Chapter 115
The dwarf Li Chihong's eyes were about to burst, as if he wanted to cut Chen Yuanyuan into pieces.

Thinking of being "served" by scratching the soles of his feet just now, and being forced to reveal the gold, silver and jewels that he had painstakingly hidden for many years, the short Li was humiliated, and regardless of his injuries, he crazily stepped forward with a knife!

Huangfu Shaohua's complexion changed suddenly, he cut off all the water snakes running around under his feet with his sword, and quickly blocked Chen Yuanyuan.

The governor of Fengzhou was also horrified. In terms of strength, Shorty Li is definitely not a name, but his ability to escape is definitely the first. He is as cunning as a sea mouse, sneaking around and disappearing in an instant.

After leaving the island for a while, dozens of long snakes sprang out from nowhere and swam on the boat.

The pirates on the two boats took advantage of the chaos to break free and jumped into the sea to escape.

After nightfall, the deep and turbulent sea water can't be seen at a glance, and the depth is unknown.

The dwarf Li couldn't catch Chen Yuanyuan, and was subdued by Huangfu Shaohua with a few tricks, so he was furious.

The dwarf Li was seriously injured and was dying. He had no life in front of him and no way out behind him. In a fit of rage, he thought of dying with Huangfu Shaohua. He jumped into the sea with Huangfu Shaohua in his arms, dripping with blood.

In just an instant, the two figures had already fallen into the sea.

Chen Yuanyuan's pupils shrank, her head went blank for an instant, she jumped into the sea involuntarily without any consciousness.

It was unexpected that he could come to rescue her.

She has always been alone.

In her previous life, her father neither cared for her mother nor loved her, and never expected that someone would come to save her—she didn't want to, and no one would come.

Why struggle if you can't climb up?

Some people face the sun, some people must fall into the darkness.

Where there are angels, there must be demons, otherwise who will set off who is great?
She is willing to degenerate, like a cannon fodder female supporting role who will not survive three episodes, and she is also willing to do so, never resenting anyone.In life, not everyone is the protagonist. Where there are red flowers, there must be green leaves. Let’s play a supporting role, isn’t it good?
She doesn't need anyone to remember, she doesn't need anyone to be pitiful, and she doesn't need anyone to like her!

As long as she wants to live alone in the world of feasting and feasting, that's fine.

But now, there is actually one person who is willing to sacrifice his life to save him, and is dragged into the bottom of the sea...

Looking back on the past, this man seems to have always been by her side, if he suddenly left...

She is reluctant...

she is hurting...

At this moment, she seems to, it turns out that she also likes someone...

The governor of Fengzhou did not panic when he saw the young master of Huangshang falling into the sea. Most of the people along the coast of Fengzhou would swim. Unexpectedly, the young master had been pulled into the sea before long, and there was no sign of surfacing.

The old housekeeper Huangfu on the side burst into tears: "My young master's water skills are not good!!! Hurry up and save people!"

Fu Yin was terrified when he heard that, he was dragged into the sea because of his poor water quality, he was afraid that he would almost die!The eldest son of the most popular family in the imperial capital, if he finishes playing with him, wouldn't it be his death?
In an instant, it was the yamen servant who was ordered to hunt down the pirates, and went down to the sea to find people!
Chen Yuanyuan dived into the water and was the first to find them because she saw them fall with her own eyes.

In an instant, my heart trembled violently.

It was the first time she saw Huangfu Shaohua showing such an expression. He was calm and composed in the past, like a man who could not be defeated by anything, but his eyes were stained with helplessness and panic... despair.

So fragile, it's heart-wrenching.

With a sharp pain in her heart, she quietly appeared behind Shorty Li like a mermaid.

If you can subdue people once, you can subdue them a second time!
In addition, the dwarf Li was seriously injured, and at this moment, he was just dragging Huangfu Shaohua deeper and deeper with a sense of resentment.

The surrounding water pressure made it difficult to breathe.

A hand knife savagely knocked people unconscious, and she snatched Huangfu Shaohua with both hands and feet. Shorty Li Ruyi grabbed her arm tightly, his strength was so great that blood oozes out, the color of blood is in the sea water Smudged and open.

She kicked him away, and Li, the dwarf, rolled his eyes and sank into the bottom of the sea completely.

Chen Yuanyuan was terrified and slowly moved Huangfu Shaohua upstream, but unexpectedly the latter's expression was wrong, as if he was about to suffocate to death...

Her heart skipped a beat, she closed her eyes, and her cool lips slowly approached.

Please, live.


The tactile sensation on the lips is captivating, and the breath that belongs to her is enveloping him completely.

The remaining spiritual consciousness made him open his eyes.

The fine eyelashes of the girl in front of her trembled, and there was no brilliance under her tightly closed eyes, but just this was enough to make one's heart beat, a heart only belonged to her at this moment...

Thank you for being so selfless.

He closed his eyes slightly, and pulled him into his arms. His long sleeves already blocked their faces, completely blocking Mianmianni.

Someone started to fight back, and the aggression swept through all her sweetness.

Sensing someone's counterattack, Chen Yuanyuan was startled and wanted to break free, but her body was slowly brought to the surface of the water.

Shaking away the phantom of being pushed into the pond and drowning when he was young, even if the water quality is not perfect, he is a warrior after all, and his blood is boiling with his breath, and the movement of his body slowly brings people out of the water.

The two took a deep breath, and all the soldiers and guards surrounded them.

The soaked clothes revealed the girl's figure without a doubt, and a lot of makeup on her face had faded. Huangfu Shaohua, who was blushing and heartbeating, had already taken off his outer shirt and covered her body from head to tail.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered his servants to find a dry outer shirt and replace it.

In a wave of panic, more than half of the little pirates were killed or injured, and only a few were able to escape, and I am afraid that they will not be successful in the future.

Fortunately, there was no danger, Fengzhou Governor Yin let out a long breath, and ordered the soldiers to deal with the aftermath and rush back to the city at a high speed.

The sea breeze at night makes people feel cold.

The two acted unconsciously in the water just now, covering their mouths with thin skins, and did not speak for a long time.Chen Yuanyuan lowered her eyes and dared not look at him, for fear that others would hear her beating heart...

It will take at least an hour to return to the city, and Fu Yin vacated another cabin for the young master to rest.

As for the servants, there is naturally no special arrangement, and the soldiers will squeeze into the same cabin or deck to guard and catch the little thieves brought back.

Without saying a word, Huangfu Shaohua directly pulled the girl who had never spoken, and entered the cabin.

How can she bear to be outside alone.

In the not-so-spacious cabin, there is only one made-up bed, and on the deck there are made-up cushions for sitting on the ground.

Just now there were many people outside, but now there are only two people, and the atmosphere is very strange.

Seeing the embarrassed woman, Huangfu Shaohua felt joyful, it's not that he doesn't care!

Chen Yuanyuan already wants to leave, how can she be alone in the same room?

Unexpectedly, just as he moved, he was already being held back.

"Would you like to accompany me?"


Low-pitched words, provoking people's hearts.

Chen Yuanyuan panicked suddenly, she had nowhere to put her little hands, and felt that she was very timid at this moment, wasn't she just a man?
If you like it, throw it down, if you don't like it, don't mess with it!

Of course, I think so!
But a certain person whose mother and fetus were single for more than ten years finally admitted his love and stayed obediently.

 I feel that the writing is very bad. I don’t know if there are still people chasing it. If you are still chasing it, please ask for a ticket to give the author a little motivation~~hahahahaha~ I’m asking for a ticket~(ω)

(End of this chapter)

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