. Once they stopped, the troops on both sides would rush up. She absolutely could not let Xi Liuyue be humiliated in front of the West Qin army. This would reduce the prestige he had built up so hard.

Now she can't make Chu Yan and others suspicious. Duo'er doesn't know if she has left Shengjing yet, so she can't take the risk.

"Yueyue, come back!" With a coquettish shout, Xi Liuying, who heard the news from behind, rushed over, and the valley that appeared was above, guarded by Anxiang.

Dressed in a fiery red uniform, with a beautiful face and a heroic appearance, her eyes were full of anger, "Come back to me!"

"that is not……"

"Your Majesty's Concubine?"

Even Yu was surprised, how could it be Concubine Qin?

Xi Liuyue stopped attacking, Xi Liuying raised her eyebrows, she was not angry but mighty, "Because you are the emperor, don't you even listen to your sister's words?"

Chu Yan, Chu Hao and others were shocked, no wonder Xiliuyue was able to attack Shengjing quickly, it turned out that Concubine Qin had paved the road early in the morning, Chu Yan was still wondering who was the traitor beside him, Chu Hao suspected Lian Yu, it turned out It was her?
Chu Yan narrowed his eyes dangerously. In the battle of Shengjing, he suffered a great humiliation, and he couldn't say that he didn't hate him. Besides, Xi Liuying was in a high place, and came out in a hurry, and there was only one guard beside him, so he definitely didn't expect someone to attack suddenly.

This person is the eldest princess of the West Qin Dynasty. As long as she is killed, Lord Xiqin will be furious, and Xi Liuyue will definitely march forward. When the time comes, they can be lured into a trap and hit with one blow.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan took the bow and arrow.

Lian Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the imperial concubine was his sister, so it was fine, the anger in Xi Liuyue's eyes had dissipated, Lian Yu couldn't help but secretly thanked Xi Liuying.

"Xi Liuyue..." Lian Yu hesitated to speak, turned her head to glance at Xi Liuying, she was standing too high and far away, she couldn't see clearly, but Lian Yu was inexplicably relieved.

Auntie, you should believe her, she is such a smart and special woman.


Just when Xi Liuyue was about to turn the horse's head, he watched with his own eyes that Chu Yan let go of his hand, a golden arrow pierced the sky and shot straight at Xi Liuying on the slope.

"No..." Xi Liuyue yelled loudly, her eyes were crimson red, radiating fear like a stormy sea.

The incident happened suddenly, the speed of the golden arrow was too fast, it was too late for Anxiang to draw the knife, she rushed forward to help Xi Liuying block the golden arrow but was pushed away by Xi Liuying, and the golden arrow shot into Xi Liuying's chest...

"Sister..." Xi Liuyue roared...

"Ying'er..." Xi Liuyun slapped his horse on the slope, and the Western Qin army was in chaos. Ah Da and Ah Er quickly commanded and stabilized the army's morale.

Xi Liuyue was furious, and she rode her horse to kill Chu Yan, but Lian Yu came to her senses and quickly stopped him, yelling inwardly, Chu Yan really did everything to force Xi Liuyue to send troops!

"Get out of the way!" Xi Liuyue roared, her amber eyes were full of hatred, "He hurt my sister...you still dare to protect him?"

Xi Liuyue couldn't bear it anymore, raised her palm, and slapped Lianyu hard...

The corners of Lian Yu's mouth were broken, blood spilled out, her cheeks became red and swollen quickly, Xi Liuyue's slap was so hard that Lian Yu's eyes burst into gold stars.


"I can't pass!" Lian Yu looked at him firmly, she knew his pain now, but she must not pass, the angry Xi Liuyue would definitely send troops to attack...

Lian Yu's thoughts turned and she shouted, "Zuiyun!"

Chasing the cloud descended from the sky, with huge wings flapping, the yellow sand rolled like a storm, blocking people's sight, Xi Liuyue could only feel her body soaring into the air...

Furious, "Qin Lianyu, what are you doing?"

Zhuiyun grabbed Xiliuyue and quickly flew away from the battlefield, Lianyu got on his horse, and then gave chase, the yellow sand passed by, and when everyone's eyes were clear, Lianyu and Xiliuyue were nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Xi Liuyun immediately ordered the three armies to retreat!

"Xi Liuyue..." On a cliff to the southwest, Zhuiyun had disappeared, only Xiliuyue was standing alone, "Where is Zhuiyun?"

Xi Liuyue didn't answer, Lian Yu glanced at the cliff in fear and widened her eyes.

"Get out of the way!" Xi Liuyue said coldly!
"You can't go back!" Lian Yu urged the guqin, and several wind blades shot at Xi Liuyue, Xi Liuyue did not dodge or dodge, all the wind blades hit him, blood mist flew up...

Lian Yu stopped dumbfounded...

Why doesn't he avoid it?

Xi Liuyue looked at Lianyu, "Qin Lianyu, tell me, did you expect what happened today, and deliberately lured me to let Chu Yan kill my sister?"

"No!" Lian Yu's face turned pale, and she was shocked. In the situation just now, with the relationship between her and Chu Yan, anyone would think so, not to mention that she has fought for Chu Yan in front of Xi Liuyue many times. By all means, it is human nature for him to misunderstand.

"Xi Liuyue, listen to me..."

"Shut up!" Xiliuyue Baojian pointed at Lianyu coldly, and said word by word: "If my sister has any wrongdoing, I will not forgive you!"

"Is it because you don't believe what I said?" Lian Yu smiled lightly, feeling a little relieved. Since Qi Zhiyuan drugged her, she has indeed done a lot of things to sorry Xi Liuyue. Xi Liuyue has tolerated her until now , she has nothing to complain about.

"What else do you have that makes me believe? You, Chu Yan, I will not let go, anyone who dares to hurt my sister, I will not let go!" Xi Liuyue's eyes burst out with hatred, "Since If you don't let me kill him, then I will step over your corpse!"


Dear children's shoes, please make up the first three chapters, the following is the Xiqin curly bird, in fact, I really don't want them to turn against each other... Gone silently.

(End of this chapter)

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