Chapter 114
At dawn, the governor of Fengzhou was awakened by his servants, saying that it was the young master Huangfu asking to see him.

Although I don't know what happened, but it must be imminent to make the hot and popular people around the new emperor come to find him early in the morning.

He hurriedly dressed and went out to meet people, unexpectedly after some explanation, he found out that a servant of Huangfu's family was missing!At first he was a little displeased, but after hearing that the missing servant had saved the life of the young master, he managed to suppress his depression.

In any case, it is a human life, so we had to send the Fengzhou navy to search around.

Two large ships are already searching the sea.

The governor of Fengzhou was on board, introducing the current situation of the surrounding waters with Huangfu Shaohua.

Before the third son of Lin disappeared, the third wife of Lin has searched the surrounding sea area, and even the nearby pirates have been suppressed by the fingers, almost extinct.As for the rest, they don't have any skills and can't live long. They are all a group of vicious people!
Upon learning of this, Huangfu Shaohua's handsome face suddenly darkened to the extreme.

Seeing this, Mr. Fu Yin was secretly amazed - this young master Huangfu is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, yet he cares about a servant so much!
Huangfu Shaohua swept across the boundless ocean, clenched his fists, no matter what he wanted to find out!

Fortunately, Huang Tian paid off, just when everyone was about to go back home, they finally found the stars in the distance.

Huangfu Shaohua landed on the island with strides, and suddenly found the secret signal left by Qingfeng.

The governor of Fengzhou personally led troops ashore to catch the pirates, but before they moved, one of them flew away, and the momentum of the latter's sudden rise was frightening!

Huangfu Shaohua's cold eyes were stained with murderous intent, and he was anxious because he didn't find any little thief along the way.

Seeing a fire in front of him, he quickened his pace immediately.

Before he got close, he could already hear the man's perverted cries of mad laughter and crying? ? !
Huangfu Shaohua was startled, he hastened forward, fearful and angry, he could even imagine Chen Yuanyuan crying and calling his father and mother, at this moment, he wished he could peel off all the pirates alive!
Even he couldn't bear to touch a single strand of her hair, how dare...

The front door of the main hall was opened, and when Huangfu Shaohua came to the door, his legs froze in place, unable to take a step forward, what was going on in front of him?
〣(Δ)〣? ? ?
I saw a young man with a handsome face sitting on the mink fur bench, who couldn't distinguish between men and women?Or girl?
I saw this person with his long hair rolled up and tied high into a ponytail. At this time, he was lazily holding a feather, facing the little dwarf who was tied up in front of him, as if he wanted to scratch the latter's sole?

And the person who stood aside and indulged was Qingfeng? ? ?
Huangfu Shaohua suddenly had a mouthful of blood stuck in his chest, he couldn't get down or get up.

He swept around and saw a group of pirates hanging upside down under the beams like bats, begging grandma to tell grandpa.

Huangfu Shaohua suddenly felt, shouldn't he come?
He couldn't help but touch his forehead, so he shouldn't worry about Chen Yuanyuan, the little devil!

At least people are fine, as long as people are fine!
After searching for people all night without sleep, Huangfu Shaohua's eyes were already stained with bruises, but at this moment his tense face finally softened a lot, and even his brows and eyes were stained with a touch of tenderness.

If it wasn't for the girl in front of him being too arrogant, he would be very excited and happy at this moment.

Chen Yuanyuan, who was holding the feather, raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw Huangfu Shaohua suddenly appearing, and was surprised again in a flash.

Didn't expect him to save her?
In the previous life, she was used to living and dying on her own, no matter whether it was good or bad, she was the only one from beginning to end.

So even if she was kidnapped, she never expected that someone would come to rescue her, but Huangfu Shaohua not only came, but also brought a group of soldiers with her!
Her heart warmed up, saying she wasn't moved would be a lie!

The governor of Fengzhou had already arrived, and immediately ordered the navy to search around. There were no water bandits who had escaped, and he was shocked and swept away the nearly thirty bandits who were tied up, especially those who were lying on the ground, powerless. Shorty Lee!
This person has absconded from the hands of the Fengzhou navy many times, raped and abducted, robbed wealth and raped all kinds of crimes!
Chen Yuanyuan came to Huangfu Shaohua easily, and was very surprised to see that the latter's aura was restrained and he did not look like an aloof and noble son in the past.

Before she could speak, Huangfu Shaohua pulled her behind and spoke slowly.


After finishing the short word, it warmed my heart.

The man stopped talking, but the warmth seemed to emanate from him, so that her whole body felt refreshed, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

But soon Chen Yuanyuan couldn't laugh anymore!

In the morning, she wanted to go back to the inn, but when she thought about it carefully, these thieves were habitual offenders who did a lot of harm, and they might be able to find a lot of gold, silver and jewels, which could be regarded as eliminating disasters for the people!

Of course, the gold, silver and jewels she and Qingfeng searched from all over the island, of course... have to be handed over to the imperial court!

She wants to cry but has no tears, but fortunately, it is just some unknown wealth, passing by.At least the girl she rescued from the cellar, as well as many coolie men, can be regarded as something to gain.

The pirates were escorted onto the ship, handed over to the navy, and put in prison.

As night fell, the moon and stars were sparse, and the distance from Fengzhou City was only an hour, so it was also suitable for sailing.

A group of people slowly boarded the official ship and set sail.

In the dim night, no one noticed the dark shadows running around the shore.

Chen Yuanyuan followed Huangfu Shaohua, and the two of them didn't say much along the way, but the dwarf Li who was tied to the deck kept staring at her with resentful eyes, wishing to swallow her alive.

She felt uncomfortable being stared at, and suddenly a person stood in front of her.

The patrolling official ship is not big, and it is not easy to dispatch two official ships. At this time, there are many guards on board, let alone a cabin for the servant.

Huangfu Shaohua simply stayed by Chen Yuanyuan's side, the makeup on the girl's face hadn't faded, she stayed quietly by the side.

Many soldiers on the boat were laughing, they didn't want to come out, but they caught the dwarf Li who had been on the run for many years. You must know that the latter was very cunning and escaped from them time and time again.

Everyone couldn't help sighing that the missing boy was capable, no wonder the young master wanted to search for him.

Only then did she know that Huangfu Shaohua had been looking for her all night, and that he had gone to the government to look for Mr. Yin, the mansion. She quietly looked at Huangfu Shaohua, and saw his stern side face, under the hazy moonlight, which looked a little nicer. unreal.

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't stop laughing, it seems that someone is a proud man with a cold face and a warm heart!
Just as she was thinking, there was a commotion in front of the bow, and before she could move, the pirates in front had already broken free and started fighting with soldiers.

After nightfall, the dark and turbulent sea seems to hide a huge sea monster in the depths.

Suddenly, Chen Yuanyuan felt a pain in her foot.

At some point, there was a water snake under her feet!
She exclaimed, and suddenly a person rushed towards her, and she saw that it was the short Li!

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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