Chapter 108
Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing when she saw him imitating his own accent.

Just as he was smiling, he suddenly caught sight of a carriage slowly stopping not far away.

A person got out of the car, it was Huangfu Shaohua.

It's been a few days since I left the palace, this man's eyes are stained with black cyan, I don't know if he is busy, or is he singing every night in Yunmeng Pavilion?
Thinking about it this way, can't help but taste a little bit?

In her gloomy association, the man in brocade clothes had already walked slowly into Fulai Tower, without even giving her a look.

This man is always like this, hot and cold, making people confused!

Just as she was thinking, Qingfeng, Huangfu Shaohua's personal bodyguard, had already come to her side.

"Miss Chen, my master is here to invite you."

She pursed her lips, did he have to go if he asked?

In fact, she still went spineless!
Mo Qinghan looked at the leaving girl with dark eyes, although he didn't know the relationship between the two of them, this child hid it very deeply and couldn't see the joy or anger.But the way Yuanyuan looked at him was different from ordinary people.

That kind of difference makes people... jealous!

Huangfu Shaohua sat in the box, closed his eyes and meditated.

For several days in a row, I clearly warned myself not to come again, but I couldn't help but quietly come every day.

Seeing her safe and sound, I feel inexplicably at ease in my heart.

However, seeing that brat Mo Qinghan following Yuanyuan every day, the two of them flirt with each other even more, and finally they can't sit still and get out of the carriage.

Who is Mo Qinghan?

His investigation is very clear!
The master of the rivers and lakes, who can take both black and white, has power and wealth far beyond that of ordinary wealthy businessmen. Why did the majestic pavilion master appear in the imperial capital?Still talking and laughing happily with an ordinary girl from a poor family?
That stupid girl Chen Yuanyuan, is she really not afraid of selling herself?

He moved his fingers slightly, and suddenly smiled wryly: Seeing her so happy, what are you afraid of, maybe it's too late to be happy!
Just as he was thinking, someone came in from outside the door.

The girl pursed her lips and looked at him suspiciously, with puzzlement and a hint of resentment in her eyes.

"Eldest young master, why did you find me here?"

He pinched the center of his brows, called Mo Qinghan Brother Mo, and called him the young master, the young master, the young master?So unfamiliar and polite, when will he be called—Brother Huangfu?
But when he thought about it this way, he couldn't help but get hairy all over - Chen Yuanyuan was probably crazy, that's why she called him that.

Sometimes even if there are thousands of words in my stomach, when I meet someone, my words suddenly become dull.

After a long time, he said: "Mo Qinghan, this son is not easy, it's better to be careful."

When the words fell, I felt that I was talking too much.

After hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan was puzzled and shook her head repeatedly: "Brother Mo is a very nice person. He saved my life. If the young master called me just for this, you should worry too much. Yuanyuan has her own measure."

She pursed her lips and pinched her palms, and really wanted to ask, what did she mean when she said that she could rely on him that day?

Don't give her the slightest illusion!

However, she, who has always been straightforward, suddenly became hesitant when faced with this son's stern face.

When she summoned up the courage to speak, the man in front of her had already stood up.

"You say yes, then yes."


Huangfu Shaohua couldn't help smiling warmly, the smile was softer and shallower than ever before, as light as a feather floating alone in the void, it actually made people feel a little distressed.

Chen Yuanyuan choked for breath, only to hear the man speak again.

"It's so good, this young master should also retire after his accomplishments."

Seeing that the person was about to leave, she hurriedly shouted: "What do you mean, I don't understand!"

"You don't need to think about it, I should go too."

After speaking, the person walked away, leaving Chen Yuanyuan with an inexplicable expression and a slight pain in her heart.


What the hell do you mean?
Why did you show a hurt and farewell look on your face?
How could this make her not think too much?

I hate people who only say half of what they say!
She gritted her teeth and stood there, clenched her fists, and wanted to run out to ask, but felt that everything had nothing to do with her!
She will never forget Mrs. Huangfu's words. She is rational and calm, and she will not allow the Chen family, which is getting better day by day, to be destroyed by anyone, even if there is a slight possibility!
However, that little bit of bewildering illusion made people restless!

With a low growl, she closed the cabin and drove out of the city alone.

Only by getting away from the place with him as soon as possible can I feel a little more at ease.

As the afternoon approached, she had already arrived at Zhoujia Village on horseback.

In order not to think of Huangfu Shaohua's lonely eyes, he worked even harder, so that all the work in the next few days was completed, and even the semi-finished products were prepared and refrigerated in the freezer.

The aunt saw that she didn't even eat lunch, and kept busy with her frowning silently until the sun went down, and she couldn't help worrying.

Chen Yuanyuan also knew that her condition was not right, so she could only force out a smile to let her aunt stop worrying, and then discussed the arrangements for this month with her.

Only by planning in advance can it be carried out in an orderly manner!
Not wanting to wait for her to finish processing, it was already dark, so Auntie decided to keep her overnight.

In the afternoon, she had already told her parents to go to Zhoujia Village.

In the past, she also had the experience of staying at the eldest aunt's house. At first, she was worried and wanted to report to the government. Later, the number of times increased, and her parents felt relieved.

She curled up in the bed by herself and fell asleep in a daze, but it was a restless night.

I don't know if I thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night, but at night I kept dreaming about that bastard Huangfu Shaohua—what did you say? I'm leaving, goodbye!Never see you, Chen Yuanyuan, you bastard, get lost!

After she woke up, she was angry and annoyed.

Before dawn, I washed up, stared at the dark circles under my eyes and went to work in the workshop until I was too hungry, and then I planned to return to the city after lunch.

She ate her lunch hastily, and was too absent-minded to drive back to the city in her carriage.

Back home, my parents were still working upstairs in Fulai.

I didn't sleep well all night, I wanted to rest for an hour or two, but I was afraid that my parents would be worried, so I had to go to Fulai Building to report to my parents that they were safe.

Coincidentally, I happened to hear the merchant who came to inquire about the batch of goods.

She said that she wanted to bring her jade skin milk to the south of the Yangtze River to sell while there was a merchant ship going south today, and it seemed that there was a merchant ship from the Huangfu family dispatched today, and it was the eldest son Huangfu who personally led the trip south, so there might be a business opportunity this time.

When she heard it, her whole body shivered!
Huangfu Shaohua just said a bunch of inexplicable things yesterday, and he is leaving today?

It's really annoying, what does it mean?
Did it just go away out of nowhere?

This man is not coming back!

Is it just like that shit Lin Sangong, separated for several years?

Thinking of this, I don't know what happened, and the apex of my heart suddenly clenched into a ball.

Painful and angry, her little face turned pale and blue!

At this moment, she didn't think of anything else, she just wanted to ask that man if he would come back or not!
After thinking about it, people have already fetched paper and pens in a hurry, leaving behind a crooked letter.

If you tell your parents personally, the couple will definitely not let her go far away, so they have to go first, and when she comes back, she will be scolded and scolded!
(End of this chapter)

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