Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 139 Recommending Bai Yue Xinwen to Marry a Male Protagonist of the Same Model as Yue Yue for

Chapter 139 Recommending Bai Yue Xinwen to Marry a Male Protagonist of the Same Model as Yue Yue for 99 Days
New York, USA.

Mo Ye, the godfather of the Italian Mafia, got married today, and married Cheng Yingying, the eldest daughter of the largest drug lord in the United States.

The two major gang organizations in Italy and the United States have joined forces.

All gangsters gathered to celebrate this feast.

"Mr. Mo Ye, would you like to marry Miss Cheng Yingying as your legal wife?"

"I am willing!"

"Miss Cheng Yingying, would you like to marry Mr. Mo Ye as your legal husband?"

"I am willing!"

Talented man and female appearance, a match made in heaven.

While exchanging rings, there was a sudden, puffing sound, the sky fell apart, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and the wedding march came to an abrupt end.

The high-heeled shoes kicked on the ground, making a icy sound.

A female figure slowly appeared in the light circle, and everyone was shocked.

Tall and slender, with beautiful features, black clothes, cold eyes, pulling a suitcase.

Suddenly, the whole church seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ice.

Eleven, the ace military division of Longmen, the number one killer in the international rankings, a ruthless woman who is enough to make the entire underworld terrified, her temperament is like a death god who has walked out of hell.

The carnage was hard, absolutely hard.

"Long time no see, Mo Ye!" Eleven's cherry lips parted slightly, and the half-smile look made one's heart break.

"Eleventh... aren't you dead?" Cheng Yingying exclaimed.

"Death?" Eleven's eyes locked on Mo Ye, his eyes were cold, "In this world, only other people die for me, no one can make me die for him, Mo Ye, he is not worthy!"

The Italian mafia and Longmen have always had deep hatred, and both sides have a sworn hatred, but the dramatic thing is that the two brothers Mo Ye and Mo Jue used tenderness to deceive Eleven and Ye Wei at the same time.

Among the two women, one is the ace military strategist of Longmen, the number one killer in the international rankings, and the other is Ye Feimo's younger sister, known as the underworld princess, who is second only to eleventh in the killing rankings.

Unfortunately, the two fell in love with the two brothers Mo Ye and Mo Jue, and the information was leaked. The Longmen branch was bloodbathed and suffered heavy losses. Annihilate the Longmen Headquarters.

This matter has become the laughing stock of the whole underworld. Everyone is waiting to see the good show of Longmen, watching how the Italian Mafia cannibalize the largest Chinese gang-Longmen.

Ye Wei chose to die with Mo Jue in a fit of rage, and the entire Longmen was distraught.

Eleven set up a trick to cheat death, just for today.

"Eleven, even if you kill me, you won't be able to escape from here!" Mo Ye said coldly, his face covered with frost.

"Escape?" Eleven narrowed his eyes, the entire church was frozen for miles, and pointed at them one by one, "You, the leader of the Italian mafia, you, the overlord of the American drug lord, you, the master of the Fireworks Gate in the Philippines, you, Rose Master of the hall, you are all going to die, and the entire Chinese gang is still in the hands of Longmen, how is this game going?"

Everyone was shocked and commotiond.

Eleven sneered, and focused on Mo Ye, how did this man deceive her?

Back then in the jungle of South America, she was seriously injured and was in danger. It was Mo Ye who suddenly appeared, tender and tender, she went from indifference to acceptance, and then from acceptance to acceptance. Only she knew how much struggle she had.

Jiyu almost left Longmen in order to prevent him from being chased and killed by his enemies in the future.

It's not that she didn't doubt Mo Ye, but because she loved him, she believed in him. The result was that the entire army of Longmen was almost wiped out, Ye Wei died, and Longmen became the laughing stock of the entire underworld.

Love, vividly.

The shame is also vivid.

She loves Mo Ye, but at the same time, she hates Mo Ye.

"Eleven, don't you want to choose to die together like Ye Wei?" Mo Ye's iron-blooded lips curled into a cold-blooded smile.

Flicking his wrist, the pistol was already in his hand, aiming at Mo Ye, dozens of pistols were revealed at the same time, aiming at Eleven.

The atmosphere is on fire.

"You don't deserve to mention Ye Wei. Mo Jue is dead, and he deserves to die. Ye Wei is dead, and you are all destined to be buried with him!" Eleven sneered, his eyes swept over the process, "Mr. Cheng, I advise your son-in-law to give up his life obediently. This is your last chance."

"Eleven, what a big tone, look here, you still can't kill Mo Ye!"

"Really?" There was a treacherous smile on the corner of Eleven's lips, and he kicked open the suitcase and found out a little girl.

Eleven sneered, "Now do you know who you are against?"

This little girl is Cheng Hang's most precious daughter, Cheng Xiuxiu.

The situation turned around in an instant.

"Let go of my daughter!"

"Is this marriage still going on?" Eleven's eyes fixed on Mo Ye.

Mo Ye narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Bow, the first shot... hit Mo Ye's right leg, the man's foot softened, and he almost knelt down. Everyone saw that Cheng Xiuxiu was being held hostage, and Shi Shi only aimed at Mo Ye, thinking that she just wanted to avenge her humiliation. Dare to act rashly.This woman is the number one killer in the world, who dares to mess around.

"Do you regret it?" Eleven asked coldly.

Mo Ye broke out in cold sweat, gritted his teeth, "Win the king and lose the bandit!"

Swell!The second shot... hit Mo Ye's left leg, and he could no longer hold on, kneeling in front of Eleven.

Blood stains the feet...

"No one has ever cheated me and still be at ease, and you, Mo Ye, are no exception!"

"Stop, stop, don't shoot!" Cheng Yingying yelled frantically, with tears in her eyes, the people on Mo Ye's side were suppressed by Cheng Yan, and they dared not shoot.

"Eleventh..." Mo Ye seemed to want to say something, but hesitated to speak, and looked at her with complicated eyes. She had beautiful facial features, and her body was full of iron and blood. She seemed to stand up, and Eleven mercilessly fired another shot.

"When you ordered the destruction of Longmen, you should have the consciousness of today."

"Mo Ye, I love you!"

"Just because I love you, I can't forgive you. Forgive myself." Eleven's heart is like a knife. More than 300 people in the Longmen Branch died because of her and Ye Wei. How could she forgive him and herself.

"I know!" Mo Ye smiled.

"So, let's see you in the next life!" I hope that there will be no enemies and no conspiracy.

Swelling... the third shot, right between the eyebrows, Lin Feimo fell into a pool of blood, dying...

The whole scene suddenly became chaotic, screaming, cursing, all in one piece, Eleven looked at his body, smiled poignantly, and pressed the remote control.

"Everyone can't leave!"

They let Longmen withdraw from the competition of underworld forces, so they naturally want to let Longmen come back. These people are all gangsters, and none of them can escape.

"Cheng Xiuxiu, I'm sorry for you!"


A huge mushroom cloud rises, and the entire church disappears.

This article and Ye Wei's article are series articles!
Ace is temporarily blocked, wait for me to change Ye Wei's background, (*^__^*) hehe...

(End of this chapter)

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