Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 132 Xi Liuyue Chooses Concubine

Chapter 132 Xi Liuyue Chooses Concubine
Through the Cao Gang, Lianyu finally opened up the main channel of Liuhe water transportation. In the name of transporting tea, he loaded a large amount of iron ore on board and quietly transported it to the north.

The third batch of iron ore had just been transported away, and Xingyun came to report, "My lord, the eldest lady has come to Jingzhou!"

"What?" Lian Yu narrowed her eyes, she was extremely sharp, she was holding a meeting to prepare for the next few batches of iron ore transportation, it was too late, "Bai Fei, before my sister arrives in Jingzhou, the iron ore that can be transported away , silver mines, and gold mines are all transported away, as much as they take!"


Li Baifei went out, Lian Yu stood up, "My sister has been in Shengjing, watching the situation in Jingzhou from afar, why did you suddenly come to Jingzhou this time?"

Xing Yun said, "Young master, I probably sensed the signs. We really can't do it without alarming anyone when transporting iron ore like this. There are so many people at the dock, and the transportation alone becomes a big problem. All of a sudden, tea leaves and a box of iron ore , the weight varies greatly, if any spies sneak into our caravan, the matter will probably be exposed, and you must be prepared to retreat at any time."

Lian Yu stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, his brows were condensed, he remained silent, his deep eyes fell directly on the sycamore tree outside, and he said after a long while, "I can't go yet, at least half a year. The painstaking efforts I have made in the past two years, I will not leave a single point for Nan Chu."


"Xingyun, let Yunxiang take Duo'er to Yunzhou. She's gone. I don't have to worry about the future, and I don't have to worry about being threatened by someone."

"As ordered!"

Lianyu thought deeply. In the war two years ago, everyone thought that Lianyu had been buried on a cliff and her body was smashed to pieces. She used the name of Mr. Yudi and used Qin Hua's power in Jingzhou to rise rapidly and become the commercial overlord of Southern Chu.

Two years ago, she saw that the world was bound to be divided into two, the Western Qin and the Southern Chu fought for hegemony, the Western Qin had a strong army, but the country was poor, and all the money Xi Liuyue collected was used to raise soldiers.Furthermore, Southern Chu was also ruthless, ruling for ten years, raiding the prosperous West Qin, Qi, Yan and other places, leaving nothing behind.

What Xi Liuyue lacked the most was food and military supplies.

The purpose of her using Qin Hua's dark forces is to stockpile food for Xi Liuyue and prepare military supplies. Most of the money and food she earned in the past two years have been transferred to the north.

The rest is the transportation of iron ore and gold and silver ore. Armaments need a lot of iron ore. Jingzhou is extremely rich in minerals, far more than Western Qin. Lianyu dared not transport iron ore northward in the past two years. Mining is now very strictly regulated.Chu Yan revised the new law, and the Liuhe transportation resistance increased. Moreover, the unknown flow of such a large amount of minerals would inevitably arouse suspicion from the government.

"My lord..." Li Baifei's joyful voice came over, and he handed Lian Yu a secret letter, "My lord, Emperor Xiliu wants to meet you!"

Lian Yu's complexion changed, she quickly took the secret letter, opened it, glanced at it, a smile slipped across her lips, Feng Qingyun raised her eyebrows lightly, "No see!"

"Why?" Xing Yun and Li Baifei asked in unison.

"I'm busy!" Lian Yu sat down gracefully.

Xingyun and Li Baifei looked at each other, sometimes they really didn't understand their young master's thoughts, Lian Yu suddenly asked, "Baifei, Xingyun, you are all left by your father and are from Southern Chu, now you know that I want to Don't you have any grudges against Southern Chu and helping Western Qin?"

"Master, you are joking. Although we are from Southern Chu, we will be loyal to whoever holds the token. Since the Prime Minister has entrusted us all to you, we will naturally serve you as master. Your wish is ours. wishes."

"Why didn't you try to save him at the beginning, there are still many officials in the court, and with the power of the family, it is not difficult to save him."

"It's not that we didn't save, but it was too late. The emperor acted too fast. For the sake of long nights and dreams, he executed Xiangye in private. The news of Xiangye's death came when we started to act. Later, Bai Fei and I went to check on Xiangye's body and found The token is gone, we thought it might be for the young lady, but we haven’t seen the young lady come to us, so I have no choice but to wait, but I didn’t expect it was for you, young lady.”

Lian Yu smiled faintly. In front of her family, the country, and the world, her personal grievances seemed insignificant. She hated Qin Hua before. Before he was alive, Lian Yu couldn't hear him call him father. After he died, Lian Yu was willing to call him father. In the past two years, she was really grateful to Qin Hua for his willingness to help, otherwise she would not have been able to prepare so much food and weapons for Xi Liuyue.

"Understood, I just want you to know, I appreciate you!"

"How can we not be grateful to the young master, the winner is like this, we are willing to help."

Three days later, a news spread all over the world, almost ruining Lian Yu's self-cultivation in the past two years.

Xiliu Emperor Xiliuyue draft!

Yun Xiang looked at her young master's face, she had already figured out the direction of escape, the young master's face was so scary...

Lian Yu crushed the secret letter, her eyes were as bright as a knife, "What's going on?"

"My lord, it's not like that. There is no one in the Western Qin Emperor's harem. Everyone is guessing if there is some hidden disease or something. He has no women and no heirs. Rumors are flying around. After all, it's not a problem. It's not just him. Regarding human matters, he doesn't have an emperor or a woman. What do people in the world say? Besides, the people of West Qin will also be uneasy. The royal family, heirs are the key. Ah, a grown man who hasn't seen a woman for two years, is it true? question?"

Lian Yu raised her eyebrows, and suddenly, hundreds of miles were covered with ice, and thousands of miles were covered with snow.

Damn Li Baifei and Xingyun, if they didn't come to inform her, they knew they would be cannon fodder.

She complains...

Xi Liuyue has been on the throne for two years, and the harem has been empty. He is already [-] this year. Normally, an emperor at this age will have many children. Even though Chu Yan has not established a queen, in order to win over officials, there are many concubines in the harem The main reason is that Qin Chuxue is recognized as the empress of Nanchu, she has been unwilling to marry into the palace, and the ministers can't force her.

Xi Liuyue's situation was different. Since he ascended the throne, as soon as the war stopped, many ministers raised the issue of heirs in the harem, and Xi Liuyue kept sending them back.

Lian Yu really admired him for being able to resist for two years without taking a step back, but he never expected that he would not be able to bear it.

"My lord, are you alright?" Yun Xiang asked Lian Yu distortedly with a look that I care about you very much, but I am very gossip in her eyes.Her son is so calm, there is something wrong!
"It's okay!" Lian Yu said indifferently, she just wanted to kick Xi Liuyue's feet and stab him a few times, it's nothing to worry about.

Lian Yu obviously forgot, she also lied to death for two years, when Xi Liuyue found out, she compared her heart to her heart, wondering who would be more distorted.

"Young Master, are you really watching Emperor Xiliu's draft? I said, Young Master, why don't you recommend yourself, we bring such a dowry, and it will be considered soft food for Emperor Xiliu."

"Shut up!"


If he really dares to marry someone, let's see if she castrates him!
(End of this chapter)

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