Chapter 107 Afraid of Thieves
Back home, busy day.

After hastily eating dinner, she was already nestled in the big bathtub, taking a comfortable bath of flower petals.

She bought the big wooden barrel when spring began. In the past, the Chen family didn't have the habit of taking a bath. They just wiped it casually, or just rinsed it quietly.

She really couldn't bear it, she had been talking about it for a long time throughout the winter, and finally bought a big wooden barrel after more than half a year.

If it is winter, soaking the cold hands and feet in the comfortable hot water is not to mention how comfortable it is.

Even at this time, closing your eyes and soaking for a while can drive away the exhaustion.

Just waste water!
Every time she was reluctant to let her father and Yun Sheng go to fetch water outside the city, her mother and younger sister were both weak women, so they were naturally pampered and even more reluctant, so she had to drive a carriage to fetch water outside the city and come back.

Driving a horse to fetch water, it is said to be No. 1 in the Imperial Capital, which immediately attracted countless eyes.

She didn't care too much, but being pointed out by others made her feel bored.

She couldn't help thinking that it would be much more convenient to dig a well at home in the future.

After taking a bath, she had already changed into clean clothes.

It was not too early, parents had already gone to bed, and there was still a candle burning in Yunsheng's room, probably still studying.

She tiptoed into the back room. Grandma had already fallen asleep, and her younger sister was still lighting the oil lamp at the side table, sewing a satchel while waiting for her.

Chen Qingqing gently stroked the satchel on her body. The fabrics are all plain and beautiful, and the fine stitches are very beautiful.

The eldest sister always carries a bunch of strange things on her body, such as rouge, gouache, various medicine bottles, paper and pens, embroidery needles, daggers, and so on.

Two of the satchels that my sister sewed last year were torn. This year, she couldn't help but sew them with thick fabrics to make them stronger, and added a small compartment bag inside.

Seeing the little man stroke her body, Chen Yuanyuan's heart warmed, and she immediately grabbed her.

My younger sister has a small body and such a cute young face.

If I was abducted by that little bastard in the future, I would really be reluctant to bear it.

Last month, she asked her younger sister to go to Tianyifang to take the embroiderer assessment, but her grandma was in poor health, so her younger sister had to give up and take care of her grandma at home.

Chen Yuanyuan touched her satchel, pursed her lips, and stopped talking.

Qingqing seemed to see what she was thinking, and even said softly: "Sister, don't talk about finding a maid again. My sister is capable, my parents are busy, my brother has to go to school, and it's just right for me to take care of my grandma at home. How can anyone else?" My granddaughter is taking good care of me."

"But Tianyifang..."

"My grandma used to love me the most. It's right for Qingqing to take care of my grandma now. It won't be too late to talk about it when grandma is better."

Seeing that her sister was still pursing her lips sullenly, she couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Qingqing wants to go to Tianyifang, but she just wants to share the burden for the family. Now that my sister can earn money, Qingqing runs the house at home, so she just shares the burden for the family. Sister Mo worry."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed inwardly, her sister embroidered so well, how could she not like it?

The two sisters didn't say any more, so as not to disturb the old man, they crawled to one side and fell asleep.

One night, all was well.

Early the next morning, Chen Yuanyuan sent her parents to Fulai to work again.

I'm afraid this is the only shop waiter who comes to work every day in a carriage.

Shopkeeper Song came to her specially for this reason.

Now according to her earning ability, parents don't need to do chores at all.

Her father is an honest man, he scratched his head immediately, and said: "Boss, I can't do it either, just let me work, and it's still the same as before!"

Shopkeeper Song couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, Yuanyuan's business would only grow more and more, and he knew that Chen Zhengping wouldn't do it for too long, even if he wanted to, his daughter wouldn't.

So, several people discussed that after the fall, it would not be too late to dismiss the alternate mistress after the busy period.

The Chen family couple thought that their daughter's workshop was too busy, so it would be good if they were fired to help their daughter with work, so they agreed.

However, the couple also remembered Shopkeeper Song's great kindness, and Liandao wanted to teach the newcomer the work by hand, so as not to cause trouble for the shopkeeper.

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't stop laughing, and was busy working in the cabin again in an instant.

The wooden shed already had a lot of goods on display, and as soon as the door was opened, many people came to buy all kinds of rouge and gouache.

While helping people put on makeup, she remembered the incident of the workshop thieves.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves!

She didn't know who the thief was, it might be a colleague, or it might be a vendor who was thinking about her secret recipe, but after thinking about it, she couldn't think of who it was, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

But this matter made her feel vigilant.

In this business, if someone poisons the goods, even if there is a little bit of pollution, the consequences of breeding bacteria will be unimaginable.

It seems that I have to go to the government in the afternoon!
Report this matter to the police first, it is most suitable for the government to find the culprit, and then you have to go to the workshop to strengthen prevention.

She was putting on skin care and makeup for the girls when she saw Mo Qinghan coming again.

This man came every day for ten days in a row!

So much so that every time she sees Mo Qinghan, she thinks of spicy strips, even if she likes to eat them, she can't stand eating them every day.

She couldn't help but wryly smiled, feeling that a mouth ulcer was about to occur.

Fortunately, Mo Qinghan doesn't give spicy sticks every day, and there are many snacks and gadgets, which surprise her every time, and she can't control her mouth, eating happily.

In the end, she returned them all with sachets and essential oils, and Brother Mo never refused to accept them.

The man walked slowly to the cabin, and suddenly felt cramped.

He couldn't help asking: "Does Yuanyuan want to buy a bigger face?"

It is now early May and the weather is cool and comfortable.If it is hot in June, and there will be more guest officials coming and going, the small wooden shed will probably be very stuffy.

Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan pursed her lips and pondered for a while.

She really wanted to rent a store. The small wooden shed has been in operation for half a year and has accumulated many customers.

Recently, the workshop has been on the right track, and the products have gradually increased, and there is no room around the wooden shed.And when there are more people, the cabin that has been exposed to wind and rain may not be able to bear it.

But recently, she couldn't spare time to visit the front door.

There are a lot of chores in the workshop, and I wanted to hand over the secret recipe to Qingqing. Qingqing is 12 years old this year, and her work is faster than ever, and it is easier to have her younger sister to help.

But grandma is in poor health, so Qingqing can't leave.

Parents have just discussed resigning after the fall, and now they want to find a store to open a shop, I am afraid that they will have to wait until the fall before they have time to prepare.

Probably seeing her hesitate, Mo Qinghan thought she couldn't make up her mind.

He couldn't help saying: "Don't be in a hurry, why don't you let me help you find a suitable door face, Yuanyuan will not be too late to make plans."

"Brother Mo, will this be too much trouble?"

"Call me Big Brother Mo anyway, why not be Big Brother?"

He smiled warmly, relying on the power of Wolong Pavilion, it is more than enough to find a prosperous shop in the imperial capital.

Chen Yuanyuan immediately smiled brightly and cupped her fists to express her thanks.

"Then trouble Brother Mo, Yuanyuan owes Brother Mo a meal."

Seeing her clasped her fists, Mo Qinghan's brows and eyes were soft, and she followed her example again: "We sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes don't need to be polite."

(End of this chapter)

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