Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 138 The Widow's Queen

Chapter 138 The Widow's Queen

The tune is still quiet, it should be said that it is quieter and softer, like a pair of gentle hands caressing a child's face.


Anyone with internal strength knows that it has changed!

"Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is the unique skill of sound killing, one after another, the wind blades are pushed to the distance invisible, the tune is surprisingly long, like a wave, rippling round and round.



a while.

Outside the palace gate, there was commotion, Li Cheng and others were startled, and a faint smile appeared on Xi Liuyue's lips...

There was a loud bang, and following the turmoil of the imperial forest army, a group of ferocious beasts swarmed into the square, startling all the civil and military ministers to stand up and shout for help.

The folk customs of the Western Qin Dynasty are fierce, and there are many circuses in the capital, including hummers and tigers. The west of the capital of the Western Qin Dynasty is surrounded by mountains, not far from here, and there are many wild animals in the mountains.

Seen from the top of the palace, the scene was unusually vast.

A long row of ferocious beasts, tigers, leopards, mountain deer, pangolins... galloped towards the palace, and pedestrians on all sides gave way one after another. These ferocious beasts flooded into the capital city and into the palace like a flood, but no one was hurt, and they went straight to the palace. The target is coming.

Among them are two giant pythons, which are even more frightening.

The body of the snake was as big as the mouth of a bowl, spit out scarlet snake letters, and snaked towards it. The timid pedestrians were terrified and unconscious.

The giant python raised its tail, showing off its powerful and flexible body, and moved forward gracefully.

The swords in the hands of the Imperial Forest Army fell to the ground one after another, watching this vast scene in horror, someone screamed, and the entire Imperial Forest Army fled in all directions, even forgetting to close the palace gate.

Tigers roar, leopards cry, horses neigh...snake dance...a spectacle once in a thousand years.

Looking at the sky again, it is even more black and oppressive, colorful, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, blocking all the sunlight...

Thousands of birds fly together and butterflies dance together.

Almost all the beasts that you can name, that can live in the land of West Qin, have been summoned.

The whole palace is boiling...

Big mess!
All the beasts rushed into the palace with an unstoppable momentum, and ordinary beautiful women were frightened and fainted.

The tune became softer again, and I saw all the beasts flocking to Lianyu like a tide. With Lianyu as the center, they sat quietly in a group, listening to Lianyu playing the piano meekly. One of them looked like a tiger king and howled twice. , excitedly rushed towards Lian Yu, and her huge body obediently lay down at her feet, extremely docile.

Two giant pythons, one on the left and the other on the right, protected Lianyu, spit out scarlet snake letters, rolled into one piece, as tall as Lianyu, with high heads, looked at the ministers fiercely, and dared to bully My master, I swallowed your arrogance, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to take a breath.

A group of butterflies danced around Lianyu, a colorful bird stood on Lianyu's shoulder, raised its head and screamed, seemed to be very happy, fluttering there.


Even Xi Liuyue, who had anticipated this scene, thought it was too incredible.

Control the beasts.

She is simply the king of beasts, the master of beasts.

Be it the ferocious tiger, the bloodthirsty leopard, or the cold-blooded boa constrictor...all obeyed her command, the audience was in turmoil and screaming, but not a single murder occurred.

Butterflies dance, colorful birds dance, beasts sit quietly and listen.

This kind of scene is rare in their lives.

Li Li was completely shocked!

The entire palace has been taken over by beasts!

A piece of black.

This scene just corresponded to Xi Liuyue's words, all the beasts sat and listened quietly, surrounded by butterflies.

The young man played the piano silently, with a serene expression, soft eyes, and even a little smile on his lips. Beside him, there were some ferocious beasts surrounded by colorful birds and butterflies. This picture is so beautiful!

The beauty is so harmonious, so spiritual.

He combined gentleness and fierceness together, even she thought it was so charming.

After the song is over, the audience is silent.

No one made a sound.

Lian Yu reached out and stroked the head of the colorful bird on her shoulder. Although it is small and colorful, it is the king of all birds.

Crack, clap...Three rounds of applause sounded slowly, and Xi Liuyue was full of smiles, "Mr. Yudi's song really shocked everyone and became famous all over the world!"

"Didn't you know it a long time ago?" Lian Yu raised her eyelids, too lazy to cooperate with him in the show.

Xi Liuyue laughed loudly, the docile white tiger beside Lianyu stood up with a whimper, and roared twice at Xi Liuyue, very hostile.

Lian Yu smiled provocatively, Bai Hu was happy, and yelled harder at Xi Liuyue.

Xi Liuyue, "..."

Does he need to be reduced to being roared by a tiger?

This song is truly famous all over the world!
"Your Majesty, this is not fair!" Li Cheng also came back to his senses, forgetting his fear, and shouted sharply.

Xi Liuyue raised her eyebrows, "Where is it unfair? All the nobles have witnessed with their own eyes that Mr. Yudi has fulfilled the promise made by the widow, and since he has achieved it, he has passed a test."

Li Cheng's face turned into a pig's liver with anger, and Li Li's face was pale.

She lost!
Lost so completely.

She always thought that her piano skills were unparalleled in the world, so she let out the words. She didn't expect that the jade flute was also a unparalleled national player, or even better, and could attract all kinds of beasts. Looking at the past, they were all ferocious beasts, clamoring and galloping, which was extremely spectacular.

What kind of person is needed to control all beasts and let them command?
Yan Bing seemed to have noticed something, but felt that something was wrong. With Lianyu's character, if Yueyue dared to let her do this in public, she would have walked away long ago.

How could it be possible to really lose Yueyue's move.

This girl's awkwardness and arrogance are unmatched by ordinary people.

Li Cheng glared at Lianyu angrily, only to see the boa constrictor stretch out, spit out scarlet snake letters, wag its tail, and seemed to rush at him, Li Cheng was so frightened that he fell down on the chair, his whole momentum blew out.

Rue Xiang gave a thumbs up, "My lord, you were born to be admired!!"

So tough!

Lian Yu stood up, not avoiding suspicion at all, walked up the steps openly, surrounded by colorful butterflies all the way, and proudly walked towards Xi Liuyue.

Xi Liuyue narrowed her eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, Lian Yu stretched out her hand, and coldly threw two words, "Pull your fingers!"

"Young Master Yudi, are you thinking of someone asking for a marriage?" Xi Liuyue looked at her with a surprised expression, her face not blushing and her heart beating.

The white tiger below started roaring again.

"Enough is enough for me!" Lian Yu pressed her eyebrows, and they would be bright with a little sunshine, she really wanted to throw him down.

Xi Liuyue stood up abruptly, took off her thumb, pulled Lianyu, lowered her head and kissed her fiercely, while raising her hand, put the finger on her thumb, the audience was shocked.

What a shocking thing that the majestic Emperor Xiqin kissed a man.

However, Xi Liuyue did just that.

The kiss is domineering and affectionate.

Turning around with her arms around Lianyu, she raised her hand suddenly, her voice shook the sky, "From now on, Qin Lianyu is the queen of the widow!"

A hammer!
As an aside, I recommend an article, Bai Yue's 99 children's shoes "Marrying for 99 Days", and Ye Wei in the trump card is a series of articles. I am very cute in this article. The protagonist in it is more evil than my Yueyue. If children's shoes like it, you can Go check it out!

(End of this chapter)

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