Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 133 Leaving Jingzhou

Chapter 133 Leaving Jingzhou
Qin Chuxue entered Jingzhou and lived in the other courtyard of Wang's family in Jingzhou. On the same day, he sent someone to send an invitation to invite Master Yudi to Qiankun Pavilion.

Lian Yu asked someone to answer, and she would definitely attend the appointment in three days.

Lian Yu ordered Li Baifei to buy time to transport another batch of iron ore. Her people returned to Jingzhou one after another. Lian Yu seized the time to let them act and transfer all the business in Nanchu territory as quickly as possible.

Rue Xiang sent Lian Duoer to the ship to Yunzhou, Lianyu no longer has any worries in Jingzhou, and all business has entered the stage of formal transfer.

three days later.

Qiankun Pavilion.

Lian Yu went to the appointment alone, she already had a unique skill, Li Baifei, Yun Xiang, Xing Yun and others were not her opponents, so naturally she didn't need their guards.

When she went to Qiankun Pavilion, Qin Chuxue was already waiting.

Not seen for two years, Miss Qin is still beautiful, calm and gentle, she has a pair of eyes that see the world.

"Yudi pays homage to Miss Qin!"

"I have heard for a long time that Mr. Yudi is a dragon and a phoenix, and seeing him today, he really lives up to his reputation!"

Qin Chuxue looked at the person coming, dressed in white snow, face like a crown of jade, a jade tree facing the wind, holding an iron bone fan, wearing a white jade flute on her waist, adding a little romantic charm.

Jingzhou is really an outstanding person, such a romantic person is rare in her life.

Lian Yu was not worried at all that Qin Chuxue would recognize her, this face was enough to confuse the real one, and Xi Liuyue stood in front of her, she dared to say that she would never recognize her at first glance.

"Miss Qin won the prize, I don't know if I invite Yudi to meet you today, what can I discuss?"

Qin Chuxue pointed at the Liuhe River, her wide sleeves fluttered in the wind, and said with a smile, "Please look, my lord, isn't this Liuhe River transport spectacular?"

Lianyu walked in front of the window, Qiankun Pavilion was built on the slope of the bank, condescending, with thousands of sails on the river, it was clear at a glance.

"It's really spectacular!" Lian Yu said. She had already guessed what Qin Chuxue was going to say. She had been with Qin Chuxue for several years and had observed it very carefully. Miss Qin was always efficient in her work and would not waste time. As soon as it comes out, it must be straight to the point.

"Sir, you know that one-third of the Liuhe water transportation is behind my royal family. After you divide up the official and salt rights, you have to use water transportation. I want to ask you, why don't you join hands with my royal family? The ships, freight, and profits are all ours. Best, the son is a businessman, and a businessman should be profit-oriented, isn't it?"

"What does the lady want to say?"

"Unless the son's purpose is not to make a profit! The Cao Gang is a non-governmental organization, and the Wang family belongs to the imperial court. If you have a relationship with the Wang family, it may not be convenient to transport some things to the north, so you will focus on the Cao gang from the beginning, right? For example Say, rice grains, gold, silver and iron ore?" Qin Chuxue was still smiling, with an amiable smile, but every word he said was stronger than every word, and he was not angry but powerful, "Since last July, the young master has been transporting gold and silver to the north continuously. Rice grains, oil and salt, gold and silver have been transported in large quantities since the beginning of this year, and iron ore has been transported to the north since March this year, I dare to ask my son, what do you mean by this?"

Lian Yu lightly shook the iron fan in her hand, smiling gracefully and gracefully. Facing Qin Chuxue's questioning, she answered calmly, "It's only natural for a businessman to make money for the country. Now Emperor Xiliu is trying to find ways to raise military supplies. Yes, so what if you sell it to him? To make money, selling it to Nanchu is also selling it, and selling it to Xiqin is also selling it. Naturally, whoever pays the highest price gets it, what do you think, Miss?"

