Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 137 The Greatest Post-Pick in History 3

Chapter 137 The Greatest Post-Pick in History 3
Lian Yu raised her eyebrows, and stood domineeringly with her hands behind her back. Her eyes swept over the civil servants and landed on Li Cheng, "I don't know what other people think?"

Li Cheng was secretly angry, and endured it. Li Li is the most suitable candidate for the empress of West Qin. The civil servants of Li Cheng's faction have already vented, which is equivalent to acquiescing, and the military officer did not move under Xi Liuyue's obstruction, which shows that Xi Liuyue has succumbed to the civil servants, mainly because they are the largest family organization in Xiqin, and they can provide Xiqin with a lot of money, but who knows that a young master of the jade flute will be killed halfway.

"Okay, as long as you defeat Li Li, I have nothing to say!" Li Cheng narrowed his eyes, sure that she couldn't beat Li Li.

Xi Liuyue smiled meaningfully, Li Li breathed a sigh of relief, but Lianyu stepped forward and saluted gracefully, "Miss Li, please!"

Li Li said: "The competition is very simple. The sound of the piano is the criterion. Whoever is more skilled will win!"

Li Li is the unparalleled national player of the Western Qin Dynasty. Her piano skills are famous all over the world, and she is admired by the Western Qin Dynasty. This is why she is confident that she can defeat Lian Yu and win the competition.

Miss Li seemed to have seen the dawn of victory, with a smug smile on her lips.

Lian Yu, on the other hand, did not move her brows, she had a confident and arrogant arrogance, she glanced at Xi Liuyue, and let go, "Okay! Who will decide the winner?"


"Your Majesty, I suggest that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty decide whether to win or lose. One person casts one vote. Whoever has the most votes wins." Li Chengdao.

Xi Liuyue swept across two-thirds of the civil servants in the audience, raised her eyebrows, and laughed, "Why bother, I've heard that Miss Li's piano skills are unparalleled in the world, and Mr. Yudi?"

He looked at the jade flute on her waist, pretending to ponder, "Well, let's judge, everyone is more or less selfish, how about leaving it to nature?"

"What does the emperor mean?"

"I heard that there is a singing girl in the country of Yan. When she played the qin, everyone around her was startled. Butterflies flew to her, circled around her, and all kinds of beasts rushed to her. She listened silently. Whoever can do this will be the queen!"

The court is full of civil and military affairs, with green, red, purple and green faces. Your majesty, if you don't want to get married, you can just say it. Is it worth such trouble?
Yan Bing almost sprayed, uh... When did Yan Country have such a singer, why didn't the majestic King Yan know, he knew?

You have to be more reliable in making up random things!


This condition is really...

So twisted!

Who can do it?

Li Li's face turned pale, Lian Yu raised her lips and smiled, "Okay!"

Li Li's pupils widened and she glared angrily. Lian Yu put on a gentle gesture of invitation. Xi Liuyue lifted her lips, "Little thing, you are so interesting. I have learned this set of etiquette in the past two years. Li Cheng is going to be angry." Mouth.

"Emperor Xiqin cheated, it's so immoral!" Yunxiang complained silently, despising Xiliuyue, and made it clear that she only wanted Lianyu.

"That's right, it's too bullying!"


The palace maid put down two guqins, sat opposite each other in the middle, burned incense, cleaned her hands, and played the piano. Li Li played a quiet south wind song, which was calm and leisurely. When she closed her eyes, she seemed to be able to see a light yellow sea of ​​flowers, and the fragrance of flowers wafted across her face. Come, the breeze is blowing, the flowers are swaying, and layers of light yellow waves are coming, the fierceness is a little softer.

Lian Yu closed her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly. Indeed, this song is wonderful, unparalleled in the world.

Li Li is worthy of being the unparalleled national player of the Western Qin Dynasty, with outstanding piano skills.

Lian Yu is an extremely proud person, because she has the capital, the child prodigy of Nanchu, who kills the world with music, this is her glory, but her arrogance will not become her fatal wound.

Because she will admit someone who is better than her.

If she only fights for piano skills, she may not be able to win Li Li. This woman's piano skills have reached an unsurpassable state. The two of them can only be regarded as having their own strengths. It is extremely difficult to surpass.

But when Xi Liuyue put forward such a perverted condition, it was obviously a release.

Lian Yu was a little unwilling, this guy obviously recognized her.

Fortunately, he can still pretend.

Li Li played the piano, and the audience was silent, immersed in the world she created, enjoying the beauty of the piano sound, the natural relaxation and temptation.

It wasn't until she finished playing that everyone didn't recover for a long time.

The lingering sound surrounds the beam, and what is said is true.

"Okay, okay..." Xi Liuyue took the lead in clapping her hands and applauding, even Yu felt that she was unparalleled at that time, and showed an appreciative smile.

Li Li scanned the whole place, but there was nothing, and she couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes.

"Master Yudi, it's your turn!" Xi Liuyue laughed.

Lian Yu's eyes shot at him, Xi Liuyue looked at him provocatively, and smiled brightly, it's very likely that you will leave without playing, Lian Yu has the impulse to kill him.

"It's your time!" Xi Liuyue murmured, seeing that she really started to play, she actually had the urge to look up to the sky and laugh out loud. The past kindness and resentment were all washed away in the music.

For someone so proud of her, she could give up her principles and play "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" in public. How could he not understand the meaning behind it.

Lian Yu...

You surprise me every time!
Li Li kept looking at the jade flute. After being disappointed, she was nervous, and after being nervous, she was relieved, and then smiled arrogantly. Her unparalleled piano skills could not be achieved, let alone him.

I felt relieved a lot, and looked at Lianyu with disdain, as if he was just wasting time.

The first zither sound pierced the sky and played high-pitched. Li Li sneered even more. Such a high-pitched sound seemed not very good, but the more she listened, the more frightened she became...

"Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", this is a song that expresses love for the sweetheart, and everyone in the world knows it.

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, everyone was surprised by the boldness of Mr. Yudi, even Yan Bing was secretly surprised.

This is not the "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" in Yinsha, but a song that is admired by the world in the world of love. No matter how bold people are, they dare not to ask their love in front of the civil and military forces of the Western Qin Manchu Dynasty in public. Emperor, express your affection.

Ke Lianyu did just that!

Everyone couldn't see a trace of unnaturalness or embarrassment on her face, so natural, so innocent, her face was like a crown of jade, and as light as a spring mountain.

Pick and choose slowly, the sound is melodious and soft; after one section, the sound becomes more and more brittle; after two sections, there are more and more chanting and kneading, and the notes are stagnant, blending into infinite lovesickness.First feel that the wind is light and the clouds are diffuse, and the sky and the earth are clear; then feel the spring thunder rolling, and the warblers fly and the grass grow;At this time, on a scorching sun day, everything was quiet, only the sound of the piano could be heard.

Everyone thought that Lian Yu didn't know how to measure and dared to play the piano to show her love in public, but only Xi Liuyue knew that this piece was played specially for him.

The palpitation was only for a moment, but it warmed his two years of loneliness.

This is the most extreme way for her to express her emotions...

Suddenly, the sound of the piano changed!
The lingering sound of the piano immediately splattered with murderous intent!
(End of this chapter)

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