Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 131 The Jade Flute

Chapter 131 The Jade Flute
In the past two years, the situation in the world has changed drastically. Xiliuyue proclaims himself emperor, carves up the northeast, northwest and even the entire northern kingdom, the emperor of Southern Chu dies, and Chu Yan ascends the throne, dominating the Jiangdong and Jiangnan areas. Yue confronted across the river.

In two years, Yan State surrendered, and Yan Bing was named Yan King, and he ruled the original Yan State, South Korea, Qi State and other places. Send Lin Ximu, Dongfang Ao and others to send troops to control the turmoil in Wei and Zhao, and quickly formed a situation of two worlds.

After all, Southern Chu has a deep foundation, and centipedes are dead but not stiff. After Chu Yan proclaimed himself emperor, he reversed the former Southern Chu emperor's power policy and changed to a benevolent government. The new emperor won the hearts of the people. Jiangnan and Jiangdong were the most affluent places in the country. After Chu Yan came to power, he took care of both the military and the economy, and the economy in this area recovered rapidly.

On the other hand, Xiliuyue, the northern kingdom has a vast territory and is famous for its sturdy soldiers and horses, but the land is so barren. Southern Chu ruled for ten years, and everything that could be searched was searched away.

What Xi Liuyue got was actually a poor and white country.

A clever woman can't cook without rice. Even if Xi Liuyue is a talented person, she doesn't have enough food and salary to support soldiers. Moreover, the two countries have been fighting for two years, and the battle line stretches from the northeast to the south of the Yangtze River. The grain and grass cannot be supplied in time, and the military equipment cannot be supplied in time. Ate a few boring losses.

Once, Mingzhou City was besieged for 28 days, without food and grass. Fortunately, Xi Liuyun risked his life to break through and deliver food to the generals in the city. Otherwise, 10,000+ elite soldiers would be starved to death in Mingzhou City.

After two years of fighting, the power of Southern Chu and Western Qin was greatly damaged. Southern Chu lost to the invasion of Western Qin's strong troops, and Western Qin could not supply food and grass immediately. Compared with the rich Jiangnan, Jiangdong and other places, behind Xiliuyue was a barren land.

Both Xi Liuyue and Chu Yan hated each other to the bone, and they did not lose their minds at all. They knew that it was not desirable, and they did it. Gradually, a situation of confrontation across the river was formed. .

Southern Chu, Jingzhou City.

Jingzhou City and Yunzhou City have always been battlegrounds for military strategists. These two cities are located along the Liu River, extending in all directions, with convenient transportation, no obstacles by water or land.

All the richest people in the world gather in Yunzhou, Jingzhou. Yunzhou has been included in the Western Qin territory, while Jingzhou is still the territory of Southern Chu.

In the past two years, a business genius who can compete with the Wang family has emerged in the business world, known as Mr. Yudi.

Rumor has it that this person is like a piece of gentle white jade, with delicate features and delicate features, white clothes better than snow, and a white jade flute often worn around his waist.

Everyone in the world knows this Mr. Yudi. Two years ago, when Western Qin and Southern Chu were fighting fiercely, he came to Jingzhou City and bought the development rights of two silver mines in Jingzhou with a thousand taels of gold. In just two years, he monopolized the minerals in the Jiangdong area, including gold mines, silver mines, and iron mines, among which iron mines are the most important. The iron mines in Jingzhou area are almost monopolized by Mr. Yudi.

From the year before last, some people began to spend money on rice, cloth, jade and other businesses, bribed the prefect of Jingzhou, and shared the right to transport official salt with the Wang family.

In just two years, Young Master Yudi and the Wang family controlled nearly two-thirds of the economic lifeline of Southern Chu, even Chu Yan and Xi Liuyue were alarmed!

Handsome appearance, haughty eyes, iron-blooded wrists, and treacherous transactions... let this young man of the jade flute be covered with a veil of mystery, and he is said to be like a god.


This is an elegant house located in the east of Jingzhou City. It is full of various flowers and plants. The environment is elegant, and it is small and luxurious.

"My lord, this is the bill from last month, please have a look at it!" A handsome man respectfully placed the account book in front of the man in white.

"Bai Fei, well done. We will start transporting iron ore to the north next month. It must be done in a concealed manner so as not to attract the attention of the government!" The cold voice was like spring water, but it was full of majesty.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult!"


"Liuhe is strictly inspected. It is absolutely impossible for all the iron ore to be transported northward without anyone noticing. If you want to go by land, such a large-scale transportation will arouse the vigilance of the officers and soldiers. Since the son once again monopolized the iron mine in Yizhou Afterwards, according to informants, it was discovered that the imperial court intends to deal with us. At this time, the iron ore is going to be transported to the north, and if the officers and soldiers pay attention to it, the young master has planned so hard that the results accumulated for two years will be destroyed in one go."

"When my lord father was alive, didn't he already break through the Liuhe Fortress? We have people along the coast, and they should be able to escape the search in the name of transporting tea."

"Difficult, the emperor has strengthened the search of the Liuhe defense line, and now everything related to food, salaries and military equipment cannot be transported to the north, hehe, my lord, let's not accept the order from Emperor Xiliu!" Li Baifei's voice was rarely joking.

Mr. Yudi rubbed his chin in thought, raised his eyebrows, "This iron ore will have to be delivered sooner or later, since people have to pay, why don't I accept it? It's only natural for a businessman to make a fortune for the country."

Li Baifei, "..."

"Has the ordnance factory in the north been built yet?"

"Two places have been built in Yunzhou!"

Mr. Yudi nodded, "Build a few more ordnance factories. The most important thing right now is to transport the iron ore to the north. The prefect of Jingzhou has changed again. It's really a problem that we can't get the right to be exempted from search."

"Young master, if you don't raise prices, create chaos, and blur your vision, it will probably be easier."

Master Yudi raised his hand to stop it, "No, it is necessary to raise prices, but the time is not up, so I have to call everyone outside, I have another arrangement."

"Yes, it's time for them to come back, young master, why don't we contact the Wang family!"

"No!" Young Master Yudi flatly refused, raising his brows, "Now the Wang family is in charge of the elder sister, and the entire Jingzhou water transportation is under her control. It is a fool's dream to transport iron ore northward under her nose. .”

"Miss is indeed very resourceful. In order to compete with you in the past two years, the Wang family has handed over all the sovereignty to her. Otherwise, young master, you can replace the Wang family and control the economic lifeline of Nanchu."

Young Master Yudi smiled lightly and didn't say much.

"Young master, I heard something, are you interested?"

"You can tell I'm interested by the look of interest on your face. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Haha, I just received the news yesterday that the emperor couldn't resist the repeated bombardment by the court ministers, and finally agreed to marry the eldest lady as the queen, but who knew that the eldest lady refused, and the imperial edict of the queen was forced to be suppressed... Hey, how's it going, are you interested?" Li Baifei smiled treacherously.

Young Master Yudi raised his eyebrows, "A few years ago, my sister wanted to marry him as a concubine, but he rejected her. Now he wants to marry my sister as a queen, but she refused. It's fair."

"Speaking of it, you are the most brilliant, young master. This trick of alienation is really clever."

"Shut your mouth!" The corner of Yudi's lips curled into a cold smile, "Let Xingyun accompany me to the Cao Gang in the afternoon."

In fact, everyone should have guessed that Su Mou'er's children's shoes are not really so awesome. These are the rich resources left by Qin Hua's treacherous guy, including the people around Xiao Yu'er now.

(End of this chapter)

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