"Really? It seems that it is useless to talk about the country with the young master. Let's talk about the law. The emperor has a strict order prohibiting the transportation of rice, grain and minerals to the north. The young master must abide by it when doing business in Southern Chu. Southern Chu laws."

"What exactly does Miss mean, why don't you speak up?"

Qin Chuxue raised her brows, "The two countries are at war, and their schemes are endless. It is not common to use the strengths of the other side to make up for the weaknesses of one's own. Besides, you can stay in Jingzhou for two years. You are indeed very patient."

Lian Yu smiled, kind and amiable, "Miss, what you said is wrong, Yu Di is a citizen of Southern Chu!"

"General Cheng Yu of Xiliu is also a citizen of Southern Chu, but he led the Xiliu army to defeat Southern Chu. It can be seen that it doesn't matter which country the people are from."

"Miss, why don't you say that Nan Chu has lost the hearts of the people?"

Qin Chuxue's eyes turned cold, and Lian Yu smiled faintly, "Miss Qin San didn't deserve to die back then. The emperor couldn't get rid of her death, right? If there hadn't been that incident, I'm afraid San Miss would have been with Xi Liu long ago. Fighting side by side with the emperor and living a good life in this world, how could you turn against him and be forced off the cliff in the end?"

Qin Chuxue took a deep breath, her face turned pale, and her calmness faded for the first time, "Who are you?"

"Master Yudi!"

Qin Chuxue's eyes sank, "Tell me, is Xiao Yu'er... still alive?"

"Alive, what are you going to do?"

Qin Chuxue said coldly: "Don't change the subject for me!"

Lian Yu smiled, "Miss Qin, now you know the meaning of Miss San's life and death. Do you know why she lost her memory at the beginning? It was because she was drugged, a drug that would confuse her mind, otherwise she wouldn't have lost her memory." She will get close to Chu Yan and will not betray Xi Liuyue. If she is still alive, she will definitely do everything possible to help Xi Liuyue by any means. As for you, you are the ruler of the royal family and the recognized queen of Nanchu. You are destined to leave It's not the same way, so why should Missy have trouble with herself?"

"What did you say? What was drugged?"

"Don't you know?" Lian Yu sneered, and looked at Jiang with his hands behind his back, with a flash of hatred, "It's no wonder that Chu Yan probably wouldn't tell you about such a dirty thing."

"who are you?"

"Master Yudi, Qiahe is just Miss San's old friend!"

"Nonsense, Xiao Yu'er is extremely guarded. Apart from Xi Liuyue and Yan Bing, she has no friends at all. How can there be old friends?"

"The young lady will regard me as well-informed and leave!" Lian Yu smiled faintly and turned to leave.

Qin Chuxue stopped her with a wave, "Where is Xiao Yu'er?"

Lian Yu smiled, "I don't know!"

After she finished speaking, she calmly walked down the Qiankun Pavilion. When she returned to the Yufu, Lianyu summoned everyone vigorously, "Xingyun, buy a lot of rice these days and raise prices. Li Baifei, my sister must have no intention of patrolling in the past two days." Water transportation, hurry up and take away the last batch of iron ore, Rue, leave a few people as internal responses, and prepare everyone else, evacuate immediately!"

"Young master, why are you in such a hurry?"

Lian Yuning raised her eyebrows, "I messed up my sister's mind today, she won't investigate too closely for the time being, and only give us time to breathe, she already knows that we wantonly transport rice, grain, gold, silver and iron ore to the north, so she will definitely investigate We have to be stricter, and now that she is not in the mood to personally supervise, we have taken care of all the checkpoints, and we can escape for a while, and when she removes all the personnel, it will be difficult for us to transport."

"Understood!" Everyone said in unison.

Yunxiang said: "My lord, you have already explained the matter of Jingzhou, and leave the rest to us. Just in case, you should get on the boat first! Hehe, Emperor Xiliu is going to be drafted, say Young Master Uncertain can catch up with the last batch..."

This witty remark made everyone purse their lips and smile, Lian Yubai gave her a look, "Get ready, I'm leaving tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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